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Hvitr Valdyr's Space Wolves

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Hvitr, your last month and a half’s work is once again inspiring!


I really like the idea of using the bolter ends of the Wolf sprues to enhance the Outriders - I think restraint there is key - changing them all would be too much, but their use on just the pack leader is great.


Where did your lascannons for the Firestrike Turret come from?  And did you take the decorations for the barrels off the TDA assault cannon bit?


I absolutely love that Judicar, he’s awesome, and amazing choice of bits and work on the axe!


Your conversions are always great, and I’m glad you are brave enough to charge ahead on these things - they help build ideas for the rest of us, and I think that my work definitely reflects some of the ideas you have moved forward.

You are too kind sir. I’m glad to hear my efforts have inspired your own. I really enjoy the conversion part of the hobby. You are correct that the lascannon decoration cam from a Wolf guard assault cannon. The guns themselves are from AM heavy weapons teams.

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  • 1 month later...

Photo dump of painted stuff.


Torvald Orksbane, the One Eyed, King’s Thegn, Right Hand of Ragnar.

(Primaris Wolf Lord with MC Power Sword and Relic Shield)






Torvald is a grizzled old wolf who has fought with the Vlka Fenryka for many years. As a Blood Claw he saw Berek Thunderfist become lord of the great company and was eventually invited to join the Wolf Guard after saving Thunderfist’s life in battle with Orks. It was then that Berek dubbed him Orksbane. One of his first assignments as a Wolf Guard was to represent the Chapter in an honour duel while fighting with the Dark Angels. Torvald was victorious and took his opponent’s blade, an ancient Terranic Greatsword, as a trophy. The sword was reforged by the Iron Priests and inscribed with Fenrisian runes. It has been his chosen weapon since.

For a time Torvald was considered to be Berek’s natural successor but that changed with the meteoric rise of Ragnar Blackmane. When the young Blackmane joined the pack it was Torvald who taught the young Blood Claw the ways of the Vaerengi and the two quickly formed an unbreakable bond. After Thunderfist was slain, Torvald was the first to join Ragnar on the hunt for their lord’s killer. He lost his eye in the subsequent battle with the Word Bearers.

Upon his elevation to Jarl Ragnar named Torvald as his champion and gifted him a relic shield found in the depths of the Fang’s armoury. It’s origins unknown, there are those who whisper that it once belonged to Russ himself.



Asmund Sleetmaker, Gothi, Caster of Runes

(Primaris Rune Priest)




An ancient mystic assigned by Grimnar himself to watch over and guide the Young King.



Andvari Hamrval, Master of the Forges

(Iron Priest)







The Bludbrodrs, Primaris Grey Hunters

(Eradicators and Aggressors)




Led by twin brothers the pack splits in 2 and adopts different methods of war on the battlefield.



Primaris Blood Claws

(Assault Intercessors)



The newest pack to join The Blackmanes as denoted by their shorn hair. They have yet to earn a pack name.



Siggurd’s Threadcutters, Primaris Blood Claws

(Assault Intercessors)




Varald’s Long Reapers

(Long Fangs)




(Wolf Guard)




Ivar’s Reavers, Primaris Grey Hunters





Faffnir’s Raiders, Primaris Grey Hunters





Othgar’s Swiftstriders, Primaris Grey Hunters





Arne’s Hunters, Primaris Grey Hunters





And finally a terrible photo of my painted force so far


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Guest Triszin

Amazing army you have!


Lord is awesome.



Your aggressors look way better than the standard ones.

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  • 6 months later...

Well it’s been a while. Kind of lost any desire for 40K modeling for a while, as has happened before. But the beast within rises once more and I’m back to the sons of Russ.


So here are 2 Infiltrators or as I’ve modeled them, Primaris Wolf Scouts. I used black Templar neophyte arms for these guys and added the scopes from Infiltrator guns.








Still need to put a touch of green stuff on the helix adept’s left arm to bulk it back up. I also did some micro surgery on his mask to add fangs but they may be a little long.


They will join these guys, originally built as bolter Reivers for Kill Team using the same scout like aesthetic. I’ve since added Infiltrator scopes to them too to give me a 5 man pack.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Coming along great!!

These are awesome

Thanks guys.


2 Primaris wolf lords today. First off my version of Gunnar Red Moon.



Described as “a broad, roaring, laughing bear of a man, Gunnar favours his Long Fangs more than most, for he reasons that Veterans make the best companions in the Feast Hall as well as upon the battlefield.”

I decided to put him in gravis armour to capture his size and chose to use the heavy bolt rifle captain since he likes his Long Fangs. Instead of a MC power sword or Frostblade I’ve given him a large, spiked mace. I figure this bear of a man likes to bludgeon things rather than slice them up. The icon on his backpack is the standard top from the old goblin wolf chariot. I’ve had it in my bits box for years and thought it fitting for a man whose sigil is a wolf skull in front of a red circle.



Next is ol’ Fierce Eye himself. Lord of the Drakeslayers, Krom Dragongaze.




