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What happened to Adeptus Titanicus?

Urriak Urruk

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So, I remember at one of the Weekenders there was a lot of talk about the upcoming Adeptus Titanicus, and that it was coming soon-ish.


But since then, I have not heard a peep! We've heard more about Necromunda at this rate, another big shocker.


Part of me is worried that they've bitten off more that they can chew and that the release is being delayed.


Anyway, has anyone heard anything about when Titanicus may be coming? Or at least any guesses of when?



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This is pure speculation on my part, but I think Alan Bligh's unfortunate passing may have thrown a wrench into their plans and scheduling, along with whatever they're trying to do in terms of 8th Edition and the Horus Heresy line and whatever transitions they may be trying to deal with there.


This. You have to think to us, Alan was a great man you brought so much to us as hobbyists and his legacy on things such as the Horus Heresy series will probably stand the test of time just as the original fluff has before it. But to the guys who actually worked with him he would have been so much more than that, a colleague, friend, perhaps even more than that too some. There is probably a profound reluctance amongst his fellow staffers towards re-doing his past work, even if that's what he himself wanted (8th HH rules for eg:), just out of respect for his legacy. I dont know how much input Alan would have had in Titanicus, but considering he was THE Heresy man it is likely that it scuppered at least some plans they had for the project. 


Also, there was a abit of a fan backlash to the thought of a game being based on expensive resin titan models. I think a Warlord was meant to be the size of a Thanatar, and therefore a similar price... At that price range I, and many others, were pure and simply just not interested. As much as the duplicate models of Blood Bowl peeves me off, it is relatively affordable to get into, so I can see why it's doing really well. Now all they have to do is release some more variant sculpts in PLASTIC and I'll join the fun. *hint hint* 


Thankfully, the Specialist studio have apparently come to their senses and decided to "reconsider" some things in regards to Titanticus.


At least that's what the internet is reporting anyhow.

Edited by Praetor of Calth
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Its release was pushed back due to the popularity of blood bowl, which gave the guys more time to work on the titans. So, they decided to make some in plastic. Which means scheduling time on the injection moulding machines, which are currently full with all the primaris and other releases from the main studio.

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Tony on WHTV: I want to publicly apologise that we don't have AT out yet... There's a good reason for not having AT out... And it means when it comes out it's going to be so much better than it was... otherwise... It will be awesome now, it's going to be great. A little bit of waiting I'm afraid...


We're going to have titans that look pretty much like the 40k ones, just smaller... (responding to theoretical complaint about models being monopose like the original) No no, they are going to be so cool. If you don't like putting massive multi part kits together you will be disappointed.

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