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Hvitr Valdyr's Space Wolves

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Been away for a little while. But I can see this thread is going as strong as ever.


Lovely conversions. Really doing a great job of Primaris Wolves. Quite jealous of your progress and getting new units like the Bladeguard and Tech Priest converted up. You seem to have a fantastic method of making really characterful and creative conversions and sending them to be painted. Seems like you can maintain momentum on the very creative side of buidling these awesome models without slowing down on the sometimes tedious painting step.


This thread is a joy and inspiration. Great stuff.

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Been away for a little while. But I can see this thread is going as strong as ever.


Lovely conversions. Really doing a great job of Primaris Wolves. Quite jealous of your progress and getting new units like the Bladeguard and Tech Priest converted up. You seem to have a fantastic method of making really characterful and creative conversions and sending them to be painted. Seems like you can maintain momentum on the very creative side of buidling these awesome models without slowing down on the sometimes tedious painting step.


This thread is a joy and inspiration. Great stuff.

Thanks so much, I really appreciate that.


Whipped up a themed “armorium cherub” for my Long Fangs today, a Squat Loader. Uses an Arkanaut with a right arm from a Cogsmith and loading arm from the Kataphron Destroyers. I replaced the axe head with another tool pommel from a different arkanaut axe. In my headcanon, Russ rescued a Squat stronghold after the destruction of their home worlds and invited them to settle on Fenris. Will tie into the fact that I use a lot of dwarf weaponry (squat-forged) and the Norse aspect of dwarves as metal smiths.




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  • 1 month later...

I made a new bare bones leader for my big Long Fangs since he can no longer take a storm shield.



Since I was at it I decided to take a stab at a big terminator and made a Wolf Guard to accompany the pack.



Here is the pack together (including Squat “armorium cherub”)


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Thanks everyone!


I’m not trying to emulate Krakendoomcool or anything but I appear to have made another of the 12 Wolf Lords. Picked up Adrax Agatone on a whim with an eye to make him into a wolf of some sort at some point. I was torn between making a custom guy for Ragnar's company, a Primaris Kjarl Grimblood, or a new lord of the Firehowlers to replace Sven. I came across some artwork depicting some of the Wolf Lords in the fang and what appears to be Grimblood jumped out at me. The figure has the emblem of the Fire Wolf at least and even has flames engraved on his shin armor. So I decided to make a primaris version of Kjarl Grimblood. Here he is with a broad bladed hunting spear and heavy bolt pistol. I'm considering making a Squat shield bearer to accompany him holding a relic shield, that will allow me to run him as a Wolf Lord with the Indomitus Captain loadout. I may add some flames to the spear head and give him the burning blade relic, just to tie in with Kjarl's predilection for flaming weapons. In keeping with the artwork I gave him Grimblood's symbol on the right pauldron, taken from Dren Redblade. He has upgraded his wyrm skin to a mighty cloak. I used a Grey Slayer head with a messy mohawk and beard. I thought about giving him a wolf headed backpack from Ragnar but decided to keep the usual exhausts matching the art, so I used one from Haldor and added a Wulfen trophy rack to top it off.





New Grimblood




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HvitrValdyr, just so much damn cool stuff going on here - I'm sad that it took me this long to comment. Like NightHowler, I've also got some designs on the idea of that Armorium Cherub, and likely a few servitors for an Iron Priest as well (game rules be damned).


I really, really like the "embiggened" Long Fangs pack, it looks awesome as well.


Your Grimblood has convinced me that my Wolf Lord out of Adrax won't look out of place, and his fluff is slowly coming together. So I selfishly thank you for jumping in there with that model - now I just have to finish my Hounds and diving on in with the cutting for my Lord. Grimblood looks so cool, and I think you should very much do the shield and the flaming spear.


