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  1. Long time no see! Slowly getting back on the hobby horse. Was encoueaged by some friends to start posting again. I’ll slowly add pics of my various works over time here. first up, The Fractured! I’ve got a concept in mind of fleshing out chapters with little to no information. Both loyalist and traitors! First group will be the former chapter the Justicars, now the Fractured, who took part in the hopeless endeavor known as the abyssal crusade, and came out… worse for ware. for the lore buffs I’ll have more to come but for now just a tease! feedback, good or otherwise, is always welcome, thank you for your time!
  2. So here's the start of my Reivers for a new Counts as army of Dark Angels called "The Brotherhood of steel" loosely based around Fallout 4 (video Game) will try to cross BoS colours and ideals with Dark Angels theme and see what i get to make a chapter from it all. here is the scheme for the Reivers (going with the Blue Base's) most of the army will be simply weathered metal with some Death world forest(GW's olive drab ) mixed in.. here's the Reivers - another 3 to go,after this squad is done its a Redemptor Dread and the DA Lieutenant... then i may have to choose to paint the regular stuff required for a DA army Cheers,Mithril sorry for poor lighting pics,sony xperia phone cameras are not top of the line ...
  3. Okay, so I have a dilemma. I'm working on a Primaris marine force, and I really want to include a librarian in my army. I really really love the official model from GW (which I would of course make a few modifications to), but I also am pretty good at conversions, so converting my own out of a standard primaris is also a possibility. What do you guys think?
  4. I have decided to open a WIP topic dedicated to my Primaris Chaos Conversions. I already have a WIP post, but I guessed my current effort deserved something dedicated. I have just brought the Dark Imperium set, and I am simply astonished by the new Primaris bodies and their potential as conversion material! Surprisingly I found very little material about "chaosification" of Primaris in Chaos Marines on the net; if some of the wonderful people of this community can point me at some examples I would be grateful First I thought to just make some Champions out of them (I need new Sonic Blaster bearing champions for my noise marines units); I guessed they would look great as giants among pears and easy to spot, for once Then I was impressed with the first results, started a possessed and seen it turning in my hands into a Dark Apostole. Then a Warpsmith was due Then, then, then... I guess I will give each conversion a single post with pics, explanation and some fluff, editing it to show progresses (unless a mods discourage this) So: THE PROJECT Convert some beautiful chaos people from bigger marines, share info, get hint, work slowly but steady to build some elite guys Pics are awful, sorry THE MAIN ARMY All this new models will be added to my existing noise heavy Slaneesh army THE FLUFF The warband originates as a group of posers, a cover band, if you prefer :-) Origins are clouded, but It is told that at least 4 companies of a Space Marines Chapter called Seekers, never came back from a sacred pilgrimage to the Istvaan system, to "See the root of Heresy". Some decades after a Warband of renegades started to roam the galaxy looking for noise weaponry, trying to attract veterans from the III legion at every occasions The Sublime Sound Seekers belive that the most "blessed" can hear the galaxy sing, and if you move with that song, you will be invincible, eternal, perfect. They follow this belief with extraordinary abandon, only few of them indulging in rational "thinking" before act following impulses, so they have been constantly manipulated by cunning sorcerers, more experienced Chaos Lords and all matter of obscure power. Finally they managed to host with their ranks some elements of the original III Legion, finally attracting the attention of the ever vigilant Fabius Bile Bile and his associates, recently experimented with may voluntaries among their ranks, in his search to steal the Primaris formula from Kawl. Those are the best results jet
  5. Hi all. I'm building up my forces since the launch of 8th. I want to go full Primaris, and I currently have the Dark Millennium boxed set, the Primaries Heroes, a Redemptor, a Repulser, a box of Rievers, Aggressors, Inceptors, Intersessors, and Hellblasters. What more do I need to acquire to build towards a good 2000 point list? I also have Robby-G painted up, so he can join the fun when needed too. I've read all the Primaris related threads and pursued the army lists to get some ideas. I'm not the most competitive player. I enjoy building and painting more, but being able to hold my own would be nice. Thanks for the help everyone.
  6. So I'm making a full primaris army atm and I remember in the mini 'dex that comes with dark imperium it shows that the colours of the pauldron trim denote battleline, close support and fire support. I want to include these colour markings in my force but I can't for the life of me remember what they are (and I can't find my mini 'dex to check) If someone has a copy of the book would they please be able to either attach a picture of the page or simply tell me what colours they are? I can't find it online or in the new SM codex. Thanks in advance for any help! (I hope this is in the right place, I'm sorry if not!)
  7. Soooo, it's been a while since I haunted these parts. I took a bit of a break from 30/40k this year, putting my beloved Iron Warriors on hold. I had a brief plan to paint some 40k marines for a chapter of my own design, in a more high tech theme, but that never went anywhere. A few months later though, GW do most of the work for me and gave me the Primaris marines. Higher tech, bigger, better space marines? Why yes please, thank you sir. I love the Primaris marines, they are everything Space Marines are supposed to look like imo. And conveniently the new units perfectly suit the style of the Corsairs I had envisaged - brutal short ranged units specialised for boarding actions and zone mortalis combats. Fluffwise - the Corsair's are a Dark Founding chapter of unknown heritage, specialising in void warfare and boarding actions. They are broadly codex adherent, however the high attrition cost of their methods of warfare results in higher casualty rates than most chapters endure, which ensures they maintain a larger than normal scout company and recruit aggressively to replace losses. They are a fleet based chapter without a home world, recruiting from the slums of hive worlds they visit or from amongst juvenile gangers and pirates captured during combat, favouring aspirants who show fearlessness and