Minigiant Posted August 21, 2017 Share Posted August 21, 2017 (edited) Index Astartes: Sussurro Abyssi"What is dead cannot die" MAJOR REWRITE IN PROGRESS Version 2.0 (WIP) Origins Brother Dyus The history of the Sussurro Abyssi can be traced back to the terrifying times somewhere around the Year of the Ghosts. When the High Lords of Terra ordered a nascent Chapter from Gene-legacy of the Silver Skulls, the line of Guilliman, to be founded; Bhenan Proteus Abyssal Whisperer was appointed, as first Lord Commander. Known for his; peculiar superstitions, near ritualistic talking into the void about his Prognosticators divinations, and from which the Chapters High Gothic name derives. Being founded as all Chapters do, from the most stable of gene-stock, it is clear they werent the only one, how many chapters were founded alongside is unclear, with a great many records lost within the labyrinth of the Administrum. All that is known is that at least half a dozen were founded; Howling Griffons, to name one, a majority of which follow the strict organisational and tactical guidelines of the Codex Astartes, like most of the approximate thousand chapters in existence, as do the Sussurro Abyssi to an extent. He started them upon a path that for over seven thousand years has earned them a cold reputation among the Imperium since their inception, with their grim and fatalistic view on Mankind, from the strange and terrible knowledge they burden. They fight to deny the inevitable, bemoaning the high price they have to pay for such meagre gains - but they do it because that is what they were created to do. It started within a few years of their founding, brothers began experiencing vivid hallucinogenic dreams as their Catalepsean Node slowly mutated. These dreams were glimpses into a horrifying future, and eerily mirrored the more worrying divinations the chapters Prognosticators were beginning to scry. As the dreams progressed in severity they reached out; to the Adeptus Mechanicus and their Genator-Magos, Abdul Hazred, to the Ultramarines that shared the same primogenitor as their Silver Skull forebearers. Only to be turned away for being too frightening to be believed. How could they not know the truth somewhere in their minds, how could they not; look out into the stars, or into the void and not realise how tiny we all are, how pointless Mankind is in this universe. The Imperium is the centre of nothing. The confession of their genetic mutation only brought the Imperiums scrutiny down onto the Whisperers, and with it Inquisitorial investigation and spurning suspicion. So they learned to stay quiet, until one day they perceive someone is truly ready to listen. Sentenced to purgatory along the Imperiums isolated southern border that would repair the power and reach of the Adeptus Astartes, until such time they could once again call themselves Scions of Guilliman. Haunted by unimaginable visions and nightmares has profoundly altered their tale to this day, and Unlike their fellow descendants of Guilliman before his un-prophesised return, the Sussurro Abyssi have never once aspired to take the pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Primarch. For their visions have made them pariahs and shunned. Recruitment Settling into their duty of protecting the periphery of the Segmentum Tempestus from Xenos incursions, an expeditionary fleet led by the Sussurro Abyssi tasked with mapping some essential yet unknown areas of the Veiled Region. Without it the limited levels of navigation conducted on this region made it both dangerous and hazardous. It is unstable at best, perennial nebulas interfering with communication, psionic radiation leaving vessels to drift for days unable to enter to the tumultuous Immaterium. Amongst the greatest dangers is in its isolation from Astropathic communication, for psychic communication is reflected and echoed with only silence being returned. It was only for their skilled Navigators the exploration was allowed, and for why it was successful. Without them they would be unable to traverse the seemingly seen breaking point of reality, thickening nebulae, and stellar clouds. It was in this seemingly unknown and forgotten area of space, they came upon what they were told did not exist. Under law they were prohibited, Human Settlements. What was more striking was the seemingly consistent amount of vessels that came and went bringing supplies and much needed trade; even despite of the treatment they received. Veiled Region All manner of vessels would traverse through this region of space; merchant, miner, scavenger, prison, darkholds, and even Rogue Traders. Without them these human settlements would be isolated from one another and left unprotected. Interstellar trade could not exist, and the weapons needed to stop a world falling into darkness would not be obtained. There travel throughout the Imperium is arduous and dangerous, their ancient vessels powerful engines flinging them into the Immaterium where they can cover thousands of light years within a relatively short time, dropping back into the Materium far beyond their starting point. The Warp seeks to drag helpless vessels to their doom, with its constant turbulence, and warp storms. Those aboard those vessels are not merely star travellers but the products of many generations passed in the darkness between worlds, Void Born. They are relatively few among the teeming multitudes of humanity, but singular, and form a disparate and odd collection of misfits, strangers, and other ill-omened folk, birthed in the bellies of vessels that are spending standard centuries charting its course through the stars. On the worlds they came to they were shunned for their ethereal quality and considered to be unlucky, ill-fated, bringers of bad fortune, secretive, and untrustworthy. Believed in some way to have been touched by the Warp where gravitational variance, radiation exposure, genetic distortion, and Warp anomalies slowly take their toll. A shore they carried a strange air about them, a perceptible something that makes others uneasy. It is those of the Blackholds treated worst for with them comes a darker reputation. They are couched in stories of dire curses, bleak fortunes, baleful massacres, cannibalism, hauntings and worse. The plight of the Void born was one of reflection; they too were homeless and ostracised without just cause. Empathy overcame Proteus soul. They too were somehow associated with the many and unfathomable dangers of the outer darkness, and