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Lets give that another try then shall we. Figured I'd just start a new log as the old one was over 2 years old and photobucket will no longer let me share pictures unless I hand over cash.

This will be my painting log for what will start as my Ultramarine army but will eventually branch into a large imperial army consisting of Guard, Inquisition and maybe even mech.

I'm setting this up to be a bit of a retro 2nd edition style army as this is when I started playing, so expect to see lots of red and bold colours.

To kick things off here's my 1st company representatives.

Librarian Maxinus.




Here is 6th Terminator squad "Gorgon"

(I made these before the new rules where cataphactii terminators were their own unit and can't take storm shields. Will have to run them as regular terminators)




Lastly for today her is 2nd company veteran sergeant Corbius, entombed in a dreadnought.




Hope you like them and I'll try and keep this updated on a regular basis.


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