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The New Codexes


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Well according to the new fluff G'man seems to be going against his own work, he is pushing the numbers of the chapters up, and given the state of the imperium, they woun't have the time to count all of the Black Templars, and if they do they won't care as every marine counts.

Edited by Drac0
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OR, and this is a huge salty or, GW could decide to group us with Greyfax and Celestine if the fluff goes down that route (so we'd be to the church what the GK are to the Inquisition) - This would make sense fluffwise and it would give us and the ordo ministorum a revamp , however, there would be a lot of p***** off people, but mainly SoB players, because they still haven't got plastic models

This is what I'm anticipating, joining with the ecclesiastical forces. Could be a really interesting move by GW, but would definitely cause arguments!



i like the idea, more to be in the codex astartes.


Knights and Battle Sisters , together in their faith.

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One thing to keep in mind is also that Templars forces are actually split by the great rift. I'm going from memory there but if I recall the location of the various "official" crusades, I expect The Eternal Crusader is on the terran side, but at least two other major crusades are on the dark side.
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One thing to keep in mind is also that Templars forces are actually split by the great rift. I'm going from memory there but if I recall the location of the various "official" crusades, I expect The Eternal Crusader is on the terran side, but at least two other major crusades are on the dark side.

I would imagine around two, although the Crusade into the Ghoul Stars shown on the 7th edition SM Codex ended prior to the Third War for Armageddon, with that Crusade's forces being redirected to Armageddon.

At the very least, I would expect one to be on the other side.


I'm hoping we get some badass fluff about a Black Templars Marshal in Imperium Nihilus fighting against the encroaching darkness, visiting besieged world after besieged world, slowly gathering a large force of the faithful in an effort to withstand the unleashed horrors of the warp, his Crusade being the only source of light in a dark Imperium.

Edited by Mmmmm Napalm
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So, any speculation/leaks regarding the anti-psyker shenanigans that everyone's favorite Crusaders are famous for?


Also, fluffwise, Guilliman & Cawl realize that the entire Chapter lacks Librarians, and sends in the new Primaris Librarians with the other Primaris reinforcements, how does THAT go down?

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So, any speculation/leaks regarding the anti-psyker shenanigans that everyone's favorite Crusaders are famous for?


Also, fluffwise, Guilliman & Cawl realize that the entire Chapter lacks Librarians, and sends in the new Primaris Librarians with the other Primaris reinforcements, how does THAT go down?

Guilliman and Cawl have made some questionable decisions, but I don't think they are so pants on the head dumb that they would send Primaris Librarians to the Black Templars and demand they accept them in their ranks.

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So, any speculation/leaks regarding the anti-psyker shenanigans that everyone's favorite Crusaders are famous for?


Also, fluffwise, Guilliman & Cawl realize that the entire Chapter lacks Librarians, and sends in the new Primaris Librarians with the other Primaris reinforcements, how does THAT go down?


The easy way out would be to add inquisitors to the chapter, maybe some sisters of silence but we wouldn't be pure BT then.


Regarding rules updates, perhaps maintaining the reclusiarch rank for us and they would grant our squads psychic defence. This is what would make more sense to me, denying the withch through faith in the Emperor.


Then there are the out of this world ideas, like having null cenobites or even marines (rather than searching for psychers they would search for nulls, like Jurgen);

Return of vows - unlikely, they are gone for a reason, and GW wants to simplify things;


I don't see GW making the move of giving us psykers just because. I know they tend to do that from time to time, but they had the chance to give us Librarians when they gave us whirlwinds and scout squads and the chose not to, wouldn't make much sense to do it now.

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Look, I am not trying to flame y'all. That could happen. Guilliman has slept in for 10K years, and probably noticed during the trip to Holy Terra that y'all "lacked" Librarians. If just he and Cawl were discussing where to field the first Primaris Librarians, the Black Templars would seem to be the perfect choice to a pair that are literally 10,000 years out of the loop.


I am just saying, Guilliman's efforts to fix the Imperium are bound to step on some toes.

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Of couse it could happen, given that primaris were created using chapter geneseed (without consent) they might have created Librarians for us as well.

If GW does want to give us librarians, that would be one way to do it. I just don't think it is something that will happen for the reasons I mentioned earlier.