being inured with the Warp, convinced him that they could serve as the source of future Sussurro Abyssi. Without a Homeworld and having settled into patrolling the periphery of the vastly unknown Veiled Region, with its dense nebulae and newborn stars that suffer from waves of radiation alongside discarded stellar matter whilst being cloaked in stellar dust, along the galactic south of the Segmentum Tempestus, from which come the raiders and despoilers of the foul Xenos. The Abyssi became responsible for the surrounding areas of space, chief among them the Ainu System, the Nahmu Stars and the Hypnis Expanse. Apothecaries and Chaplains of the Abyssi recruit aspirants for the Chapter from the vast, city-sized spacecraft that too ply the depths of the void in order to ensure that the Chapter recruits the strongest mentally and most genetically suitable candidates. Most terrifying of aspirants are from the Darkholds. The Darkholders are a breed apart to those with the wisdom to see it, a higher proportion of Chaplains are recruited from these terrifying vessels. Recruitment is slow and arduous, with no centralised recruitment and no knowing of when the next suitable aspirant will be found within the innumerable of voidfaring vessels. Chaplains must work within the labyrinthine of political webs woven amongst the thousands of ship's crew, who might all be embroiled in complex webs of feuds, alliances, and unpleasant little wars to not disrupt the carefully balanced system. Removing one wrong aspirant can potentially hampers the void born population's ability to maintain itself and properly crew the ships themselves and deprive the Chapter of a source of future recruits. The Chapter's space bound fortress monastery, flagship, and foremost warship appears as a pre-imperial battle station, is known as Cetus, a gigantic starship of origins unknown. In form and scale, it is nearer a planetoid than a conventional vessel. Its foredeck can dock a dozen Imperial Navy Cruisers around its circumference. The vessel is a hive city in space, with its great spires reaching towards the stars, and its striking resemblance to the now lost Word Bearer trident shaped Furious Abyss-class Super Battleships of the Great Crusade. It rivals that of the Phalanx, wielding the firepower of a formidable ?eet, with its studded surface of arched gun batteries, the squat shape of its plasma lance, and Psionic charges alongside other defences. Brought here to be inducted into the Abyssi the Void Born aspirants will step out to breath in its unique ecosystem and see; large portions of the vessel used to emulate different combat environments for training purposes, swathes of space given way to meditation, tapestries of the terrifying nightmares they are to expect but, most of all the endless barren halls. It is here neophytes will undergo the long process of psycho indoctrination, and gruelling biological and genetic testing before being implanted with the gene-seed that will sustain them through a lifetime of nightmares, and turn their meagre bodies into killing machines and into an Abyssal Whisperer begins. A once humble and frail recruit becomes the epitome of humanity, the perfect warrior and servant of the Imperium. Battlefield Doctrine Brother XXXX Vexillum of XXX Following the same reading and understanding of Roboute Guilliman's Codex Astartes as their Predecessors, the Silver Skulls that stay close to the main tenants, has protected the Abyssal Whisperers from further suspicion and scrutiny from the Inquisition. The inevitable enveloping darkness never leaves their thoughts but, War is their purpose, it is what the Whisperers were created for, and it is their last source of pride and satisfaction. The tactical orthodoxy is dictated to a degree as Fleet Based Adeptus Astartes Space Marines. Their instrumentality ensures the Chapter is not used as a blunt instrument but instead a lethal strike unlike the faceless masses of the Astra Militarum. The millennia of repeated combat indoctrination has shaped them into the force they are today; efficiency in war is their only antidote for bemoaning the cost of taking something that achieves nothing, and being unable to stop the inevitable darkness. Establishing themselves as a predominantly defensive force, they orchestrate fire bases that with their skilled gunfire and overlapping fields of fire, supress oncoming attackers. They wait for the opportune moment to disrupt their attackers further with well executed raids from their Assault forces. That cause considerable damage and sews confusion among the ranks. They bemoan the cost of war so, so must those that try to defy them, it is said the only death they fear is the fear of death through madness; it is why they give no quarter so readily. As with their predecessors it is not unknown to hear of the Whisperers unwilling to go to anothers aid, no one is willing to come to theirs, and sometimes the divinations show the cost to be too severe. It is perhaps this single fact why they have survived for so long. When they begrudgingly have to take ground, they seek to overwhelm their foes so they may maintain momentum, preferring to engage directly after a carefully orchestrated orbital bombardment from their vast fleet assets; to then drop-pod infantry and equipment alongside thunderhawk-deployed vehicles. Chapter Scouts will most often be required to gather vital intelligence under any circumstance which is used to confirm or expand on the information gained from the Prognosticators divinations. They are used further to disrupt enemy supply lines with sabotage and demolition missions, as well as eliminate key assassination targets. Their actions are often mistaken for bravery and courage. They stand before the enemies of the Imperium unflinchingly for they consider themselves worthless. It is only from the Chaplains that walk among them in the heat of battle, reminding them of their purpose, their sole responsibility that they continue to fight. For many they want to die, want to despair, and want to return to nothing. Organisation An outside observer would find it difficult to spot any differences between the Sussurro Abyssi and a chapter rigidly adhering to the tenants of the Codex, such as the Ultramarines. Sussurro Abyssi have been considered a near Codex Astartes-adherent chapter for much of their history, although the nature of a fleet-based chapter does require some flexibility in this regard, with isolated fleet elements being forced to adapt their