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Looking just at Krieg:

Twin Heavy Stubber teams look nice. 18 s4 shots at 36'' for 39 points is a steal.  


Combat Engineers got even better.  A squad of 5 with heavy flamer and demo charge is 62 points and packs a wallop, 2 squads jumping out of a Chimera will make a mess.


Conqueror got nerfed, feels about right now.


Not sure how to feel about Grenadiers, but having heavy flamers is certainly nice. 


We got all our batteries and tanks back.  Thank goodness, I'm liking this new interaction from Forgeworld/GW.

‘Models that have the Aeronautica Imperialis keywords on their datasheets replace them in all instances with Elysian Drop Troops.’


What I'm hearing is that Officers of the fleet can now totally buff all Elysian units with their special ability.

The only thing that made me sad was the lack of hades for our engineers to get into combat range quickly, other then that 100% happy with the DKoK updating :biggrin.:. I can make do with using a centaur or a chimera to get them forward (2 6 man squads with a demo and a h.flamer each seems fun).


Hell, we even got a couple things i didnt expect, like malcadors, the minotaur n such like.



Also, we got the lasgun array on our chimeras now? Slick.


Shame no artillery platforms, but carriage will do :D

Edited by Mitchverr

...and Sabre searchlights went back to be utterly useless again :whistling:  I guess it's only fair, they were far too good before.


I guess how many people will get mad now that they have already purchased/assembled all sorts of bits to build them... :biggrin.:

How on earth are they useless, they are amazing.  Krieg Combat engineers shooting on a 2+ and can't overheat on a 1? 3+ to hit heavy weapon teams?  50% more hits for conscript blobs.  Ridiculous utility, maybe it's just the blob guard perspective but I want 6.

...not sure they are worthy anymore now that they "just" boost infantry. At the very least, they are situational.

Most uses people dreamed of involved vehicles, of course. Not anymore.

Edited by Feral_80

Erm, reading it all, sabre searchlight platforms cant be used with kriegers can they? As they are not a unit kriegers can take and their rules say "regiment" it wont work with engineers will it?


Or did i miss something?

Edited by Mitchverr

They said there will be additional drafts and they specifically responded to the Hades Engineer and Veteran issue and said they would pass it on.

Thank the lord, they made a double error. First in making the breachers "veterans" but with regular guard stats, and then not giving it to the dudes who were intended to use it! :D

Looking just at Krieg:

Conqueror got nerfed, feels about right now.

We got all our batteries and tanks back.  Thank goodness, I'm liking this new interaction from Forgeworld/GW.


What am I missing? ...it looks like they added the Conqueror to the list of turrets that can fire after moving without penalty... although that same paragraph included the co-axial heavy stubber and oddly, not, the co-axial storm bolter.


Still isn't the Conqueror better now?


Regarding all of the tanks... DKOK can take Basilisks, but does that include the Armageddon Pattern Basilisk (which has the <basilisk> keyword)?

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