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I think the top model looks better, especially with the custom pauldron. The chainsword is better paired with a bolt pistol instead of a two-handed weapon (the power fist can still hold the bolt rifle's foregrip, to steady it).

out of interest, where's the plastic-looking pauldron on the chainsword armed iteration from?

Also, the powerfist arguably looiks 'better' - but the chainsword, more 'realistic' [and therefore implicitly better imo] - coz the Marine can mag-lock it to belt when firing the bolt-rifle

Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback. I've opted for the power fist, just because I love the classic fist sergeant look. 


@Ryltar, the shoulder pad is from the dark angel ravenwing command squad I believe. 

Thanks mate! Your stuck is always inspiring :smile.:


The Lieutenant is nearly finished, just a little more work to go. Once again, after feedback - the powerfist, I have three ideas... one is to leave it plain, and just add a few honour markings to it. Maybe a skull or a halo. Option two would be to add OSL effects, some lightning and glowing power, probably either red or green. Or option three would be to add a bit of gore and viscera, make it look like he's already mulched a couple dudes. Opinions?





I think honour markings would work best, though it doesn't look bad plain in my opinion. Great work with the comms relay and the up armoured chest. The bolter is one of my favourite bits about that model, the serial number is a nice touch. 

Looking great! I would definitely leave it plain or maybe make an honour marking, but gore wouldn't fit your scheme much, and I don't like OSL on power fists, they're too big for that. Edited by The Traitor

I agree. Go with an honor marking. Gore would look out of place.


I am going to steal the stripe idea on your bolter. I think I'll be using that as an honor marking for my RG. I've been looking for an idea for a squad of scouts that survived a vindicator blast in 7th, I think that'll do nicely without being over the top.

Ok, so I opted for another Mechanicus related decal to detail the fist, since I see this guy, a grizzled vet with extensive bionics, as probably being fairly close to the techmarines of the chapter. However, after some feedback elsewhere I'm wondering if the model isn't a little too busy? Perhaps leaving the fist plain black would look better? Another suggestion I got, which I actually quite like, would be to paint the fist the same grey as the weapon casings, and use this colour for all weapons, melee or ranged. Thoughts?


Regardless, here is the (at least for now) finished Lieutenant.


Brother Ortus Rhane, 4th Company Lieutenant. One of the few remaining members of the Corsairs' former 1st Company, Ortus has served with distinction for almost four centuries, rising through the ranks to become a 9th Company devastator sergeant before being promoted to the honoured 1st Company as sergeant of 6th Squad. In the wake of the fall of Cadia and the opening of the Great Rift, Ortus' experience and leadership has been important in shaping the future of the rebuilding chapter, and his brothers fully expect him to be given command of 9th Company when it is eventually reformed.

As befits a veteran of so many years, Brother Ortus bears many honours and campaign badges, as well as the scars of uncounted other battles. Extensive injuries suffered during the defense of the forge world Omnichalos III necessitated major bionics and the fabrication of a customised breastplate and gorget by the grateful adepts of Omnichalos, whose emblem Ortus bears to this day. He also bears the Indomitus badge with honours and the Celestra campaign badge. His right greave carries the most significant honour, showing his participation in the Corsairs' pilgrim-embassy to Terra that resulted in their new pact with Navis-Nobilite House Ersine. This marks Ortus as one of only two dozen Corsairs to have set foot on Terra in the last two thousand years. 


++"I have fought xenos abominations beyond counting, heretics and apostates and even traitor astartes. I have never fought anything that could survive being vented out an airlock into the cold void."++






Amazing looking lieutenant, really nice colors! Personally I don't think he looks too busy, I think a completely black powerfist would make me wonder why only the powerfist is plain compared to the rest of the model. Great fluff written for him too, would love to see a 9th captain version someday!

Thanks mate! Glad you like it, and yes, hopefully someday I'll get to make a captain version of Ortus.


Anyway, just messing around with some basic photo effects with a couple of my finished dudes.



Just discovered your thread and DAMN I'm digging your stuff even more now!


You did some incredible minis over here and I'm eagere to read about the Corsairs more than ever.


You, sir, got a new follower. Keep it up! :tu:

This stuff is great. I love the custom color scheme, and the application of the hazard stripes. My only gripe is that you've got decals from everywhere. There are ultramarines, blood angels, mechanicum, iron hands. . . I feel like that'll undermine some of the unity in your scheme. My advice would be to standardize a bit and give your force an organized feeling. Unless you are going for something a bit more haphazard in their iconography, if that's the case then proceed on to greatness. 