tactics to the resources available to them. Additionally, the Denizens of the Deep fight predominantly without direct Imperial support due to their ill-omened reputation, instilling in them a sense of self-reliance uncommon in many Codex-style chapters who are more comfortably meshed in the greater Imperial war machine. It is in the organisation of the higher levels that deviations from the Codex Astartes can be seen. All Chapters include a number of officers and specialists who stand aside from the company organisation. In the Sussurro Abyssi the Chapter Master is referred to as Lord Commander, as was the way of their predecessors, the Silver Skulls. The Librarians, known as Prognosticators, are partial spiritual advisor alongside their Chaplains; these warriors are the seers of the Chapter, scrying for divination of the future. They grant the squads and companies they are attached to an edge for the coming battles. The Chapter relies on a large support staff, and highly ranked members include the [TITLE], the Captains; [TITLE], [TITLE], and the [TITLE]. Although each Captain is a Space Marine, there are actually relatively few Brethren in the Chapters support staff, and most non-combatant roles are performed by the Chapters Human serfs. The Chapter includes a large number of support staff, many are non-combatants of advanced age tasked with the day-to-day administration of the Chapter. The largest group of Sussurro Abyssi Space Marines in the support staff are the Chapters armourers and Techmarines, who are aided in their tasks by hundreds of mono-task Servitors. The chapter is comprised of Ten Companies each led by a Sussurro Abyssi Captain, who has progressed through the ranks. He is attended by a Command Squad, consisting of the Companys Standard Bearer, Apothecary, and Company Champion, as well as other brethren assigned to aid the Captain in his duties. Each company includes both a Prognosticator, and a Chaplain, who preside over the brothers spiritual well-being and reminds them of their duty. Each of the ten companies comprising of the Sussurro Abyssi, follow the structure within the Codex. The first company is made of the Veterans among their ranks. Their wisdom is invaluable to the chapter, and so they are attached to the Battle Companies to share their knowledge, essentially armed in a similar manner to a Tactical squad. Only the most experienced of those will be permitted to wear the few suits of Terminator armour available to the Chapter. These suits can be seen watching over you as you enter the forge on Cetus. Denizen Techmarines have gone to extensive lengths to return fallen suits of Terminator armour so that it may once more see battle. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Companies are organised along Codex lines. Battle Companies, each consisting of six battleline squads, two close support squads, and two fire support squads. These four company and their fleets form the main battle lines and generally bear the brunt of the fighting. Each have a degree of autonomy and with such a variety of squads, the Companies are highly flexible and tactically adaptable. Companies 6 and 7 are battleline companies, each consisting of ten battleline squads. These act as reserves which may be used to bolster the front line, launch diversionary attacks or stem enemy flanking manoeuvres. With such low recruitment rates these are rarely ever at full strength. The 7th company is barely seen at all, some say it is now only there in name only. The 8th Company consists of ten close support squads. This highly mobile company is often equipped with jump packs, and is fielded in the assault role wherever a strong hand-to-hand fight force is needed to storm an enemy strongpoint. The 9th Company consists of ten Fire Support Squads. It is the most powerfully equipped in the Chapter and is used to bolster defence and provide long-range support. The 10th Company consists of a number of Scout squads; youths who have been recruited and partially transformed into Space Marines. There is no formal size for the company as the rate of recruitment is not fixed. They are the only company to not maintain its own fleet, and instead operate directly off of Cetus. Never fighting as one coherent force; instead they are assigned to the other fleet where they can gain experience alongside their elders. All of the companies, with the exception of the Scout Company maintain transports and Drop pods for each of their squads and officers. The armoury hold onto more centrally, including Land Raiders, each being allocated to individual squads dictated by the needs of their mission or requested by a Captain on the spot. Many of the Battle companies and Reserve companies include a number of Dreadnoughts to remain a part of the company in which the warrior served before being interred within the metal sarcophagus in which he fights, and his presence bolsters in the companys fighting strength considerably. Chapter Cult and Belief System Haunted by their dreams, for fear is real, lying in their thoughts of the future. Seen as secretive, ill-omened, and somehow touched by the Warp; for the Abyssi are and know of the unfathomable dangers of the outer darkness. Inured to the reality-altering process of constant Warp travel, they carry a strange air about them, a perceptible something that makes even the bravest of Astartes Chapters uneasy around them. The Abyssi know first-hand the horrors of space and the sheer multitude of the Emperor's enemies. This knowledge forces these voidfarers, plying the dark void between the stars holding a deeper darkness within, to insular their brotherhood, a life in renunciation from what is lurking in the void beyond the hull. Minds of the Prognosticators deep within the Librarium look far out into the cold vastness of space further than any brothers dreams. Their sight piercing the encouraging black veil for only a second to see shrieking and immemorial lunacy, with eldritch contradictions of all matter, force, and cosmic order. A mountain walked or stumbled, for their minds to then be scorched. It has uncovered the abyss beneath their illusory sense of connection with Mankind. What all Brothers see is a senseless, mechanical, and uncaring universe. Mankind dissolves in the meaningless when impermanence is the only real thing. They have tried for so long to look away and to wake from these terrible dreams but with no understanding their minds are pulled and stretched further. The strain is almost too much