aggression. During the preparation for the 13th Black Crusade, the bulk of the chapter, around seven companies, was committed to the defensive fleet stationed at Cadia. The resulting destruction of the Gate and formation of the Cicatrix Maledictum left the scattered remnant's of the Corsair's on the verge of destruction. Recent decades have seen the slowly rebuilding chapter commit its forces to the Indomitus Crusade, taking part in numerous battles and campaigns alongside their brother astartes and other Imperial forces and making several forays into the Imperium Nihilus. The primary objective of the chapter and acting Chapter Master Jeor Catello is to discover the fate of their missing companies and to recover their prized battle barge Herodius Nero. As thanks for their service in the Crusade and to aid the Corsairs in recovering their operational strength, three companies of Ultima founding marines, along with stockpiles of new MkX power armour were awarded to the chapter during the Triumph Donatus of Viatorus, along with the newly commissioned battle barge Incendiax. Currently the Corsairs are in crusading alongside allied Imperial forces in the east of the Ultima Segmentum where they are attempting to chart new passages through the Great Rift and establish communication with lost Imperial worlds. Brother Hyax of the Corsairs, 4th Company, 3rd Squad, seen bearing inverted Omega campaign badge showing service in the Indomitus Crusade. http://i.imgur.com/cwk4TkJl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/aXq5LoJl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/2r9igMJl.jpg The scheme is a reimagining of my original Corsairs chapter, with a more thought out colour scheme that I like a lot more. Opinions? Thoughts? Too dark? I've not yet added any weathering to this guy, and I'm not sure if I should or not. Usually I would, but I'm deliberately trying to challenge myself to paint a more clean, crisp style of mini and make better use of decals.
  8. Long time lurker, first time poster! I've started putting together the Dark Imperium Primaris, and I've put cobbled wallpaper on their bases. This is a nice enough basic texture, which can be nicely brought out with a wash and a highlight, but I'd like to add some 3D/visual interest to the bases. However, I have never done 28mm cobbles before, and it's not quite futuristic enough for slabs of ferrocrete and rusty decking all over the place. My initial plan was to wend some alien-looking flock between cobbles to look like an overgrown and long-lost city from the DAoT, but that seems a little flat. The cobbles will be shades of grey, and I was hoping B&C could give me some ideas on what else to put on them to make them a) more interesting and more 40k. My current ideas are: - Spent bolter shells - Crushed-up bricks as brick-rubble - Chunks of cork tile concrete with paperclip rebar - Skulls? Alien skulls? A bit OTT. - Identifiable scraps of my last few bits of City of Death - Blobs of polyfilla/blutak/green stuff covered in sharp sand as rubble The army are in cream, brass and green if that affects anyone's ideas. Thanks in advance for any and all help!
  9. So, I kind of want to do an army of primaris imperial fists. I want the company command to be the new Primaris guys. But, I'm not sure how this fits in the fluff. I mean. The imperial fists have 10 Captains, right? I can see how you would get the odd primaris squad showing up here and there in a mixed company, but a pure primaris company? Is that a thing? I really want to use the Primaris Captain/Chaplain/Apothecary/Ancient. And, in this case, what colour should I do the shoulder pad rims. I don't want to pick some company (3rd and 5th are the nicest aesthetically) and unilaterally decide they are all primaris now, only for GW to contradict that in official fluff. That said, it's possible the 3rd company is going to be mostly replaced by primaris, didn't they get pretty badly beaten up during the Fall of Cadia? Someone has mentioned that in the Guy Haley book an 11th (Primaris) Company of Ultramarines is created (they use a light blue trim). No idea if this happens in other chapters or not. Maybe I should just come up with an ultima founding chapter of my own, with basically the same colour scheme but tweaked (an Imperial firsts version of the 'fulminators') Except I kind of want to use transfers for my chapter symbol.
  10. So with the loss of photobucket the old blog lost pretty much all the pictures, figured it may be time to start up a new thread, one I hope to actually keep up to date, I hope. Anyway Pics... This guy you probabaly already seen. And the new guy. Next up shall be a squad...
  11. Hello brothers! I'm a longtime traitor (CSM) player who loves the primaris range and wants to start a DIY primaris only chapter. I'm thinking either they'll either be a iron hands or imperial fist successor chapter. Have a color scheme for the most part and now just struggling with a name. I would really love to incorporate something related to bears or ursine in the name as the fluff of I've written is related to them. So far I've come up with the ursine praetors, the war bears and then the ashen wardens. The last is the only one I like but has nothing to do with bears so that's a last resort. Any ideas? Here is the WIP scheme: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/gallery/image/228027-img-18 http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/gallery/image/228028-img-18
  12. A long time ago I had thought of building the Angels of Vengeance (because I thought black armor was the easiest to paint). I ended up with the Dark Angels because hey, who doesn't want to be the parent chapter? Now that I've got close to a completed 3rd company, it seemed to make sense to start transitioning back to building out the Angels of Vengeance, particularly with Primaris marine reinforcements, given how many casualties they sustained during the Massacre at Darkmor. As the story goes - the existing marines were all promoted up to the Dreadwing and Raptorwing, thus ensuring strong first/second companies to continue hunting the fallen. New marines, and leaders from the Dark Angels were seconded to the Angels of Vengeance to ensure continuation of their battle-line companies. Master Hadriel, formerly of the Dark Angels, now with the Angels of Vengeance leads his company of renown: Assisted by Codicier Itherael, testing the resolve of the new Primaris marines from Guilliman Interrogator-Chaplain Malthael to keep the faith Finally Apothecary Raziel, to ensure the gene-seed continues to flourish with these new marines. Excited to continue to build and share these guys as the journey continues!
  13. Heraclite

    reiver squad

    From the album: Heraclite's works

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