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Ultramarines pauldrons


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Hail brothers and sisters,


just a question, that came up while I was painting my heresy Ultramarines:


Is there any rule for when a marine or sergeant wears white pauldrons instead of regular blue ones? I am painting up my first squad and was wondering when to use the blue Ultima symbols on the decal sheet. I then thought, a white pauldron here and there might be nice, unless they are just for veterans and other special snowflakes...

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White as a pauldron color is generally a sign of veterancy.  Either for veteran units or individual veterans leading units.  That being said:  Veteran units has a wide range in terms of a legion.  Perhaps a specific chapter, company, or squad have white pauldrons for an accomplishment.  Perhaps Chapter 11, Company 105th marks all their anti-armor specialists with white pauldrons after a victory against eldar by destroying their shining spear and armor support, allowing the rest of the force to carry on to their objective (as an example).  It is your force you can do what you want.  If you need a precident, the 4th chapter (Aurora) was known for still having tanks painted in the old War Borne color scheme, as a means of honoring and remembering their victories over Ork forces prior to the Legion joining with its Primarch.  The Nemesis chapter (Chapter 21 I think) Took on the Blue and Black in honor of the time they worked jointly with the VIII Legion (pre Primarch) and victories won between both forces. As such, it can be argued that some old War Born formations kept some (not all) of their old heraldry when they took up the Colbat of Ultramar.


With legions, there is more play room for the symbols and heraldry of a unit than a chapter.  At least in my opinion.

Edited by blackoption
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Thank you for your input, blackoption. I figured as much from Tempest, but hoped, that there might be some more info from other sources.


I guess I will use white pauldrons for some units and the occasional sergeant or special weapon, just to tell them apart.

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