for some. Staring deep into the void for so long it now only stares back, as a contradicting reflection of what they have become, Reclusive, Withdrawn, Taciturn; Denizens of the deep. No ordinary Denizen will be remembered for all legacies will be burned but, the stars will live on. To recount such tales only delays the inevitable entropic devouring of such. For that the most solemn of causes is that of the Apothecarion; to prepare for a future that does not exist. Chapter Badge The millennia of screeching divinations and torturous dreams have left the Inquiliana Abyssi with only a cold senseless taste of hopelessness. Their actions cannot be compared to the fate that awaits us all, it will all be dust. Humanities time has come, no longer belonging in the only place they have ever known. Nothing can be saved from the inevitable terror that we should all fear, even those you call Gods of ruinous powers. There are no gods! That tenant disturbs the Ecclesiarchy for not only do they deny the existence of their God but, all that it opposes; all that is supposedly defends against. It puts them odds with the Adeptus Mechanicus, and the Techmarines within their ranks who have sworn ancient pacts with the Omnissiah. To find a follower of the Imperial Cult not openly hostile to what they consider such blasphemy will be a darkest day indeed. To perpetuate such an idea of a deity that can save us from the unsavable, only serves to deny that we are alone, and hopeless in the grandest of schemes. Realisation of the inevitable fate that belongs to us all is creeping into our galaxy, like the tendriled Void Stalker of the Warp with their prey. We could never fathom, fully understand, or explain fate but it is nearly upon us, and it will become known as a blessed release for our fate is no longer in anyones hands. They understanding that there is only Xenos and Mankind in this tumultuous galaxy, for Gods are only considered omniscient from not being understood and obeying a set of laws. Though all Xenos are dangerous to mankind, they are neither good nor evil, the greatest of which are merely incomprehensible, cosmic forces, that notions of morality have no significance too. They exist in cosmic realms beyond our understanding. While the Deathwatch and Ordo Xenos mode operati is considered narrow and flawed, for the Abyssi to be assigned to a Watch Station or Fortress is one of the last remaining noble causes in the galaxy. Their own splendour is that of which was unwillingly bestowed upon. In the darkest millennium it needlessly stands out with towering majesty to give hope to those that have none. For we all go into the ground a few feet in order blindly and dumbly to rot and disappear forever. Prognosticators Prognosticators, are hybrid officers fulfilling the role of Librarian, alongside tasks of the Chaplaincy, they administer to the psionic and mental well-being of the Chapter's warriors. These dour warriors are the seers of the Chapter, reading their brothers dreams or scrying for divination of the future, granting the squads and companies they are attached to an edge for the coming battle. The Chapter takes the readings seriously, as such that on some occasions, the Prognosticators have counselled against the Chapter becoming embroiled in a particular war, however this can prove problematic as to heap greater suspicion on an already mistrusted chapter. At times this has led to taking take part in conflicts they know will end in defeat. Upon a Prognosticators armour, pendants and badges of office can be found Elder marks and runes engraved into the surface. These are not purely decorative, as they serve to channel and concentrate the Prognosticators psychic powers. Given their role as wards of the psionic and spiritual health of the Sussuro Abyssi, it is a rare thing indeed for a Prognosticator to take the Apocryphon Oath, and serve a Vigil of the Long Watch with the Deathwatch, the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos. In accepting a Prognosticator into his Watch Fortress, a Watch Commander gains the services of an individual of unique skill and ability. His knowledge of both the Librarians arts and the duties of the Chaplain are of course valuable. Yet the greatest of the Prognosticators are able to extend their ministrations to all of the Battle-Brothers they serve alongside, inspiring each and every one to epic deeds of courage, and diverting the flow of history so that these warriors can return to their chapters as heroes. It is said that by the actions of these few Prognosticators that the Denizens of the Deep have gained any trustworthy Astartes Chapter allies at all. Apothecaries The most solemn of individuals tasked with the most solemn of tasks. It is their role to mind the physical wellbeing of their battle-brothers. Not all injuries however are visible to be seen. An Apothecary of another chapter would easily be oblivious to the emotional damage that eats away at them. An Apothecary of the Sussuro Abyssi however knows too well the torment that his brothers endure, for they too are emotionally scarred from their nightmares. Techmarines Those amongst the Abyssi with an affinity for technology are dispatched to Mars, honouring ancient pacts formed with the Adeptus Mechanicus millennia ago upon their founding, where they are initiated into the Martian tech-cults to become Techmarines. This process divides the brothers duality complex into a triality nightmare but, it is acknowledged as a necessary process. Without Techmarines the Abyssi would be left unable to tend to the machine spirits, to observe the rites that ensure continued operation of their wargear, repair damage taken on the field of battle, or to attend to the needs of the Fleet. Upon their training on Mars they return even more mysterious and capricious, aloof and distant. Their inscrutable ways are not easily understood by most of the battle-brethren. For many they do not understand themselves, lost in the belief that if their Machines could not be eternal then it cannot be real. Abyssi techmarines struggle to unravel their three competing ideologies; Liber Mechanicus and the Omnissiah, Chapters duty, and its creed, their entire lives. Eternity becomes their supreme desire, nothing is real that is not eternal. The prognosticators that discern their dreams tell of only vague impressions of a sleep addled mind but, they all tell the same story. It is no ordinary nightmare. There is a prison deep below the surface, and something that stands a