Lots of cutting up the original Krom and Primaris Ragnar. I tried to keep as close as possible to the original version, including switching the pouch that is on Ragnar’s right hip to the left side and replacing it with a grenade. I used Krom’s original forearms and found a Wulfen backpack that had the same vent design as his original and put his trophy rack on it. I also repositioned Krom’s hair so it would make more sense with the active pose.


Perhaps the biggest deviation is the leg armour. I decided to keep the existing string of charms on the right leg, even though Krom’s model has some on his left. I removed the wolf tail design from the left leg and added Krom’s winged wolf head in it’s place.


Finally I incorporated the rock with the Ork skull from Krom’s base into the new design.



I’ve decided building wolf lords is a lot of fun, even if I’ll never use them on the table. What started as a “what do I do with these bits now?” project that became Vorek Gnarlfist, has now seen me build 5 Primaris wolf lords, and may yet see me attempt Primaris versions of all 12. At the very least I have plans to turn the new Gravis captain that will release later this year into Bjorn Stormwolf. After that, we’ll just have to see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Allslayer, Gifted One, the Young King himself, Lord Ragnar Blackmane.







I converted the already great looking Primaris model by replacing the outstretched hand with a bolt pistol from Krom and Ragnar’s fancy left hand shoulder pad cut and dremelled from his firstborn fine cast model. Here’s a top down view to see how it fits.




I’ve been a fan of Ragnar since I first started Wolves and 40K back in the early 90s. This is my first painted Ragnar model and in a change from usual 95% of it was painted by me! Of course I went with his original blond hair because that was the Ragnar I first knew and I’ve been very upset with every studio iteration of him since. I’m very pleased with the final result and excited to have him finally lead my Wolves on the table.


And Ragnar’s mentor, Grandfather Lupis, Ulrik the Slayer. About 60% painted by me.



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Fantastic job on both your Ragnar and your Ulrik.


Well done on the OG blond hair, too.




Lovely wolf lords and an amazing Ulrik.

Overall this project is fantastic. Very good work HvitrValdyr, very good indeed.

Thanks guys!


Continuing on with Primaris my Wolf Lord builds I turned the recently released Gravis captain into Bjorn Stormwolf. Described as “a hairy, red-faced mountain of muscle to whom calm and introspection are foreign concepts. A creature of might and ferocity over stealth” just like the Thunderwolf totem he bears.




I replaced his sword with a Frostblade and gave him a head from the 30k Grey Slayers along with a bunch of wolf totems and icons. This makes 6 Primaris Wolf Lords for my collection.


I also made some Thunderwolf Cavalry over the weekend. Not a fan of the actual cavalry aspect so I’ve gone for companions rather than riders.





The marines use true scale mkii bodies from Tortuga Bay. They are a touch smaller than Primaris marines so they fit in well as first borns with my mostly Primaris army. The lightning claws are all converted with the finger blades from Geigor Fellhand. 2 of them were simple finger swaps with power fists. The right hand one required carefully removing each blade individually and rearranging the opposite way. The base power fist for it came from the new Gravis captain.




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Love what you managed to do with the FW Imperial Fist helms, giving therm the viking eye pieces. I had no success with that when I tried.


The claws also look great


Your work is very inspiring and I may need to 'borrow' some of your ideas


Outstanding stuff

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All-Father bless you for the hard idea work you put in, HvitrValdyr, those are truly great pieces!


As I also don’t like the wolf rider aspect, your Thunderwolf Stalkers (not cav) especially hit the spot with me, but all of it is amazing. 


Thanks BB.


Love what you managed to do with the FW Imperial Fist helms, giving therm the viking eye pieces. I had no success with that when I tried.


The claws also look great


Your work is very inspiring and I may need to 'borrow' some of your ideas


Outstanding stuff


Thanks, please borrow as you like. The eye pieces were a lot trickier than I thought they'd be. Some of them aren't as good as others but collectively they work. Speaking of collectively here's where the rest of the helmets went.







My second unit of Bladeguard using MKII inspired bodies from Txarlii Factory. These are fully Primaris size but I'm not a fan of the material they are made in. It doesn't file well and removing mold lines is a pain. I've added wolf decorations as I felt like, trying not to go too overboard. I also made a "heresy era" inspired heavy bolt pistol by taking the grey slayer bolters with their upside down sight and trimming it down to be a similar size to the primaris gun. That guy will have his shield on his back. I'm thinking of painting these guys up in the classic heresy scheme and fluffing them as rejoining the Wolves due to the events of the now soft cannon Ashes of Prospero.

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Eindride Threadcutter.






Put together a Reiver Lieutenant for fun. As I’ve said many times before I’m not a fan of the Phobos armour style outside of my scout type guys so he’s in regular Tacticus MkX. I’ve taken some design inspiration from the official model with the jumping pose, the extended mag on the pistol and used a smaller backpack. For his combat blade I gave him a broken back seax style knife made from a deathwatch xenophase blade.


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  • 3 months later...

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