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Tabling easier?

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So far, I have had about 3-4 games of 8th so it might be a small sample size but I feel tabling armies is far easier this edition. My experience has been only 1000 team-up games (2 vs 2 with each player having 1000 points each) however each game has ended with one army getting wiped fairly quickly with it happening rapidly turns 1-3. This seems to be a result of extremely odd point costs of units. I bring this up as the last game was a Space marine/Tau (me and a friend) vs Space marines/eldar and the game was called at turn 3 due to time (the shop was closing) but the remains of my army was pitiful and of my 1000 points within the game I had barely 6 models left (3 tactical marines, a captain, a sergeant from a now defunct devastator squad and a razorback) while my ally was a bit better off however this was only because the now engaged melee that had come upon us hadn't had a chance to take any massive toll on us.

If the game had continued past turn 3 we would of been very easily tabled or tabled the opponents (whose armies were the sum of 10 wraithguards, eldrad, a farseer and 5 wraithblades paired with 30 some marines and a a suite of apoth, banner, cap and lib) as they had taken serious losses too. The only thing going for us was my friend's big gun and mine were still fully going (my razorback and his riptide).


Anyone else finding games ending up with ether someone tabled or near enough?

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As I've mentioned with my experiences, I play Primaris right now, and I get deleted off the table. To be fair though, Primaris have few bodies and no transports to hide in yet, but I usually lose my Intercessors turn one. In normal armies an enemy firing all of their multi wound weapons into your troops is a good thing, but with Primaris it's the best way to use them. I've also noticed from watching games too, I watched a SWs vs Tau game and the Tau were wiped by turn 3 by the wolves. The guy had a lot of battlesuits and I think maybe we need to look at it more fire warriors or something.


TLDR: Stuff dies really easy this edition.

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Stuff dies. If an army is to survive till end game it requires redundancy and bodies. If you have the option to run razorback tac, devs, RAS and a unit of scouts or 3 razor squads. Pick the razor squads. Chaff units are important if your runing any form of fire base. Do not expect to put some shoty units in cover and survive. And it is not just the fact that deep strike units or deep strike charges can wreck them. to surive you need those 20-30 conscripts/guants/ in front and around your fire base. It also helps with keeping your buff characters alive. Next thing is points being played. Stuff in 8th dies, more then in 7th [on avarge of course]. This means that if you play 1k points team games, there is still a big chance that you will be on the reciving end of shoting from a 2k points army[although played by 2 people], while having 1k points. this was always a problem with team games, and it stayed so in 8th. Someone blunt could tell you to not play 1k pts armies, I won't, but you do have to understand that this can happen offten. Specially if your part of the team is the percived as the stronger one.

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In 7th, everyone had rerollable 2+/3++/5+ FNP/IWND and/or easy access to 4+ cover saves. Pretty much all of that is gone now and thanks to even -1 save modifiers, marines die much easier.


Personally I love it, as it makes the games faster and it was pretty dumb how survivable some unit combos were. Now every shot counts, you can't shuffle multi-wound models around anymore to tank wounds and characters can't be bullet sponges with 2+ look out sir rolls :)

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I had similar things happen my first few games but as my opponents and I have gotten more experience both with playing and list building this happens less.


I'd also like to point out that being a team game you should look at this specific example more as half your side getting wiped out and not you in particular getting tabled.

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A caveat: I haven't played against other people yet, just myself (I work 3rd shift on one job and part time in the mornings after and my Dad and brother are wanting me to take up golf)


Things are a lot more swingy than they used to be.


My Tau were dirty until I focused down on the drones first. Proxied Primaris Marines in a few games and didn't like them, too small too expensive with their having extra attacks in combat they can't get to reliably and unable to ride in anything.


If GW for real and for true brings back/makes better the csm Legions stuff they released last year...I might rebrand my black legion as Alpha Legion if they get the Mass infiltrating business and give the tanks to my world eaters.

Edited by Trevak Dal
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Games are definitely faster because units are dying way quicker. The games I've had with my SW for example against a shooting army that gets to shoot first? Ouch. You throw in the overwatch/fall back from melee and it really chews up units quickly.

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It isn't something I have noticed. But games are going a lot faster now. But by the end of last game I had wiped out the entire ork army I was fighting, but I was left with only 4 terminators.

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