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Are the Ultramarines a Legion once more?


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 With the new fluff about Guilliman declaring that 10,000 Marines from Ultramarine and Ultramarine Successor must always be available to defend Ultramar I have to ask...is this an unofficial reconstruction of the Ultramarines Legion?


From the Lexicanum:


Following the rebirth of Guilliman at the conclusion of the Ultramar Campaign, Chapters besides the Ultramarines began to guard regions of Ultramar as well. Guilliman ordered that ten Chapters would be permanently stationed within Ultramar so the newly reformed 500 Worlds would be under the permanent protection of about ten-thousand Astartes at all times. This included the Ultramarines and the Scythes of the Emperor who would receive extensive Primaris Space Marine reinforcements in order to replace their recent losses. The other eight were newly created Chapters from the Ultima Founding and consisted entirely of Primaris Space Marines such as the Avenging Sons Chapter and Praetors of Ultramar.


I read Dark Imperium and I can confirm that this is true from the book. While some may say that these are separate Chapters, they are all shown to obey orders from the Primarch or the Chapter Master of the Ultramarines in his stead. Not to mention that several other Chapters like the Novamarines, Genesis Chapter and Aurora Chapter are closer than ever to their parent Chapter in the aftermath of the Plague Wars and seem to be more than willing to take orders from Ultramarine officers in the Dark Imperium book.


This seems like a massive power boost to me. 10k Marines at the Chapter's direct command? More than 8k of which are Primaris Space Marines? It seems Guilliman is showing a bit of favoritism here as he seemingly intends for the Ultramarines to become the most powerful SM fighting force in the Imperium. Perhaps this is because he trusts his sons much more than the rest of the Imperium to carry out his orders and therefore wants them to be as strong as possible. Or maybe this is a response to the multitude of threats Ultramar faces in the future; Scourge Stars, Tau Empire, the Necron Dynasties etc?


In any case what are your thoughts on the matter?

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Guilliman's Imperial Regent - it's not a downgrade or increase in direct military power for him, rather an establishment of Ultramarines as a major political entity within the Imperium. With such influence and resources, Ultramar is actually a solid political entity going forward.


Guilliman isn't trying to usurp the Golden Throne. He doesn't need to. He's Regent. However, he needs to change the Imperium back to what he and his brothers bled and died for, or at least what the Imperium was striving towards. He can't do this without Ultramarines. It's something to strive towards and also a test bed for change.


Secretly I also believe it's Guilliman's haven away from the craziness of the religious bigotry and political corruption.


Now, in reference to the power of Ultramar; this is interesting. Are the Ultramarines directly in control of Ultramar in a military manner? They appear to be and indeed always used to be when it was only 8 planetary systems. However, what is their remit? All those Ultramarian regiments and war material is not being used for anything other than prosecuting the Emperor'a wars and defence. We've yet to see a Chapter operate outside Ultramar with all that military resource.


Nominally I'd say the Ultramarines are the same as they always have been, except perhaps more like the Lunar Wolves in seniority. Remember the scene where Eidolon was given a dress down by Torgaddon? Amongst their own lineage they're pre-eminent as I feel they always have been.


Each Chapter is nominally independent and that means if Calgar gives an order to one of new Ultramar Chapters that conflicts with their own duty locally, the Chapter will likely refuse. Not that I believe he'll order them to do anything anyway as they're not his to command.


It's relevant to consider that Guilliman gave the position of Tetrach to non-Ultramarines, meaning the Ultramarines don't hold dominance over their legacy.

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I wonder if GW are building up to a future heresy event going forward? High Lords that don't like the new balance of power use the new power in Ultramar as an excuse and we start to see fractures in the Imperium. Possibly a break between non Codex and Codex chapters or even Codex chapters that are not happy that the Ultramarines are back in a big way.

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...or even Ultramarines that are unhappy and disgruntled that all their status quo has been turned upside down.


*closes eyes and prays for a Calgarian Heresy that opposes the Chapters with Primaris Marines.


Search your feelings. You know Primaris to be only true answer ;)

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