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Recovered Records of an Ordo Astartes Inquisitor


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++This is Inquisitor {REDACTED} of the Ordo Astartes, operating under Order {SECURITY CLEARANCE LEVEL MAGENTA REQUIRED} calling out to any Imperial Force under distress. My ship's warp jump experienced sever difficulties, prolonging our stay in the Immaterium and bringing our status to near critical levels. My Astropath has informed me to believe we have landed in the Eastern Fringes, barely able to see the Blessed light of the God-Emperor. Our supplies have nearly been diminished, and estimates while rationing the rest only give us a few weeks of survival. May the Emperor protect us in our time of need.++






"{REDACTED} [Astropath], are you sure of the location? This is the last place I want to be. If you're correct, it'll mean more than a months travel to our intended destination!"


"Yes Inquisitor, I am for certain. I can hardly feel the warm grace of the Emperor. [deep sigh] I can no longer look out into the warp... it is becoming dangerous. All I feel is... thousands of eyes staring at me. May I request to depart to my quarters?"


"Granted. 4 hour rest. I'll send for you if I fell I need you."


"Thank you, my lord"


[footsteps] [hatch opening/closing]


"Captain, have our scans picked anything up?"


"Nothing that is promising. A few dead worlds left to ruin. There is a peculiar reading... but farther out of the Light than we are now. The scan shows it is an artificial planet, the only other information I have been able to acquire about it is the Imperial title for it."


"Which is?"


"Repentance. Never heard of it. Have you Inquisitor?"


"Only a myth..."


"That's not reassuring my lord."


"Neither is it for me as well.... Set course to bring us closer. We'll be going in blind but as of now we have no other choice. Get us just out of range of planetary scans, in the case the world is populated. I'm going to retire to quarters for the time being, relay any update directly to me. The crew is already on edge, and if there's trouble, I want to keep it quiet till the last minute."


"Understood Inquisitor."


[mechanical sounds] [hatch open/closing] [mumbled chatter of Bridge crew/servitors]





So this is the beginning of a narrative through the point of view from an Inquisitor of the Ordo Astartes. I intend to expose my DIY Chapter through the "recovered footage" approach (my favorite genre of movies). Everything to be known about the Chapter will be released through time. It will go hand in hand with me modeling the Chapter, so updates will not be coming quickly, but you can expect pics of characters, other troops and machines of the Chapter to pop up in the narrative.


*Note* I do not consider myself talented at writing, so bare with me. Also if I'm breaking protocol of the Liber for not reveling all the details of my DIY Chapter from the start, I will make amends and change it accordingly. As of now I only want to disclose that it is a Successor Chapter of unknown origin. I have many other details but wish to share them through the narrative when the time comes.


For now I leave you with the intro and will further the story soon. 


**Note**  Also I'm not the best with naming, and until I can settle on appropriate ones, most Imperial characters in the narrative will be {REDACTED} for the time being. The Marines though are being sketched out and will be named... but that's for later :wink:

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"Inquisitor... Inquisitor {REDACTED}! Please respond!"


[audible click from bridge vox equipment]


"Yes Captain! What is it!"


"My lord, best you come to the bridge to see for yourself... We are no longer alo... [audible click from vox] ... We'll that was fast."






[hatch open/closes]


"Captain! Get me up to speed now of our situation!"


"Yes Inquisitor. Scans have detected that we are surrounded. Three ships appeared just minutes ago. I don't recognize their signatures, though.... it is as if they are stalking us. And i fear they have been for a while."


"Let me see.... Emperor save us! They're Astartes craft. Seems two are Hunter Class Destroyer ships, and throne dammit the other is a Nova Class Frigate! I thought we had it arranged that only the honoured 1st Founding Chapters had access to that ship... What in the Warp-Hell is one doing out here!"


"My lord... please share the importance of this ship. I have been apart of the Imperial Navy most of my life and have never heard of this Class..."


" [sigh] ... The ships only purpose is to hunt.... Have you tried communicating with them? How close are they?"


"Just outside of our effective weapons range. And no we haven't, my lord."


"Even if they were in range it wouldn't matter. They'd be able to outrun anything we throw at them. Bring up communi-"


" {crewmember} Captain! Incoming transmission!"


" Well just don't sit there you fool! Bring it up!"


[ship's Vox System]  Imperial vessel, deactivate your shield and weapon systems, adjust your bearing to 64.4 by 37 and proceed till further notice. Disarm your personnel and prepare to be boarded and searched. Failure to do so will be taken as hostile action and your ship will be destroyed. You have ten minutes to respond.




