Lysimachus Posted July 2, 2017 Share Posted July 2, 2017 (edited) Founding: 27th (Ultima)Gene Line: Raven GuardSpecialisation: Void Combat/Anti-InsurgencyOrigins: "It is a thankless, lonely task I set you men. There will be little glory out in the darkness between the stars, few grand wars to be fought. But it is a true purpose, vital to the Crusade, to Humanity and to the Emperor Himself." - Roboute Guilliman.Born of Guilliman's Ultima Founding, the War Dogs were formed from a portion of the fleet elements of the Unnumbered Sons Of Corax. Assigned by the Lord Commander to operate behind the battle lines of the Indomitus Crusade, the War Dogs were originally missioned with protecting Imperial supply lines and eliminating pirates and insurgents, whether Chaotic, heretical or Xenos in origin. The Chapter took to this task with a vengeance, ranging out across the stars in the swiftest vessels they could find, eager to harry and destroy the enemies of the Imperium wherever they could be found.By the end of the Indomitus Crusade, with some small measure of stability returned to the Ultima Segmentum, the Chapter has refocused a sizeable part of its attention on the Cicatrix Maledictum. All along the edge of the Great Rift, the War Dogs track and hunt those traitor vessels that attempt to slip quietly across its borders and target unsuspecting Imperial worlds.Chapter Organisation: "A hundred Space Marines? Hah! I'll do it with thirty-four!" - Captain Maric, 18th Patrol, 'Iron Raptors'.Although the War Dogs were organised according to the strictures of the Codex Astartes at the time of their creation, in the centuries that followed they have adapted to better fulfil their purpose. The primary division of force within the Chapter is now the Patrol. Each Patrol consists of around thirty Primaris Space Marines, led by a Captain. The Chapter uses this higher rank because each Patrol leader is also commander of one or more of the many ships of the Chapter Fleet. This fleet is primarily made up of squadrons of Gladius-class frigates and Hunter-class destroyers, supported by deadly Nova-class frigates, though Patrols have been seen using repurposed Navy escorts and light cruisers. While entirely non-standard, this organisation is perfectly suited to War Dogs' role, allowing their forces to act with far greater flexibility and cover a vastly larger area than an average Chapter.The War Dogs Patrols are typically built around a solid core of Mark X Tacitus armoured Intercessor squads, ably supported by a mix of Photos and/or Gravis units. Inceptor and Suppressor squads are rarely seen, their jump packs proving far less useful within the cramped environs in which the War Dogs usually operate. Likewise, the Chapter maintains very few vehicles other than void-capable transports such as Stormravens or Caestus Assault Rams. However, mobile fire support is provided by a variety of Dreadnought platforms deployed by modified Boarding Torpedoes, which are able to keep pace with the War Dogs fast moving infantry. While many Ultima Founding Chapters have been supplied en masse with the new Redemptor Dreadnoughts, the War Dogs have continued to favour and request the older Castraferrum-Pattern, as its smaller chassis is often better suited when fighting within the relatively narrow corridors of many space vessels.Unsurprisingly the War Dogs Patrols and frigates need a great deal of support, both technical and medical. In an ideal Galaxy, each frigate would have aboard an Apothecary and at least one Techmarine. However, given the sheer number of such vessels within the Chapter Fleet, it is sometimes the case that a Patrol must rely on experienced Chapter serfs in these roles.Combat Doctrine: "Fourteen minutes. Fourteen stinking minutes! That's all the time it took for them to board us, hit the bridge and warp drive, cripple the life support, and leave us to choke... Astartes basta..." - Raun Trenchard, former Captain of the Grand Cruiser 'Ruination', awaiting execution for piracy.The War Dogs are furious close quarter specialists, their equipment and tactics focussed almost entirely on the maelstrom of ship-to-ship combat and boarding actions. Chapter frigates operate alone across the breadth of the Ultima Segmentum, patrolling shipping lanes and searching out the vessels and bases of raiders and corsairs. Brutal boarding torpedo assaults hammer such heretics, delivering squads into the very heart of their defences. In combat, the War Dogs are aggressive and yet tactically precise, channeling their fury into a coldly efficient and effective fighting style. Few renegade Captains are ready to face the physical or strategic power of these highly professional gene-hanced soldiers and are quickly defeated, their crews executed and their ships scuttled. Picapt.ref.WD-221.1+VCM.M41- Sgt Zdravko, 28th Patrol, 'Hellborn'. When heretics are discovered in strength beyond the capability of the Marines of a single frigate or squadron to crush, a Company gathers for