mile high but moves like flesh and blood. A rustle of wings, and a set of claws; how small they stand beside them claws. They feel him beneath the sand, they see his dreams, and so another fear to be believed. There visions sometimes reveal relics and STC files to be found, for it is all incidental and they are not bad. If it is not eternal it cannot be real. Dreadnoughts The mightiest fallen Denizens, those within whom deny the dying of the light, with a life that still burns bright, are preserved from their final rest. The restless memories of the ancient heroes who pilot them can extend back to the early years of their Chapter and its earliest history. They are revered by other Space Marines, not just as potent warriors, but also as enduring millennia of hauntings from all that they have seen, and dreamt. To honour these courageous warriors, the fallen heroes are allowed to sleep away the centuries within the ancient crypts alongside their deceased brothers in arms, waiting, dreaming until the stars are right and war calls them once more into service of the Imperium. Gene-seed Descendant of the line of Guilliman, through the legacy of the Silver Skulls, their Gene-seed maintained its renown for its stability upon the founding of the Sussurro Abyssi; only exacerbating the distinguishing features of the void born recruits drawn features and pale pallid skin. Not before long the Catalepsean Node began to exhibit signs of a peculiar mutation, operationally it still controlled the rhythms and responses to any sleep deprivation, allowing them to stay awake at full effectiveness for days at a time. They do, for when they sleep they are consumed with potent, disturbing, and dark dreams, overwhelming them with dread. Prognosticators scry these dreams to glean small hints of the future, whose own dreams travel out so much further, giving them all cold black dancing in their eyes. The Apothecaries do what they can to ease the burden of such nightmares but, for those who find them all too much are slowly driven insane are led away in pentagrammically warded chains to a chamber deep in the bowls of Cetus, where they will mutter nonsensically for their eternity about what placid island of ignorance we live in among black seas of infinity. Prognosticators sit piecing together dissociated pieces of knowledge opening up terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein. Primaris Marines Nearly every Space Marine created since the First Founding possesses nineteen specialised organs derived from this gene-seed.The Primaris Marines, however originally engineered by the Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl on the orders of Roboute Guilliman are implanted with a further three additional organs. It was the Sangprimus Portum, a device containing potent genetic material harvested from the Primarchs, that allowed for this breakthrough. Entrusted to Cawl by Guilliman shortly after the Second Founding, this device resulted in a new breed of Adeptus Astartes that were deployed en masse in the Ultima Founding. Due to Cawls interpretation of his orders and the millennia-spanning labour of his task during which Guilliman was injured and suspended in stasis the secrets of these new Primaris organs were not released until late in the 41st Millennium. Despite being ostracized and cast out as pariahs, ultimately, as with most chapters, the Sussuro Abyssi received envoys of the Primarch. Initially the Primaris were universally met with mistrust, although in each case the reasons were different. The first wave was suspect, claiming Robute Guilliman had returned, an event that seemingly was not envisaged by the Chapters prognosticators. The second wave were shunned because of the Chapter Cult itself Did they understand that the ending in nigh. In general, those Primaris who have experienced the nightmares in their sleep addled brains have grown to be accepted and well-received, though lingering doubts remain if any of them could fall into madness. At present, the Chapters Cult has been reluctant to fully embrace Primaris. The Chaplains, Prognosticators and Apothecaries of the Primaris are if anything less welcome than their ordinary brothers, being un-empathetic to the torture they risk with every sleep. Time will tell as to whether the Primaris become full and true Denizens of the Deep, or whether they will be left to quietly wither away and be forgotten. That said, there are those that fear the Primaris for another reason entirely; that they represent the fulfilment of a long-held belief that the End of Days is night. Certainly, enough has happened to make some within the Chapter believe the end is coming far sooner than they have gleamed, and with Primarichs returning and Custodes abroad once more, perhaps in time the Primaris will be seen not as unwelcome outsiders, but the fulfilment of a prophecy scryed ten millennia ago. Power Armour Even with gene-seed implantation complete, there is one final stage that must take place before an aspirant can be called a Denizen of the Deep he must be clad in the distinctive sea green armour. The enclosing suits worn by all Space Marines are made from thick ceramite plates that would be cumbersome but for electrically motivated fibre bundles that replicate the movements of the wearer and supplement his strength. The last gene-seed organ to be implanted in a Space Marine the black carapace rests beneath the skin, itself fitted with neural sensors and transfusion ports. These plug-in points mesh with Space Marine armour, linking the wearers nervous system to his suits mind-impulse controls and turning the suit into a second skin that moves with all the speed and precision of the battle-brothers own body. Without the carapace, Space Marine armour is almost impossible to use, and it is therefore the most distinctive feature of a battle-brother and the true mark of the Adeptus Astartes. There are several types (or marks) of power armour with significantly differing appearances. Many older marks are often worn by Abyssi ceremonial guards or elite units. Power armour is maintained by skilled artificers who are not Space Marines, but servants who spend their lives working for the Chapter. Especially talented artificers are justly celebrated, and examples of their work is highly prized. Elements of ancient armour are religiously hunted down, for they carry both the history of the Chapter and the triumphs of heroic individuals. Such pieces are lovingly restored and painstakingly engraved with new