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Belisarius Cawl vs Stormfang Gunship


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Space Wolves, 2k


1 Bjorn.

1 Thunderlord with pair of wolfclaws.

2 units of 15 blood claws each, the fighters.

1 unit of 5 grey hunters, the objective holders.

1 unit of 5 sniper scouts, to try and snipe someone.

1 unit of 5 Termiwolves with chainfists; chainfists suck.

1 unit of 3 Thunderwolves with storm shields.

2 units of 5 Longfangs with heavy bolters.

1 Stormfang Gunship.


Skiitari, (sorry, I really don't know the official names of this "new" army)


1 Belisarius Cawl

1 Skiitari tech priest


4 Kastelan Robots /Baymax (The giant robot that looks like the one in the movie big hero 6)

15 Electropriest

5 units of 5 skiitari, each with 2 super snipers

2 Dunecrawlers Giant Spiders

2 Ironstriders with lascannons


This was a great battle! I got first turn and it was the Stormfang time to make the Wolves proud; my friend made a mistake and deployed with Belisarius in the middle with enough space for the Stormfang to fit a hole and have him as the closest target, so I fired the twin multi melta, the lascannons and the helfrost cannon.... And He lived. With my extremely bad luck and his extremely good combined, only 3 wounds were made... So that was fun! Then the heavy bolters gunned down one unit of rangers and a couple of electropriests, My bloodclaws moved to the center with the characters and thunderwolves. In his turn, the 70 inches strength 7 ap -3 snipers started to wreck hell on my thunderwolves and killed 4 heavy bolters. His dunecrawlers and lascannons fired to the stormfang and it barely survived, he started to move to the center of the field.


The second turn decided the whole battle, his low armor low invul electropiests died all to shooting and Bjorn with the bloodclaws and thunderwolves charged the 4 Kastelan robots, Belisarius and the techpriest made heroic interventions and got in the batlle, my chainfists terminators deepstriked near the duncrawlers and ironstriders. The close combat was awful for me, Bjorn only did 5 wounds, not even one Kastelan robot... The Bloodclaws did killed one of the robots and his characters killed plenty of bloodclaws, the Kastelan robots wounded Bjorn. In his turn he gunned down the Stormfang, killed some termis and in close combat finished killing Bjorn and some bloodclaws.


Every turn after was the exact same, the mass of bloodclaws wounded the kastelans, but Belisarius slowly killed them; termis were attacking the back line duncrwalers but the chainfists don't do that much damage and his op snipers are really annoying. My back line grey hunters and snipers secured obectives and the Thunderlord hunted all the little units of snipers but was killed in the end by the Ironstriders. It was a solid Victory for the Sons of Russ, even if in the end one Kastelan, the skiitari characters and the Ironstriders were alive, the multiple small units gave me much more objectives.


The stormfang is extremely powerful and having that long movement range you can probably put him in the middle of an enemy so he can kill an important character, but if your dice hate you like mine do, don't get angry, bad luck happens.

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