the kill, forming a coursing pack consisting of as many as a dozen Rapid Strike Vessels. Any of these ships would be no match for a cruiser or battleship on their own, but as a precisely coordinated fleet, darting in to target key systems or launch boarding parties, they are more than capable of dragging down a far larger foe. On occasion, however, the War Dogs far ranging Patrols will encounter a vastly larger enemy force, an entire Battle Fleet or invasion force. Under such circumstances, the Chapter feels no compunction to engage in a foolhardy or suicidal attack and will instead shadow the enemy, picking off scouts or stragglers even as they send an urgent call for other Imperial forces to prepare a suitably heavy handed response.Homeworld: "For three days it darkened the skies, hiding us from the Emperor-Sun's blazing sight. Then the giants came, clad in iron that turned away arrow, blade and stone, to carry off the youngest of our kin." - Elder Cha'tima, Shaman of the Bison Clan.Given their assignment, it is unsurprising that the War Dogs have never claimed any single world as their home. Instead they operate from a Chapter Barque, the Canis Domum, a huge vessel that travels the stars behind the War Dogs' frigates. It visits all manner of worlds; civilised Hives to feral Deathworlds, primitive Feudal planets to high tech Forgeworlds. From these the Chapter requisitions, trades or simply takes whatever it needs to continue in its mission, whether it be supplies, weapons and ammunition, or young fighters to join their ranks.Within its vast hull, the Barque holds the Chapter's Forges, the Apothecarion where new initiates are transformed into mighty warriors and, at its deepest heart, the stasis-locked vaults that hold the Chapter's precious Geneseed. The vessel's outer edges contain the Labyrinth, a maze of mile after mile of twisting corridors, dead ends, choke points and bastions. This maze forms a part of the Canis Domum's defensive measures, but more importantly also provides the training ground in which the War Dogs learn their skills in short-ranged combat and boarding actions.While the Canis Domum is not a dedicated warship, being too slow to hunt beside the rest of the Chapter Fleet, it is nevertheless fully able to defend itself. Massively thick armour, dozens of void shield generators and countless weapons batteries and torpedo tubes protect its gargantuan hull, not to mention an ever-present and numerous shoal of smaller ships, frigates returning to resupply or awaiting new patrol routes to be assigned. The crews of these vessels would willingly give their very lives to defend the Canis Domum, for it carries within its halls and cavernous holds the future of the Chapter itself.Beliefs: "We are gathered from a hundred different worlds. Tall and short, light and dark, noble men of God and savage hunters. But we are united. United by duty, by training, by purpose. We are the War Dogs, the faithful hounds of the Emperor, and what greater honour could any man ask for?" - Chaplain Acanthio.The cosmopolitan nature of the War Dogs recruits, gathered as they are from countless different worlds and cultures, means that they have no common level of education or unified system of belief. The Chapter considers these differences as of minimal importance. Their Cult is very much a secular organisation, focussing purely on the Marines' duty to the Imperium, the Chapter and their shipmates. Those Initiates gathered from worlds of a religious disposition are permitted to worship the Emperor in their own time as they see fit, with the simple caveat that it must not interfere with either the fulfilment of their battlefield roles or their ability to work together with their brethren as a united force.Hence, Chaplains have become less religious, mythic figures within the Chapter and more morale and cultural integration officers. As such, they are most commonly found aboard the Canis Domum, working closely with the Chapter's recruiting Sergeants. The training given by these stern and dutiful veterans instills in the Chapter's diverse warriors an attitude of professionalism and humility.The War Dogs, as their name implies, see themselves as nothing more than simple, loyal servants of the Emperor and Mankind. While Marines are sometimes boisterous and boastful with their squad mates, like any band of soldiers, there is generally little concern among the brethren for such a nebulous concept as personal glory or any kind of self-aggrandisement. Honours won in battle are nevertheless treasured, but these tend to be kept with a Marine's personal effects rather than emblazoned across their armour. In fact, the Chapter seems to view such decorative adornments as overly ostentatious and ill-befitting for true soldiers of the Emperor.Geneseed: "...Implantation Success: 79%......Genome degradation: 0.06%......Status: Acceptable..."The War Dogs hail from the Unnumbered Sons of Corax. Unlike that of the inheritors of the Raven Guard since the