....to be continued 

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That's great start! You do have instant suspension and myth. The reader nearly instantly wants to know more. I also love the location. The eastern fringe is one of the best places in the galaxy. Plus: I do like the form a lot. The small audio/stage directions give it a vivid feeling without interrupting the dialogues too much. And … as I know a bit, what is waiting for the Dear Mister Inquisitor, I 'm even more curious … really great work! Thank you so much.


P.S.: Maybe you want to consider putting a link to this Thread in your WIP-Thread within the Ravenspire?

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++ This is Inquisitor {REDACTED} of the Ordo Atartes and.... [deep sigh] oh i'll just skip the formalities. It's not like anyone will be hearing this anyways... I am currently being held prisoner by an unknown Adeptus Astartes faction. Nothing of what I have seen about them relates to any other known Chapter. No sigil except for the occasional Lightning Bolt, which if my memory is correct dates back all the way to the legends of the Great Crusade. I doubt there is any connection to that, though. They have their own language, which isn't unique by any chance, but I haven't had one of them speak any form of Gothic, only their serfs or slaves or whatever the normal humans are to them. And even when they do speak it is the most broken form of Low Gothic I have ever heard.


After the boarding of my ship, the senior members of the crew and myself were bound and blinded before being taken aboard one of their ships. The only member I'm certain of is {REDACTED}[Astropath]... he was becoming unstable the further out we got... and their damned psyker killed him! Without warning! All he did was tilt his head to the side like... like a bird or something, and {REDACTED} collapsed. No screams. No sign of pain except for his pale white eyes staring back at me! ... I do not know if it was for the best or not. We have... or had, our own damping equipment that would have sedated him and protected him from the warp... but no. Retaliation was futile as well. I haven't made it this far as an Inquisitor by acting out of impulse... but still...


I will say how impressive these warriors are... Not once have I felt fear when interacting with the Atartes, given my title and authority... but out here in the cold wastes of wherever I am I'm... I'm terrified. Their dark metal colored armour, the wild and intricate designs all over, the "trophies" hanging off of them... It's barbaric! And that psyker... his bird skull helm... just... staring at me. Into my soul...


I've lost count of the days I've been here and I expect whatever it is they have been planning for me will soon come to a conclusion. If it is my death they want, I only can hope I have the strength to take one of the bastards with me! I swear, here and now, to the Throne and the Almighty God-Emperor himself... I will have my revenge... in one way or the other.



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Very good indeed! I've seen this format used once or twice in the past, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. So far, this definitely works because each post is telling us something new about the Chapter (rather than devolving into pointless anecdotes).


Anyway, good job so far, I'm eager to read more (so far I'm guessing descendants of a RG Nomad Predation Fleet, but I could be well off!)

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[ Heavy footsteps on stone / sounds of servo engines / sounds of struggle ]


"Let go of me! Do you heathens have any idea who you are dealing with! I am an Inquisitor for Emperor's sake! I can have this world destroyed!!"


[ sound of heavy impact / sounds of pain ]


[ Vox ] [ unidentifiable language ]






[ large doors opening / continued footsteps / sound of Inquisitor being dropped ]


"What... [spitting] ... What is this place? Who are you! You will all die for this treason!"


[ Vox ] [ two or more speaking unidentifiable language ]


[ human female voice ] {Interpreter}  "My lords say you ask too many questions"


" I what?! So they can understand me. By the rights granted to me by the Inquisition, I demand--"


[ Vox ] [ unidentifiable language ]


{Interpreter} " Your title and position means nothing here, you slave of the Imperium. You belong to us now, The Nameless. You'd best get accustomed to that or your time here will be short... and painful."


"Slave of the Imperium?! You all are nothing but heretics! Do you realize the hell that will be brought upon you? My rescue is already on the way! Release me now and I will grant your world the mercy of a quick death!"


[ Vox ] [ small conversation between Astartes and Interpreter ]


{Interpreter} " You are all alone out here, 'Inquisitor'. You cannot bluff your way out of this like the others before have tried. You are dismissed here till you are more cooperative. One last thing, seeing how you insist your title be taken seriously, a new one has been assigned to you. Binoojiinh."


" Bino--what! Gibberish! Why won't your 'lords' speak to directly?! Why do they hide behind their helms and not show m---"


[ sound of impact and pain ] [ static ]






[ click / rustling noise ]


"Ah thank the Throne! [ coughing ] I thought it broke... It has been hours since my last encounter with these animals... still my body aches from their abuse. Damn I knew they were strong, but never had I been on the receiving end of their wrath! I believe I met with their 'leader', and that cursed psyker was present as well! And this is worse than I expected. Heretical Astartes! But I haven't detected the signs of corruption. Nothing that points to their allegiance to the Dark Gods... I guess that's a positive to this predicament I'm in. Why, though, do they hide behind their armour? Mutation perhaps? And why not speak to me directly, I know they can understand me?! ... [ deep sigh ] ... perhaps it's best I play along with whatever 'game' they have for me... yes... find a weakness, exploit it. I will have mine one way or the other... and if anything, it'll keep me from enduring more pain."



