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What kind of player, plays Astra Militarum?


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Yes! Chenkov! That's the fellow! I used to have him, but I sold off my Valhallans ages ago now. No regrets. Lovely lovely figure range though. None of the current crop of Guard figures can hold a candle to the Perry versions from 2nd Edition.

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Agreed, All the different Regiments were fantastic. A Golden age for the Guard. The new Cadians (and in my opinion the old ones, but I'm in a minority I'm sure) just lack something. I love mine with a Pith Helmet swap mind you.


I'm assuming in each codex there'll be special detachments that give special rules when filled with <Regiment> keyword models only. No doubt one of these will give a rule akin to Infantry units that are destroyed return to the field from reserves on a roll of 4+ or similar. Like a Guard specific version of the Castellan formation without hideous rules giving you a chance to re-spawn a Land Raider...


Erm... to make me on topic: And that would be good for the Kind of Guard player who enjoys taking lots of troops! Yes, that should do it....

Edited by NatBrannigan
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Guard players who like to make conversions of the stock plastic Cadians?

I'm thinking of building two (!) new Guard armies this edition - one a Grenadier Company from the Tempestus kits with Statuesque minis' female heads for an all-female unit, and another a Homo Sapiens Variatus beastman unit from hundreds (and hundreds) of Conscripts.

I don't expect to finish either before 9th Edition, mind, but I'm planning on them!

Because I'm the sort of Guard player who enjoys taking lots of troops :P

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With the dawn of 8th edition, I have a direction for my guard. I do hope that the Codecies bring back the regiments rules, and perhaps *gasp* kasrkin? Conscripts do seem to be a big thing now, but I still feel that quality shooting is going to be the key to deleting armies, and we do have some quality shooting. 


Guard is refreshingly normal compared to the other factions. In a universe that's so over the top, it's nice to see the normal bad ass type get some action.

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My guard have always been devoted to Khorne, even when I had no actual traitor list available. I ran them as a melee army, despite being normal guard. I highly expected to lose every engagement, and the couple wins they pulled out charging things they had no business charging was awesome.


Upon reflection, I may be one of those unhinged Ork players who just has never had an Ork army.

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I have a contingent of guard that are slowly falling to chaos. Battle by battle they are feeling the pull of the warp at their minds. They're still lovel artillery junkies... for now. Who knows what the future holds? Each battle they play helps guide their fate a little more...
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I play guard because no other army lets you tie in the aesthetics and traits of real-world armies and cultures to such a high degree.  The scope for conversion and the models that Forgeworld and other 3rd party suppliers offer means that every guard army can and should be an extension of their owners personality.  I don't play often enough for rules and tactics to be high on my list of reasons to love guard, but when I do, seeing models that you've invested so much in going in and dying gloriously is pretty rewarding.

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Run Khornate Orks as conscripts for your Khorne Guard army? That's seems pretty fluffy to me?


I do like that Guard can make an addition to just about any army. Genestealer Cults are obvious now, but run them as worshipping a Chaos God, or as humans that have defected to the T'au, or as serfs working under a machine chapter. Some of those are harder to make work on the tabletop of course, but they'd look damn fine sitting on your shelf!

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Humans are probably the third most ubiquitous species in 40K (Tyranids, Orks, Humans) so it stands to reason that you could, and can, use the Guard list to represent:

PDF units (from fourth-line reserves to elite Governor's Guard Regiment types),
Rogue Trader's retinue/household,
Knight Household troops,
Cultists, or Traitor Guard, depending on how rag-tag they are,
Chaos Footsoldiers like the Sons of Sek or Blood Pact,
Non-Chaos renegades (Independence from the Empire!),
Tau gue'vesa troops,
Genestealer cult forces,
Slave soldiers from a xenos empire,

...and more, I'm sure!

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I enjoy making my small in number but elite army of Inquisitorial Storm Troopers Tempestus (is that what they're called now? :happy.: ) loosely modeled on the various XCom games and that sort of theme.  Mostly mechanized with various transports meshed with my Inquisition forces (who now come from like 5 different factions but meh) because I enjoy having a lot of "not-Marines" with occasional Marine allies of a single unit or two.


There's just something about walking up as a bog standard human, punching a Xenos and going "Welcome to Earth" that's enjoyable ;)

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I play Guard because I like the fun and flexibility.  Wanna run an armored list full of tanks?  Do it! Wanna run a list of hundreds of guys wearing cardboard boxes and waving flashlights? Sure thing!  Want to have elite insertion teams dropping in from the sky with more plasma than you can shake a stick at?  Sign up for the Guard, son!  Want to mix it all together into a force? Yep, we got ya covered!


I also enjoy taking models off the table by the handful from time to time...

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I also enjoy taking models off the table by the handful from time to time...



By the handful? Pah! Noob. Real Guard commanders use a dustpan and brush.

For our own troops.



Try assault oriented guard. For awhile I used movement trays just to make removing whole units easier. Bwahahaha.

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Gen.Steiner, on 19 Jul 2017 - 7:58 PM, said:http://bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_images/carbon_red/snapback.png


FallenSoldiers, on 19 Jul 2017 - 4:29 PM, said:http://bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_images/carbon_red/snapback.png

I also enjoy taking models off the table by the handful from time to time...


By the handful? Pah! Noob. Real Guard commanders use a dustpan and brush.

For our own troops.


I am just imagining that Monty Python scene now.........

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I'm going to have to start telling people that my Inquisitors are working as part of Operation Winkle. "To Winkle out the Heretics".


General Melchett has his good points, a fine tactical mind and a Strategic Genius for sure, but I'm more a student of 25 Star General Weebelo Zapp Brannigan. Take this quote from his fine work on how to defeat the Necron Menace:


"You see, Necrons have a pre-set kill limit. Knowing their weakness I sent wave after wave of my own men at them, until they reached their limit and shut down."


He also has fins words to say regarding the elimination of the enemy command structure:


"If we can hit that bullseye the rest of the Dominoes will fall like a house if cards. Checkmate"


And Finally on the importance of concealing your movements from your enemy:


"In the game of chess you can never let your adversary see your pieces"


A true Hero of the Empire!

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