Absolutely stunning work. Really like the fluff snippets with each mini as well.


Going back to that plaguemarine - how did you get that effect on the armour? I hope you're planning to bring us a whole warband at some point.

  On 9/13/2017 at 6:28 AM, MikhalLeNoir said:

Magos, that Lieutenant is breathtaking. The whole army is breathtaking. ....never stop to choke me^^

Thanks mate, coming from yourself that is high praise indeed!


  On 9/13/2017 at 6:08 PM, Kelborn said:

Just discovered your thread and DAMN I'm digging your stuff even more now!


You did some incredible minis over here and I'm eagere to read about the Corsairs more than ever.


You, sir, got a new follower. Keep it up! :thumbsup:

Very kind of you to say :) Glad you're enjoying them so far, I'm enjoying painting them and coming up with background. 


  On 9/13/2017 at 6:41 PM, SlickJSax said:

This stuff is great. I love the custom color scheme, and the application of the hazard stripes. My only gripe is that you've got decals from everywhere. There are ultramarines, blood angels, mechanicum, iron hands. . . I feel like that'll undermine some of the unity in your scheme. My advice would be to standardize a bit and give your force an organized feeling. Unless you are going for something a bit more haphazard in their iconography, if that's the case then proceed on to greatness. 

I can appreciate that the markings are a little haphazard. A big part of the Corsairs' identity is the use of campaign badges and honours to mark their service in certain campaigns, given that they tend to have a shorter life span than most marines due to the zone mortalis warfare they engage in. My hope is that, long term, a few badges like the inverted omega of the Indomitus Crusade will be more prevalent than other, rarer ones like the savlation of Baal badge. 


  On 9/13/2017 at 8:20 PM, A Kvlt Ghost said:

Absolutely stunning work. Really like the fluff snippets with each mini as well.


Going back to that plaguemarine - how did you get that effect on the armour? I hope you're planning to bring us a whole warband at some point.

I'm still planning to revisit the death guard, I have some changes I plan to make to the colours, but the armour will probably stay the same. The textured effect was achieved with lots of stippling of greys, bones, greens and reds to try and create a bit of visual interest, and then streaks of verdigris were done with nihlahk oxide followed by fine detail work with some ice blue paint. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the brief hiatus, had some time away visiting family and then catching up on work. 


Anyway, some progress - I've started the process of making my chapter master and his honour guard of vanguard vets. Not completely sure what weapon loadout I want for the vets, probably going for sword and board with a few fists just because it's cool, but pistol and shield also appeals.


The chapter master was always getting a thunder hammer though, because it looks awesome. It also seems decently strong which is a bonus.


Here's the results of last night's work assembling him. Held together with blue tack so I can paint him in sub assemblies. Before I stick paint on him, I wanted to get people's opinions and field any suggestions on how to improve him.



  On 10/1/2017 at 2:12 AM, mhacdebhandia said:

I really like the grey gun casings. What's the colour recipe for that?

Thanks :smile.: The casings are basically flat VMC Blue Grey Pale, highlighted with a 50/50 mix with some white. 


Anyway, I finally found some motivation to pick up the brushes again. Knocked out Tythos over the weekend, pretty happy with the result, although I was a bit rusty in parts. 


Fleet Master Tythos Vaharis, Lord of the Corsairs, Master of the Incendiax and Commander of the Ophidion Crusade. Former 8th Company Champion, Tythos' preference for short ranged brutal assaults perfectly exemplifies the combat doctrine of the Corsairs. For his role in liberating the Celestra System from the Aeldari raiders who plagued it, the grateful Techno-Artisans of Celestra gifted him with the thunder hammer Vulgata, which remains his weapon of choice. 







Wow, Tythos looks awesome, I think that it's a shame that there aren't rules for Intercessors HQs, and this just proves my point, they look great! I'm not a fan of the foot mechanisms (even if they do make kind of sense), but everything else looks spot on, great work on him!
  • 2 years later...

It's been a looong, looong time since I worked on my Corsairs. Hobby butterfly syndrome has seen me venture far and wide as is my wont. But Indomitus has brought me back, although I must admit I'm a little rusty as I haven't painted a space marine in a while...


Not finished yet, obviously. Basing and tidying up to come. 




A promising start to the Indomitus additions! And I have to say excellent work all around, reading back through the thread's been a pleasure. Fun to see a focus on void warfare, pirate marines have a special place in my heart. Be they renegade or loyal. Your conversions are excellent. Primaris look so much better to my eyes when you add some older marks in there to break up the uniformity. I hope they can hold your attention for a good while so we can see more.

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