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It's nice to see my DIY Chapter is getting some fans! :happy.:


@Lysimachus Yeah I'm going to do my best to only advance the narrative with relevant information to shed more light onto them. And you're guess is close... but a little more complicated :thumbsup:

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I had to schmunzel (a german verb for smiling, but more wihtin the heart, than within the face)  quite a while about "never had I been on the receiving end of their wrath".


P.S.: I'm also in the "curious about more facts" fan-block.

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[ heavy footsteps ]


"So finally one of you comes to visit me? Sure did take your time"


[ sounds of metal scarping against stone / gryro motors buzzing / slight sound of ceremite coming to rest on metal ]






"Well! You just going to sit there and stare at me!"


[vox] "Questions.... all you have is questions, Binoojiinh. Perhaps you will prove useful"


"Useful?! What in the name of the Emperor are you talking about!? Like I would ever serve you... Heretics!"


[vox] "Oh Binoojiinh... how closed your mind is... I've come on my own accord to see if you would like to rid yourself from this cell and start living?"


"Living?! What do you think I'm doing now!? Not rotting in some make-shift grave I'm sure you've got set aside for me! I will answer nothing until I start getting answers myself!"


[vox] "Very well... ask then, but make them good. My time here is limited."


"Fine... one other condition... remove your helm and talk to me like a man!"


[vox] "Hmph" [ small hiss of air / ceremite being laid upon stone ] "Better?"


"Doesn't appear you've been tainted by corruption or mutation."


"And what would lead you to believe that? We're both the same... technically."


"You've fallen from the Emperor's Grace! That's what!"


"Closed mind... Hurry up, time's a wasting."


" [frustrated sigh] Who are you, what does Binoojiinh mean!?"


"My name is Nanabush of The Nameless, Binoojiinh means child."


"Child?! Why am I being called a child!?"


"Because all you do is ask questions like a child... and you have much to learn."


"The Nameless... never heard of you."


"Our intention exactly."


"Days earlier your.. interpreter or whoever that woman was said 'others before'... what did she mean?"


"You think you are the only Imperial dog to stumble across us? [small chuckle] There is a reason why your databases has our world labeled as 'Repentance'."


" I---"


"Enough. Now you answer me... I have a proposition for you. Either you accept it, or you don't. The choice is yours. If you do accept, it comes with a price."


"Well seeing how I have no choice to but sit here and listen, spit it out!"


"...you've got quite accustomed conducting yourself as an Imperial agent... no modesty, no humility... I recommend you change your ways... Now, I'm offering you your freedom on one condition--"


"And what is that? Travel to Holy Terra and spit in the face of the God-Emperor himself!?"


"That would be nice... but no. You will be required to stay in our company for one year, documenting our.. how do you put it... Chapter. After that time comes, you will be free to do what you please."


"And you really believe I would waste my time with that!? And even if I did, with what resources!?"


"You would be allowed access to your ship, and most of your crew is still alive to help you in the endeavor. And may I add, their fate also lies in your decision. For if you say no, you and your crew is of no use to us, therefore death will greet you all."


"So I really have no choice here..."


"If you care about your crew, then no.... Our time here is done for now. I'll give you three days to make a final decision."


[ metal scarps against stone / heavy footsteps fading away ]




[ heavy sigh ] "Well... what can I do now."



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[ faint alarm sirens / heavy breathing ]


"Damn! That was quicker than I expected!"


[ distant vox communication of unknown language ]


"No! Stay away you bastards!"


[ sound of impact and pain / static ]








[ static ends ]


[ sound of Inquisitor being dropped ]


[ vox] " On your knees, Binoojiinh.... you disappoint me."


[ coughing ] " H---how.... did you f--ing me?"


[vox] You believe you could escape? How amusing... you truly don't understand your situation. And I'm afraid you'll now have to be shown what consequences you brought about by your actions. Look up... stop looking down at the ground like a defeated dog and face what you have caused."




"My crew.... no... they shouldn't pay for what I've done."


"I agree they shouldn't, but their fate was not my decision... it was yours. And now here they stand huddled up, bound and blinded, because of you. Any explanation you want to give them as to why you have damned them?"




[ sound of a flamer roaring to life ]


[ sounds of cries, screams and wails ]


"Why! Why did you kill them!?"


"I didn't... you did Binoojiinh. It is time you start learning what the actions of your 'Inquisition' really bring. How many innocent people have been 'put to the stake' at the simple command of your kind? Millions? Billions? And how many peaceful 'xenos' have been slaughtered by your order? How many of them just wanted to be left alone?"