dark days of the Horus Heresy, the Geneseed of the Primaris Marines created by Belisarius Cawl appears to have been cured of all degradations and losses. The War Dogs thusly have a full complement of working implants, though only time will tell whether these will continue to function on a permanent basis. Like all the sons of Corax, the skin tone of the Chapter's warriors tends to pale over time, even as their hair and eyes darken, though this does vary somewhat depending on the planetary origin and genetic makeup of each Marine.War Cry: "Kill! Kill! Kill!" - Captain Jabari, 22nd Platoon, 'Dragon Axes'The diverse cultural origins of the War Dogs Marines, compounded by their Patrols' propensity for working alone for lengthy periods of time, has resulted in a vast variety of battle calls and chants among the brethren. It is often the case that these cries are tied in with the preferences and experiences of their Captains, ranging from the devout to the barbaric. However, some appear to be common to most battle groups, 'For the Emperor!' or 'For Corax!' being unsurprisingly ubiquitous.***** Edited November 28, 2020 by Lysimachus Dosjetka, Allart01, Bedouin2 and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted July 2, 2017 Share Posted July 2, 2017 I like it. Nothing immediately jumps out at me for C&C, but it is pretty light. I'd like to see some of the sections expanded further, like their beliefs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 2, 2017 Share Posted July 2, 2017 (edited) It's adequate. Nothing really stands out, for better or worse- I'm glad there is no "We is Mary Sue Marines!!! We is da bestest!!!" or "Female Space Marines for Social Justice!" nonsense, but the lack of a distinguishing theme will make them fade from my memories. Edited July 2, 2017 by Bjorn Firewalker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 2, 2017 Share Posted July 2, 2017 To distinguish a War Dogs "Captain" (commander of a warship and the thirty Marines on board) from a Codex Chapter's Captain (commander of one hundred Marines), perhaps you should take inspiration from German Navy ranks, and alter the title to "Frigate Captain" or "Cruiser Captain", as appropriate for the type of ship he commands? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted July 3, 2017 Author Share Posted July 3, 2017 (edited) Thanks gents, I must admit I prefer Chapters that don't stand out from the crowd too much, so given that these guys are actually really quite divergent from the Codex (Platoons over Companies, only using Rapid Strike Vessels, etc) I'm happy that it doesn't immediately stand out as odd or 'special snowflake'. Â Beliefs will definitely be added to, plus I generally favour the Octavulg method ( :P ) for highlighting the Chapter's personality (i.e. by adding quotes from Marines to each of the sections). So once I've got the body of it worked out I'll probably be putting a few of those in. Â @Bjorn re: Captains: You make a fair point, and I did consider having regular Captains and then (maybe) Fleet Captain being a Company commander. However, I also figured that within the Chapter those 10 Captains who led the Companies would be known without needing to have an extra honorific? Â I did also think about (and it's an idea I'm liking more and more) saying that when one of these Company-sized Fleets gathers, it's more of an adhoc arrangement of whichever ships are in the area, rather than 'the 3rd Company' or 'the 6th Company' specifically, and therefore command of such a Fleet would simply fall to whichever of the Captains present who had seniority? Could even make for some extra character of having Captains disagree over who should lead... Edited July 3, 2017 by Lysimachus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 Perhaps you should reorganize the Chapter into eight "Flotillas", each composed of four warships, each warship carrying 30 Marines. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted July 4, 2017 Share Posted July 4, 2017 I'm adopting a policy of holding off on commenting too heavily on the Chapters of the Ultima Founding until we know more about the Primaris fluff. On the face of it, the Chapter seems solid, though I'm not completely sold on the name - whilst I completely understand you're going for a 'professional soldier' angle, I think there's something demeaning about dogs that doesn't fit the Astartes. A dog can be leashed, can be pulled to heel, can be told what to do. That's why you tend to have Wolves and Hounds being more Astartes names.  (I have to say that 'Canis Domum' is a little bit too on the nose!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 5, 2017 Share Posted July 5, 2017 "War Hounds" was the original name of the XII Legion- what Angron later renamed the "World Eaters". If the name is too similar to one the Inquisition recognizes as traitors, the Chapter that has it will be screwed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted July 6, 2017 Author Share Posted July 6, 2017 (edited) Thanks again guys!  @Mol: That's definitely valid thinking re: the Primaris, so much we don't know yet! All of the above is subject to change based on whatever GW provides in the (hopefully near) future. My thinking on the name was indeed to give them a feel of professional (and to an extent even disposable?) soldiers, to my mind that's how Guilliman must view them, as a tool to be used to accomplish his goals. There's also a humility to it which i like, of knowing their purpose and getting on with it without any kind of self-aggrandisement? Plus, as Bjorn said, there's the issue of the World Eaters old name to work around too.  The name of the Barque (that one's not an intended pun) is a bit corny, but I must admit I quite deliberately include stuff like that in most of my IAs. I've been a 40k fan for long enough to remember the old days of bad jokes and pop culture references, and I love them all! Edited July 6, 2017 by Lysimachus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted July 25, 2017 Author Share Posted July 25, 2017 Quick update, few areas expanded a bit and added some 'colour' quotes to each section. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 25, 2017 Share Posted July 25, 2017 (edited) The quotes help make the Chapter more memorable. I especially like the Iron Raptors Captain's boast. Edited July 25, 2017 by Bjorn Firewalker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draakur Posted July 25, 2017 Share Posted July 25, 2017 (edited) Good everything. Â Good scheme, good theme premise and execution of it, good layout, good length. A lot of work to be done to be really exceptional I think, if you even want it to be, but if you do that may well come in time as you refine and expand. Â Helluva start brother :tu: Edited July 25, 2017 by Draakur Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted July 26, 2017 Share Posted July 26, 2017 The "Emperor-sun" bothers me, honestly. The "Sun-Emperor" is much better, I think. And "Anon" automatically makes me think of 4chan . . . Â Otherwise, the quotes add a lot of flavor, I love it. Again, nothing really jumps out in the article proper for C&C. It's very standard, as you desired, but certainly not boring. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 26, 2017 Share Posted July 26, 2017 Maybe you can ID "Anon" as "Pirate captain, self-identified as 'Captain Anon' (awaiting receipt of Imperial Navy and Adeptus Arbites records for affirmative identification)" to show it's a criminal alias? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted July 28, 2017 Author Share Posted July 28, 2017 Good points, I might swap to a proper name for the pirate, I guess he'd have given up a name when interrogated anyway. On the Emperor/Sun thing, I was going to put it the other way round but it felt more... I dunno, classically religious if that makes any sense? I was trying for a more 'Native American' tribal feel to the quote, and swapping it around seemed to fit? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted August 23, 2017 Share Posted August 23, 2017 How about name the platoon commanders "Strike-Captains", a rank you should be familiar with? ;) Alternatively, a platoon commander could generally be a Lieutenant but certain platoons are made up of veteran/non-standard/a greater number of Primaris units and their leaders are Captains? Â All in all, I really like your IA. It's tight, well-written, and gives us enough information to pique the interest. Any chance of seeing some War Dog miniatures? :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zouche Chahaya Posted August 23, 2017 Share Posted August 23, 2017 How about name the platoon commanders "Strike-Captains", a rank you should be familiar with? Alternatively, a platoon commander could generally be a Lieutenant but certain platoons are made up of veteran/non-standard/a greater number of Primaris units and their leaders are Captains? Â All in all, I really like your IA. It's tight, well-written, and gives us enough information to pique the interest. Any chance of seeing some War Dog miniatures? Indeed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted August 23, 2017 Author Share Posted August 23, 2017 Thanks guys, glad you like! I guess Strike Captains could work, but it feels a bit odd that they'd pick the same title as the Stormbringers? At the mo, I'm still thinking that all Captains are just Captains and when a larger force gathers it's a simple question of seniority as to which one takes charge? I guess if two Captains really couldn't agree, they might duel for command? Might be something to add... Â Side point, I'm also thinking about support options for the Chapter. I've already said they primarily use Dreads but I'm considering specifying that they mostly stick to and even request Castraferrum chassis rather than Contemptors/Redemptors/Leviathans, because they're smaller and better able to deploy in the confines that the Chapter usually operates in? Â I'd like to do some War Dogs, but it's unlikely to be a full army. Maybe just a squad of Intercessors for the fun of painting them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted August 27, 2017 Share Posted August 27, 2017 Ah, didn't realise you'd already given that title to Captains in another DIY. :sweat: Â Your idea for the Captains sounds good, command duels is a good idea. Perhaps you could have a sidebar with those. Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted November 6, 2017 Author Share Posted November 6, 2017 Figured I'd add this here: Bjorn Firewalker, Brother Lunkhead, Dosjetka and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted November 6, 2017 Share Posted November 6, 2017 Good job on the model. Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lunkhead Posted December 2, 2017 Share Posted December 2, 2017 This is my first look at your DIY Chapter. Good start brother I like the color pattern and the model looks very nice. I have to say I really like the idea of a less glory bound and more of a blue collar chapter, very refreshing. War Dogs.... I love the name! Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Octavulg Posted January 5, 2018 Share Posted January 5, 2018   Specialisation: Void Combat Anti-piracy You know who I hear deals well with pirates? The Imperial Navy. Dandy fellows. Just stellar at it. Among other things, their ships are designed to fight other ships, they have enough personnel to actually capture enemy vessels, and they have enough ships to hang around waiting for pirates to show up and get sucked in to escorting convoys.What do you mean by anti-piracy? Because if you just mean typical 40K pirates, they're not a space-marine level threat, and Space Marines aren't that well-suited to fighting them. This fleet is primarily made up of squadrons of Gladius-class Frigates and Hunter-class Destroyers, supported by deadly Nova-class Frigates. If they have a quickly-expanded fleet, repurposed navy strike vessels would make more sense. While entirely non-standard, this organisation is perfectly suited to War Dogs' role, allowing their forces to act with far greater flexibility and cover a vastly larger area than an average Chapter. You know what I love about the new fluff? The bit where even Roboute Guilliman apparently thinks the Codex isn't really that great. "Fourteen minutes. Fourteen fragging minutes! That's all the time it took for them to board us, hit the bridge and warp drive, cripple the life support, and leave us to choke... gakking Astartes basta..." - Raun Trenchard, former Captain of the Grand Cruiser 'Ruination', awaiting execution for piracy. Fragging? Gakking? Oh, Lysimachus. You can do better than that. I believe in you.Also, if he's captaining a Grand Cruiser, he's the leader of a couple of thousand people, minimum. He doesn't sound impressive enough. "For three days it darkened the skies, hiding us from the Emperor-Sun's blazing sight. Then the giants came, clad in iron that turned away arrow, blade and stone, to carry off the youngest of our Braves." - Elder Cha'tima, Shaman of the Bison Clan. Warriors, not braves. Trust me on this. The cosmopolitan nature of the War Dogs recruits, gathered as they are from countless different worlds and cultures, means that they have no unified system of belief. Eh? What? How? What self-respecting Chapter can't indoctrinate good and hard?  Their Cult is very much a secular organisation, focussing on the Marines' duty to the Imperium, the Chapter and their shipmates. Initiates are allowed to worship (or not worship) the Emperor in their own time as they see fit, with the simple caveat that it should not interfere with either the fulfilment of their battlefield roles or their ability to work together as a united force. Hence, Chaplains have become less religious, mythic figures within the Chapter and more morale and cultural integration officers. As such, they are most commonly found aboard the Canis Domum, working closely with the Chapter's recruiting Sergeants. A typical Chapter, last I checked, doesn't believe in the divinity of the Emperor. Your Chapter, personally tasked with a mission by the Emperor's son (who, y'know, met the guy), and who are more secular than usual, somehow DO. I am confused. The training given by these stern and dutiful veterans instills in the Chapter's diverse warriors Diverse how? It feels like you're just talking ethnicity here, which is a weird thing for 40K to bring up. I mean, to paraphrase Terry Pratchett, in the grim darkness of the far future black and white have put aside their differences and ganged up on green. ...Implantation Success: 79%......Genome degradation: 0.06%......Status: Acceptable... Dull. You can and have done better.  