designs. As a result, it is quite common to find power armour that combines pieces from different marks, every greave and gorget a recollection of mighty deeds and battles won. Version 1.0 Artwork&Graphics Edited February 15, 2018 by Minigiant Grand Master Aldric, Sete and Maleagant 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted August 21, 2017 Author Share Posted August 21, 2017 (edited) Version 1.0 Origins C reated in the early part of M38 as part of the Sentinel founding, though it is clear they werent the only one, how many chapters were founded is unclear, with a great many records lost within the labyrinth of the Administrum. All that is known is that at least half a dozen were founded; Star Phantoms, Marines Errant, and Steel Cobras to name but a few, a majority of which follow the strict organisational and tactical guidelines of the Codex Astartes, like most of the approximate thousand chapters in existence. The Abyssi have chosen to not adhere to the Codex Astartes and instead out of necessity have forged their own path. Their path has earned them a cold reputation among the Imperium since their inception. For the fear of their extreme intolerance for infidels, and all manifestations of it; corruption, disease, and mutation, all are to be exterminated without thought. Punishment for infidelity is death, there can be no alternative. It is for this simple tenant that the Abyssi are known for entire domination. All those who stray from the light of the Emperor are to be punished, ruthless and unforgiving in its execution. Despite being founded as all Sentinel Chapters, from the most stable of gene-stock; exemplary and overly excessive measures were taken in creating the highest purity for this then nascent Chapter of the Iron Snakes gene-legacy. Their purity is needed as they are tested in their eternal perdition of watching over Dimitar; their fortress-monastary built deep into the seabed on Nahmu. The Ordo Mechanicus tell of whispered tales in the dark corners of Mars that claim the Genetor-Magos Abdul Hazred was forced to reject many perfectly acceptable glands in the process to create the Abyssi; extraordinary considering their already high levels of purity and the other stringent requirements in place. Designated in High Gothic as Inquiliana Abyssi by the Administrum bureaucracy, it is unknown why the name was never changed or determined by Proteus, the Chapter's first Chapter Master. Chosen and approved by the High Lords of Terra for Master Proteus established himself for his near fanatical unrelenting belief in the Imperial Cult and in his obligation to being the pinnacle of an Emperors Astartes. Charged with establishing a Chapter to stop whatever now lies imprisoned within Dimitar at the bottom of one of planets deepest seas being unleashed upon all of Mankind. It is therefore fitting that Inquiliana Abyssi Lower Gothic translation is fitting for what they have become, Denizens of the Deep. It is an entirely thankless task, but the Inquiliana Abyssi undertakes the challenge willingly. FATE OF OMNISSAHS PURGATORY In extraordinary circumstances the Genator-Magos, Abdul Hazred personally inspected the progress of his creation, the Inquiliana Abyssi. While on route to Nahmu on-board Omnissahs Purgatory', the Ark Mechanicus class martian vessel was overrun by the horrors that invest the warp. They came as fast as they disappeared. There was no other choice other than to quarantine it upon its arrival for half a dozen years, for fear it may be an unwilling vessel of the ruinous powers. In his isolation Hazred wrote what is now commonly referred to as the Book of Hazred 'Prophet of Nahmu'. It included stark warnings for the Abyssi, little is known as to what came of it; for a majority of records that followed relating to or surrounding the Abyssi or Hazred have been expunged from the databases. To this day it remains unclear as to whether Hazred had been corrupted, and for it his lasting memoirs is both a document to be revered and to be feared. "No level of physical purity can protect you from your extremist religious ideology, for you have a practical guarantee of dark morbidness expressed in crime, perversion, and insanity." - Chapter One "The Emperor still lives. What has risen may sink, and what has sunk may rise. Loathsomeness waits and dreams in the deep, and decay spreads over the tottering worlds of man. A time will come - but I must not and cannot think! Let me pray that, if you do not survive this manuscript, my executors may put caution before audacity and see that it meets no other eye." - Chapter five Extracts of the Manuscript of Abdul Hazred" The Inquisition has postulated many theories as to the reasons for all of the drastic measures undertaken in the creation of this Chapter. All of which circulate around the purpose for which this chapter was created; for the protection of the remnants of the Space Hulk known as the Curse of Nahmu or more precisely what remains safely contained in its vault. It is only those of the purest heart that can repel the lure of corruption they are to be sworn to protect. Unfortunately many records in accordance to such a tumultuous event have become lost or eradicated within the maze of bureaucracy of the Imperium. What has remained is the foul smell of supposition and assumption. Those few individuals seemingly aware of what exactly is trapped in the depths of Nahmu and what transpired during the Inquiliana Abyssi creation are unwilling to part with their knowledge before their grave. Those formative years, and exactly what they are defending has clearly created a chapter identity that has confounded them deeply to this day. For they are uncompromising, going as far as to risk to not just risk themselves but also their faith to defend the Imperium from a very real threat. AN ETERNITY AT WAR Although utterly loyal to the Emperor, the Inquiliana Abyssi are among those chapters at the extreme end of independence from Imperial authorities. Like all Space Marines, they do not consider themselves subject to Imperial rule, and each company is effectively an autonomous fighting force when operating far from Nahmu. Although they have been known to respond to requests for aid made by others in their vicinity. An Imperial Commander or any puritan element of the Emperors Inquisition may petition the Fleet Master for aid on board the Battle Barge Cetus Trident of Vengeance if he desires for these Superhuman warriors to fight alongside his own. Despite being labelled