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FW Black Templar venerable dreadnoughts


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Greetings brothers, I was lurking around FW website and after a while, I'm somewhat alarmed that I can't find nowhere the entry for our venerable dreadnoughts.



I've searched in other websites but I can't find anything about this. Someone knows what happened? Are they gone?

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Still I haven't heard the bell of lost souls sang for them, I've sent a mail to FW asking for them. I'll post here their reply once they answer.

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They got rid of a lot of units as 8th came in, including the dread drop pod. Seems strange to me since they would have likely had increased interest on those discontinued lines...


The chaplain dread is still on there I think, worth considering as good rules and beautiful model.

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They got rid of a lot of units as 8th came in, including the dread drop pod. Seems strange to me since they would have likely had increased interest on those discontinued lines...


The chaplain dread is still on there I think, worth considering as good rules and beautiful model.


It was quite some time ago now when they purged the Dreadnoughts. Many chapters lost theirs at the same time, may have even been at the end of last year.

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Hi There,


Thank you for contacting us about Black Templar dreadnought. As you've seen, we have recently removed several product from the Forge World web store that have been out of stock for some time. All of these products will need substantial work for us to be able to produce them again.


We hope to have many of these products back on sale in the future. Unfortunately we don't yet have a timescale for this work.


I am, afraid all other marks of dreadnoughts no longer on the web store have since been removed from our range and are unlikely to return any time soon



That's their reply :S

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Could be because Primaris dreadnoughts are coming out?


I know FW are quite a small operation and the moulds they use are both expensive and limited use so once they wear out they usually melt them down again to save costs, something like that.

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Either redesign or fixing an old mould.  Can't be 100% certain which despite the email.  


But I'm gonna be the odd man out and say I was never overfond of the FW Templar dread.  It wasn't a bad model, just not the sort that makes my mouth water.  I think it was the size of the 'helmet'...

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I bought this bad boy back when Los Angeles had a Battle Bunker that sold FW items in store (many many years ago).  


I'm just now getting around to putting it together lol


Hopefully GW/FW will release something for us Templars ... Rob from warhammer TV did basically confirm that BT are getting chapter tactics in the upcoming codex.

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Hopefully I can hotlink correctly on mobile... But here are my two FW Venerables. I got both of them in a lot I bought a long time ago. Neither were painted at the time, and the Autocannon variant was painted much more recently (and was really only the Venerable torso) than Missile/Las. I definitely went overboard on shading on the white model. But I love these guys to peices and use them all the time. They are both magnetized for different loadouts but rarely change.





Edited by Cognative
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