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Also, fluffwise, Guilliman & Cawl realize that the entire Chapter lacks Librarians, and sends in the new Primaris Librarians with the other Primaris reinforcements, how does THAT go down?



With several "new" additions screaming from roaring fires.


To be more succinct, quoting Mr. Bond, "Not well."


Look, I am not trying to flame y'all. That could happen. Guilliman has slept in for 10K years, and probably noticed during the trip to Holy Terra that y'all "lacked" Librarians. If just he and Cawl were discussing where to field the first Primaris Librarians, the Black Templars would seem to be the perfect choice to a pair that are literally 10,000 years out of the loop.


I am just saying, Guilliman's efforts to fix the Imperium are bound to step on some toes.



Actually, you are, but let's put that aside for now.


Anything is possible.


Everything that is possible is not necessarily probable. GW could do anything they want, except that in the past two years they have shown that they've learned from the previous years and more often than not, are doing the right things, the right way.


So, to get back to your point, "could" they try to add Librarians to the Templars? Sure. Will they? No. That's just my opinion, but it's based on a couple of things:


1. Fluff: Guilliman is no idiot. He recognizes what works and what doesn't. Also, there isn't a single thing he can do to change the Templars without starting a civil war inside the Imperium that would all but end the Imperium he is so desperate to preserve.


2. GW has taken an "outside the box" perspective on advancing the story line. The one thing they have not done is "break" everything to do it.


3. Fluff: Recent books that are supposedly canon also support that this "possibility" is not a probability.


4. Look at this forum? Then go look at the other SM chapter forums. What do those numbers tell you? Go look at the recent Imperial Fists survey. What do those numbers tell you?


So, if you were GW and you weren't bent on destroying everything that you've built up over the last several decades, "IF" you are interested in maintaining good relation ships which includes sustained revenues over the next several years, what would you do with the largest user segment of your largest user segment from a sustained revenue perspective?


Are you going to destroy that relationship in an attempt to sell one $30 figure?



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Excellent points, perhaps those are also reasons that we are not seeing Primaris on bikes or Primaris Techmarine yet.


Also, while reading the latest novels, Guilliman has a concern gnawing at him that Cawl is not the obedient ally he was initially thought to be.


And Guilliman is turning to shoring up the walls around the 500 world's of Ultramarine to make it great again. I am a Raven Guard player, and I know the best time to get over on your opponent is when they are distracted.


I like you guys, and I hope 8th Edition is good to y'all. The Black Templars just might be our only hope if Cawl makes Guilliman's worst fears about him reality, especially if Cawl manages to subvert the Iron Hands.

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ALso, the index explicitly states that models with the adeptus astartes psyker keyword cannot cannot a BT detachment.


I know that the codex may make changes to the index rules, but that seems unlikely.

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Lordy. I leave the topic for a day, and by the time I'm back we're getting librarians and getting rolled in to the Ministorum. :lol:


Let's pivot to things that could actually happen–like the return of the Holy Orb of Antioch! Really though, sans Grimaldus' Helsreach memorabilia and Helbrecht/EC's weapons, what other relics do we have or might see?

Edited by T-Rock
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If the Black Templar are not in the C:SM... would that imply they get their own dex? Has there been any mention if all chapter tactics will be in the codex? Or only those that won't receive a codex... I.e. BA,DA,SW etc. won't be receiving anything special until their dex drops?

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If the Black Templar are not in the C:SM... would that imply they get their own dex? Has there been any mention if all chapter tactics will be in the codex? Or only those that won't receive a codex... I.e. BA,DA,SW etc. won't be receiving anything special until their dex drops?



GW has only said what will not be, not what will.


Everything else is speculation.

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Our Venerable chaplain Dreadnaught is the exception to the rule perhaps.

I have seen other lists with Ministorium priests attached.

Yes, in V7 it was possible to bring ministorum priests. They were sadly more efficient than a chaplain for a third of the cost.


That particular issue has been corrected in V8 though as ministorum priests now only affect ministorum priests.

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GW said that we dont get access to primaris librarians.




"[...] Like the Captain, you’re free to customise the Librarian to suit any Chapter you like (barring the Black Templars, who refuse to tarry with any such foul sorcery!). [...]"


Source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/06/25/new-primaris-space-marines-and-death-guard-announced/

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