ruthless, overly zealous, and bigoted, no one has been able to deny the righteous fury with which the Abyssi go about their tasks. With their highly valued qualities of devotion and religious fervour on display in how they go about their business, the Inquisitorial Ordos, Deathwatch and the Ecclesiarchy are powerful admirers. BEHOLD THE GLORY AND THE WONDER The Inquiliana Abyssi venerate the Emperor as a divinity, much in the same way as do the Ecclesiarchy. However, the Denizens of the Deep are first and foremost Space Marines, and so even their faith is superhuman in its focus and dedication. Their gruelling rites are every bit as tasking as their battle drills to the Abyssi, ceremonial dedications to the Emperor and their martial drilling are one and the same. The Emperors sacrifice for the continued survival of humanity and the Imperium is devoutly revered by the Inquiliana Abyssi. They show open hostility towards those that openly disregard the teachings of the Imperial Cult. One of the more unusual aspects of this worship of the Emperor is the Denizens of the Deeps use of the dark inhabitants of Nahmu as a physical representation for solemn prays and spiritual growth. The Vault has become the spiritual epicentre of the Chapter. It is covered with sacred relics, chapels, reliquaries and devotional pieces. All Denizens return here after a conflict, renewing asseverations and adding any new-found wonders to their already vast hoard. Some of these pieces date back to the Great Crusade: banners carried before the Emperor himself, a piece of the First Aquila, a blackened skull reportedly struck by the Emperors scorching psychic energies, and thousands more. Homeworld The homeworld of the Inquiliana Abyssi is Nahmu. It is situated in the galactic south of the Segmentum Tempestus at the edge of the Veiled Region, from which come the raiders and despoilers of the foul Xenos. Nahmu is thus at the forefront of the Imperiums defence against Xenos. The Denizens of the Deep maintain a vigil that began millennia ago at the close of the Age of Redemption, and watch over a hundred worlds besides. Their domain spreads far and wide across the scattered stars that girdle the Ainu system, but it is the haunted death world at its heart that the Inquiliana Abyssi call home. Nahmu is a world of light and dark, dominated by the eternal struggle of survival against corruption. It is listed in the Apocrypha of Skaros as one of the three most deadly and turbulent worlds inhabited by man for all indicators would have suggested that life would have been wiped out in their extinction level event, and that if by some divine miracle the once proud imperial citizens survived, life could never have been maintained and yet despite all of that, against all the odds, it did. Land once the foundation of this former agri-world now lies as the sea bed, littered with once great hive cities, now hundreds of fathoms below the surface. The massive radiation leak from the crashed Space Hulk melted the ice caps and transformed the planet into a haunted water world. Descendants of those survivors live in the harsh world the impact created. Navigating around the pockets of severe radiation, and contaminated waters, on floating rigs and vessels, salvaging whatever they can from their old world. It is the only way to survive, and it is dangerous and precarious, they contend with contamination, radiation, and the merciless mutant creatures that seek to drag their souls to the depths. Life does not survive on Nahmu for more than a day without a struggle, with intensity over the ever-dwindling resources, and constantly being beset upon by that that inhabits the depths. The people have become worn, and hard. It is the only way to survive their harsh realities. Those free of taint have gathered together forming makeshift communities out of necessity, to fight off that which stalks the depths. Fortified Rigs and Vessels built predominately from salvaged scraps of metal recovered from the ruined space hulk, and from their old world, litter the sea. You can find these drifting communities scattered all across Nahmu sea, each one differs in origin and size. With every passing night their lives become more precarious as the technology they use to defend themselves slowly degrades around them. It is fitting then that Nahmus lower gothic translates as Old Mother. IMPERIAL CULT With the slow death of hope the Imperial Creed has grown strong and has established itself in the mainstay of the Nahmunian lives. As their predicament worsens with every passing night the power of the Imperial Cult grows stronger, and with it Xenophobia. The power of the Cult and the intolerance of infidels is actively fostered by the Denizens; to loath imperfect, physical and spiritual corruption, and disease; for it moulds righteousness and zeal hardened youth. It ensures the Chapter's recruits are strong-willed, used to hardship and driven by a religious desire to seek repentance and retribution upon the infidels who shun the Emperors light. Through all of this it has taught those free of taint to believe their situation is because of what now inhabits the sea, the creatures are mere manifestations of the Emperors judgement for not being devoted, and that only through absolute devotion to the Emperor as the saviour of mankind will they atone for their sins. The Abyssi have absorbed this Belief; the Abominations that inhabit the oceans are an existential manifestation of the God Emperors will, bought down upon them as a divine test of faith. THE SAVAGE SEAS All of the horrors of Nahmu live within the sea, and it is on those huge unforgiving grey oceans that the Nahmunians must live and fight if their species is to survive. It is not an easy life. There are many monstrous abominations that inhabit the oceans, mutants with a vaguely anthropoid outline, heads with faces of masses of feelers, scaly, rubbery-looking bodies, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, that school together to swarm unprepared vessels. The aquatic behemoth Insectoid to Toad like Squids capable of consuming entire vessels in a single swallow. Others are black, festering, amorphous masses that constantly blast and erupt violently, spewing out bits of churning lava-like material. All seek to pluck a sailor from a deck and drag them to their death in the cold waters. Still others are too uncertain in form to describe, many tentacle things with razor beaks and cold eyes like beacons that shine deep below. It is