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What to expect when you're not expecting Angron


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Space Wolves, 2k


1 Bjorn.

1 Thunderlord with pair of wolfclaws.

2 units of 15 blood claws each, the fighters.

1 unit of 5 grey hunters, the objective holders.

1 unit of 5 sniper scouts, to try and snipe someone.

1 unit of 5 Termiwolves with chainfists; chainfists suck.

1 unit of 3 Thunderwolves with storm shields.

2 units of 5 Longfangs with heavy bolters.

1 Stormfang Gunship.





1 Chaos lord in terminator armor.

2 Rhinos filled with Berzerkers.

1 unit of 3 Obliterators.

1 Defiler


Well, my list was intended to go against average armies, but my friend suddenly fielded a giant Daemon Lord and my heavy bolters went sad. The battle was direct, his ANN'GRATH marched forward and charged my blood claws, finished the entire unit without taking a wound. In my turn the stormfang gunned the defiler, but the invul save made me sad, Bjorn did 10 wounds to Ann'grath and the 45 attacks of the bloodclaws did one wound. Angron failed a lot and Bjorn survived. The whole battle was like that, my guns fired at Angron and the defiler, his guns tried and tried to take down the stormfang. The bloodclaws killed the berserkers, the other berserkers killed the bloodclaws.

Plain and simple, Ann'grath can take all the hits of the world, but only the multiple damage weapons take him down. His invul save is extremely annoying and Bjorn does a lot of damage.


We played for objectives and by the end of the battle he had more points, I really got poor cards and took some bad decisions, but it was a fun match. Almost scored a win, but if you face Ann'grath just shoot him down, try and kite him with some tasty units for him to destroy, but keep shooting him and don't get demoralized about his saves.

Edited by Ogalois
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I wonder what sort of success you might have against a similar setup focusing down one rhino at a time with your heavier firepower and similarly focusing shooting/melee on the zerkers that come spilling out.


The general idea against a high cost, high power unit is to mitigate through range and feeding a sacrificial lamb when necessary, while dumping everything into single units until they're gone and moving to the next target. The flip side to running a high cost, high durability unit is that if the enemy ignores it, you end up in a situation where 2000 points of army is focusing on 1500 points of army.


80% of the time it works every time. May not apply against Magnus the red.

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The Ann'grath has his rules. He has a Whiplash shooting attack, it is assault 2d6 strength 7 an ap -3 and in close combat he has 10/9/8 attacks, depending on remaining wounds, if I recall correctly, he has strength 10 +5 from his axe and are ap -4 with d6 damage. The giant daemon starts with 24 wounds and it's toughness 8 with 2+, 4++ Because it can move 16 inches he gets to charge first turn.


Yes, ignoring him and killing the Berserkers would have been a better strategy, but we both wanted to see how long the Daemon could stand in the middle of an army and I wanted to see Bjorn and the Bloodclaws shine. Also, all my cards for victory points were about killing a warlord, character, flyer so that was my only chance, and although I killed it, he had way better cards and managed to score a lot of easy points.

Edited by Ogalois
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Those are the rules for Anggrath the Unbound from Forgeworld. Lord of the Bloodthirsters. Your suggestions for fighting him are good. Shoot him and kite him away from your best stuff. Demon Lords are pretty intense to fight. Lists pretty much need to be catered for taking them down.

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Those are the rules for Anggrath the Unbound from Forgeworld. Lord of the Bloodthirsters. Your suggestions for fighting him are good. Shoot him and kite him away from your best stuff. Demon Lords are pretty intense to fight. Lists pretty much need to be catered for taking them down.

Oh, my extremely bad mistake!


Sorry all! I think everyone in my group mispronounces his name! Or maybe I just kept the name in my head...

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Sounds like lascannon spam might be the best way to deal with that beast. Bjorn with twin LC, some razorbacks with twin LC, stormfang gunship with twin MM, long fangs with 5 LC and a TDAWG with CML...and it still is gonna be a helluva fight. I'd possibly throw in some cyberwolves to act as speedbumps.

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