Finally, that Ulrik is ... I really don't have words. When you paint that, anyone would be hard pressed to prove that isn't a model GW makes. It came together beautifully - I would love to know exactly what you did, because I had plans on using Ulrik's cape and Crozius with the Sergeant Jovan model, but it has just never come together fully (the outward oriented pauldron keeps throwing the different ideas I've had). Your model, however, looks perfect - if you had never posted the image with the resin, I would have believed it was somehow a copy you got slipped by a sneaky GW insider - truly. I think it just works fantastically.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys!


@Bryan Blaire Ulrik was a lot of cutting and test fitting. For the cape specifically I removed the back pack attachment from the Primaris chaplain and filed his back to have the cape fit snugly. The outstretched arm initially caused some issues as the angle is different from the chaplain’s original pose. I’ve seen other do a similar conversion and it looks like they were able to get the 2 to line up but I’m not sure if they reposed that shoulder pad. I ended up using the banner bearer arm from the firstborn command squad and removed the forearm from it, and replaced it with the chaplain’s decorative forearm.


Next up is a simple Intercessor squad with regular bolt rifles.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent stuff.


Love that Kjarl Grimblood! That awesome artwork was great inspiration for me too, to make the Grand Annulus. Although I’d done the Wolf Lords by the time it came out. Pretty sure that’s Kjarl in the picture you are right. Using Adrax seems like the perfect choice. Really like the little Mohawk head it’s just like the artwork. It’s a small thing but really enjoying the Wolf head snorting fire on the belt buckle. As it happens the last thing I was working on was making some Salamander Terminators for a friend from Wolf Guard parts, so I’ve done the reverse Wolf to Dragon head. The shin flames and cloak are perfect for the model too.


Really enjoyed seeing him. You’ve done quite a few of the Wolf Lords now...


Ulrik is looking very dynamic too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks KDC!


Wolfed up 3 more outriders for 2 squads of 3. Changed up the arms to create different poses on these. Also decided that I'm reorganising the packs and will put the 3 with grey slayer masked heads together as 1 pack, with the other 3 as the second.





Edited by HvitrValdyr
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The final step in a Wolf Priest’s training is to become a living embodiment of the chapter’s history. This requires more than a complete knowledge of the sagas and legends, the individual must serve as an example of the significance of such a storied past.

To become such an example, the inductee must live up to the chapter’s rumored original purpose by serving as the one of the Emperor’s Executioners. He takes as his weapon a symbol of execution. For some this takes the form of an enormous weighted sword, for others a traditional headsman’s axe. Regardless of the weapon’s type the charge is the same: to be the ultimate sanction against those who deny the will of the Allfather.

The candidate is taken deep within the Fang, to he Gate of Morkai, the place where he began his final test as a new recruit before tasting from the Cup of Wulfen. Here he takes an oath to Morkai, the guardian of the gates of death in Fenrisian lore, and is promised to the service of the Deathwolf til his days are ended.

Now dubbed Death Sworn, he is clad in armour of ancient design. The most dangerous parts of the armories of the Fang are opened to him. Particularly, he is given access to the deadly Yimiria class stasis bombs, relics from 10,000 years ago which can distort time around their target, ensuring their destruction.

(Repost of my Judiciar fluff for my Wolves)


A second Judiciar, aka Death Sworn, for my Wolves, this one with the more traditional executioner's axe. The axe comes from the chaos master of executions, cut down and carved into a Dane Axe shape. Body is another dechaosified plague marine.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hvitr, your last month and a half’s work is once again inspiring!


I really like the idea of using the bolter ends of the Wolf sprues to enhance the Outriders - I think restraint there is key - changing them all would be too much, but their use on just the pack leader is great.


Where did your lascannons for the Firestrike Turret come from?  And did you take the decorations for the barrels off the TDA assault cannon bit?


I absolutely love that Judicar, he’s awesome, and amazing choice of bits and work on the axe!


Your conversions are always great, and I’m glad you are brave enough to charge ahead on these things - they help build ideas for the rest of us, and I think that my work definitely reflects some of the ideas you have moved forward.

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