"This is not right! You have no idea what you are talking about! I serve the Throne for the safety of Mankind!!! These were my men!"


"And how many did you know by name? Did you even care enough about them to insure a proper way of living, or were they just servants to you? I must say they seemed to be happier under our care, the ones in your ships containment cells even seemed grateful. But now we will never know since you killed them... I warned you Binoojiinh. You knew what would happen, yet decided your crew was expendable for your escape."


[vox] [ unknown language ]


"I hope you've seen the lesson in this.... You will return to your cell till I decide your fate. You disappointed me, Binoojiinh. I had high hopes for you."


" Pleas----"


[ sound of impact / static ]




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Wo-howww … heavy stuff this time! You keep the expectations high.


One minor question: The note [ sound of Inquisitor being dropped ] … we know it's the Inquisitor, who's beeing dropped, because he has the microphone close by him, right?

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[ static fading / sound of lock being disengaged / metal door opening ]


[vox] "Binoojiinh... you've been summoned to stand before my Chief. Follow me... you know what will come if you resist."


"Very well... let's not keep him waiting for my execution."




[ sounds of footsteps for several minutes / distant sounds of people talking and children playing / automated door opening / outside sounds become deafening]


 "What is this place? Who are all these people?"


[vox] [grunt]


[ sounds continue for several more minutes / automated door opens / outside sounds become muted when door close ]


"I've been here before. Is this your 'Chief's' command room?"


[vox] "Quiet!"  [unknown language being spoken between 4 Astartes ]




"Binoojiinh. You made it here alive so it's safe to assume you didn't put up a fight. Are you ready to begin what I've asked of you?"


"You seriously believe I would serve you after what you did?!"


"What I did? What you did, you mean. Do not play coy with me and shift the blame on others. It might as well of been you who pulled the trigger. You still have a chance to make it out of this alive. Perhaps have you chance at 'revenge' in the end..."


"Revenge? You would honestly let me attempt that?"


"It wouldn't be entertaining if I didn't. So what says you? Yes or No?"


"Yes... what other choice do I have..."


"That's the spirit, Binoojiinh!


[ unknown language being spoken / sounds of footsteps on stone ]


"Walk with me, I will show you your new quarters. I'm sure it will be most refreshing from your previous accommodations."


"So this is it? Freedom from my cell just like that. Who's to say I don't try to run off or confiscate a weapon and start shooting up the place?"


"Ha! There are many who hope you will do just that, Binoojiinh. I'm sure there are wages being made right now on when and how that will happen. I must thank you for helping me win the last wager we had. Not many thought you would agree. Made quite the sum, which I give to you. You will need it if you are to survive for the next year. Tomorrow I will tour you around the area under the watch of Odawa, show you the markets and the areas you have permission to venture. Our archive building I hope will be your primary stay for the first part. I will say the collection there is bare at most... but that is where you come in. Most of our history is stored through memory and told by story. It's not that we lack the ability to do it ourselves, but many among us look down at the notion. Some even forbidding it."


[ automated door opens / sounds of the outside and people roar in ]


"This is all very much to take in. So I'm to care for myself and do your bidding for a year."


"Exactly. You did not expect for us to watch over you and provide for you like a babe, did you? I've given you the resources for you to get settled, and with every progress you make you will be compensated for it as well. You are free to venture and do your own bidding in any areas that isn't restricted to you. I encourage you to do just that. Talk to the people here, learn why they are here. You will find many cultures around. I hope you've noticed the barrier that encloses the sanctuary. Even after thousands of years, our ancestors terraforming is still working to make the rest of our planet habitable. I advise you don't venture beyond the borders... I can only guarantee your safety here. Ah we have arrived."


"This is where i'll be staying... this isn't even a building! What are the walls even made of? Animal skin?!"


"It is modest, yes, but it gives you four walls, a roof and commodities inside to help you through. You must start somewhere. Your... 'condition' entirely depends on you. Bring me good news of your work, and I will see that your progress is rewarded appropriately. I'll leave you now to get settled and return at tomorrows daylight. If you wish to go to the market I'm sure you'll find some that have kept your Gothic language alive. And take this. If for some reason you get into trouble you can signal me on that. I'm not too much worried about my people and warriors, but that of my brothers in the other tribes."


"There are more than just you on this planet?"


"Yes, but today is not the time for questions. Tomorrow I expect you to be ready to start the beginning of your year's mission."












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@Filius  I should of noted before hand that yes it is a recorder that the Inquisitor has hidden on him. Some of this I add to kinda give a view of the scene, and to tell it as whoever is decoding the found recordings is adding their bit to describe what they are hearing.

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