The War Dogs thusly have a full complement of working implants, though only time will tell whether these will continue to function on a permanent basis. Like all the sons of Corax, the skin tone of the Chapter's warriors tends to pale over time, even as their hair and eyes darken, though this does vary somewhat depending on the planetary origin and genetic makeup of each Marine. If you didn't want weirdo goth marines with weird missing implants, why pick Raven Guard at all...?* * *I like them. Then again, I like most things you do.But I don't like the term platoon. Too Imperial Army. How about Section or Patrol or Group or Assault Group or Troop or Commando? Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted November 28, 2020 Author Share Posted November 28, 2020 Sorry for the slightly delayed response, mate. You know how it is, you mean to post an answer and stuff interferes for a day or two... years pass... :P   You know who I hear deals well with pirates? The Imperial Navy. Dandy fellows. Just stellar at it. Among other things, their ships are designed to fight other ships, they have enough personnel to actually capture enemy vessels, and they have enough ships to hang around waiting for pirates to show up and get sucked in to escorting convoys.  What do you mean by anti-piracy? Because if you just mean typical 40K pirates, they're not a space-marine level threat, and Space Marines aren't that well-suited to fighting them. Changed to anti-insurgency, just to cover the idea that they're going after more than just your 'standard' ex-Imperial Navy pirates. Obvs their main target is scary Chaos forces encroaching from the Great Rift.   If they have a quickly-expanded fleet, repurposed navy strike vessels would make more sense. Valid. I do like the style of the Astartes specific escorts better, though. And given the vast war materiel that was suddenly brought out for the Ultima Founding, it seems reasonable that might have included lots of new ships too? (Or even entirely new, slightly fancier, Cawl-approvd Pattern vessels…?) Added that repurposed IN vessels have been seen in War Dogs squadrons.   You know what I love about the new fluff? The bit where even Roboute Guilliman apparently thinks the Codex isn't really that great. It's not 100% from Guilliman, it's partly several hundred years of doing it and adapting. I'll add that in.   Fragging? Gakking? Oh, Lysimachus. You can do better than that. I believe in you. Also, if he's captaining a Grand Cruiser, he's the leader of a couple of thousand people, minimum. He doesn't sound impressive enough Yeah, I guess they've just become the go to 40k curse words. Will edit. I quite like him sounding a bit whiny and pathetic though. He was probably very full of himself when he had a ship, but it's all gone pear shaped now...   Warriors, not braves. Trust me on this. Fair enough.   Eh? What? How? What self-respecting Chapter can't indoctrinate good and hard?  A typical Chapter, last I checked, doesn't believe in the divinity of the Emperor. Your Chapter, personally tasked with a mission by the Emperor's son (who, y'know, met the guy), and who are more secular than usual, somehow DO. I am confused. I'll answer these together. And yep, you are. ;)  First bit is referring to the recruits, who aren't unified in their beliefs. The Chapter could indeed 'indoctrinate good and hard' but being very secular 30k Marines, they don't care what the newbs believe in, as long as they are loyal to the Chapter and fight when and where they're told.  It's not saying they're all religious, just that if a few of them want to be, the Chapter doesn't care as long as they're obedient.   Diverse how? It feels like you're just talking ethnicity here, which is a weird thing for 40K to bring up. I mean, to paraphrase Terry Pratchett, in the grim darkness of the far future black and white have put aside their differences and ganged up on green. Yep, that is true (and you know I'll always listen to a TP quote!) but just because they're basically the same doesn't mean they don't have any issues that the Chapter needs to resolve. There's no one an Englishman hates more than another Englishman from the next County (or even town) over.   Dull. You can and have done better.  Oh, I was quite pleased with that one! I thought that if you read into it, it says quite a lot (about a RG Successor that is 79% successful in its implantation process?) in very few words.   If you didn't want weirdo goth marines with weird missing implants, why pick Raven Guard at all...? All part of the fun of doing a Primaris Chapter is starting them off all neat and tidy!   I like them. Then again, I like most things you do.  But I don't like the term platoon. Too Imperial Army. How about Section or Patrol or Group or Assault Group or Troop or Commando? Thank you, that means a lot coming from yourself. And I like Patrol. So it shall be!   Anyway, I always value your input so thanks, and apologies again for the ridiculous length of time it took to get back around to answering your points.   ***   And these guys are now submitted for acceptance into the Showcase! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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