against these creatures the Nahmunians faith is tested against, and those that emerge alive will be delivered unto salvation. To survive on such a planet as Nahmu, one must be pure of faith from the cradle to the grave. This is why the child-gift is an Aquila, and why those that will not grasp it are thrown overboard to die quickly in the depths. Their survival depends on their faith and devotion in their God Emperor. With a world entirely covered in water, Nahmunians must be masters of the waves, able to fight, navigate, and endure through great storms. Time on the brutal ocean comes to end with either a watery grave, or fighting to survive an attack from one of the dreaded lurkers from bellow. The competition for food and resources is great, and the vessel-states are often drawn into conflict over the planets precious and dwindling resources. THE WARRING STATES Of these resources the most valuable of all is clean drinking water. No one knows how much the water will change as the turning of the tides. Sometimes old clean water sources survive the changing tides, and a slither of good fortune will preserve a vessel states territory intact for a bit longer, but it is more likely that the water source will become contaminated. Many sources will be reduced or completely decimated so that only a few can live where before there were many. When this happens there will be all out war between communities and only those that succeed in finding new sources of clean water and re-establishing themselves will prevail. Once the tide settles and a new source of water is found the Nahmunians must act quickly, for soon their supplies will run out. If they can find no clean water their only option is to resume war with vessel-states that have. So it is the life of the Nahmunians is one of continual sailing, and of constant, bitter warfare. DWELLERS OF THE DEEP Despite their eternal hardship, the Nahmunians understand their suffering for their penitence, for it is only souls forged by such a life that can become the greatest of the Emperors defenders. It is from these ___ and ____ vessel-states that the Denizens of the Deep recruit their brothers. Although Nahmu is the world of the Abyssi, the chapter occupies only Dimitar, built deep into the seabed, shrouded from mortal eyes by black murky water. The remainder of Nahmu is left in its tumultuous state and the people survive the best they can amidst the endless horrors. The Void Stalkers and Apothecaries maintain a careful eye upon the warring seas, but never appear openly amongst the vessel-states. To them the Denizens of the Deep are just another haunter in the dark, that comes to drag their soul to the depths. DIMITARThe Chapters Fortress-Monastery, is constructed deep on the sea beds surface built around the sealed vault from the Curse of Nahmu they were sworn to protect. Its weapons more than a match for any armada that may seek to destroy them, row upon row of gun ports and sea to space lance-batteries line its outside walls. Inside can be considered one large chapel with large swathes of space are given over for each fleet to maintain its own place of worship, as well as to record the mighty deeds they befell onto the enemies of the Emperor. The bodies of those who have given their lives for the Abyssi, and the Emperor, are laid to rest in the crypts dug deep into the planets surface; Watched over by sleeping heroes of a bygone time, resting within the confines of their Dreadnought. Dimitar is more than a Fortress-Monastery it is also a prison, a place that transcends time as does their legacy, spanning millennia; it now holds the records and tales of the Chapters action. It protects their holy relics, provides the proving grounds upon which their fine warriors train, and continues to safely contain the vault. Reparatory Worlds N ahmu unable to supply recruits at such rate that, it was not before long after their founding the Denizens of the Deep were in danger of non-existence, fewer and fewer systems could call upon their heroism, the Librarium laying in taters with no recruits from a world that eradicates any mutation, and the Curse of Nahmu slowly again becoming a risk. It was therefore reluctantly decreed that Nahmu would no longer be the sole source of recruits, and instead company fleets would take the prime males of right age from the worlds they liberated. This declaration was not without concern from the most righteous of Abyssi however it was slowly acknowledged as a necessary process for without it, they would all perish and the fate of Nahmu will be left to chance. Known Reparatories Salacia Vesta - Destroyed Acis Angitia Quiritis Abyssi fleets travel throughout the Imperium saving countless worlds from darkness. In reparation for their debt of saviour it is required that their prime young males into the stewardship of the Denizens; marched into the cargo bays of the Abyssis vessels and never seen again. It quickly became uncommon for a planetary governor to refuse for those that did were quickly disposed of for their insubordination and blasphemy. Void Stalkers and Techmarines will recite versus of purification and protection prior to any new batch of potential recruits, so that no infidel may infect their fleet. The arduous task of screening begins when they first lay eyes on the giants; clad in sea green armour, with eyes that burn like fire. They will learn that these awe-inspiring are in fact the Denizens of the Deep an Adeptus Astartes chapter, loyal sons of the Emperor, His corsairs of the stars. Tested by giants bedecked in symbols of death and doom, visages covered by masks shaped after the dread void stalkers of the deep oceans. They will see if their mind and bodies are sound, yet still imperfect. It will be determined who might possess what it is to become an Astartes and those whose lives are now at the hands of their captures. Then the first test will begin, the Trial of Fire, to sort those who have what it takes from those that dont. Those whose body and mind are sound are required to eradicate the source of corruption that comes from infidelity with fire from those whose body and mind arent. As the Nahmunians have had to rid themselves of all that they once were, so do the Denizens; shedding all that they hold dear to rid the Imperium of its greatest taint. The smell of burning flesh will stay with them forever. Any who survive such torture will be encased as servitor to serve their penance serving the Abyssi for eternity. Only when corruption is ash will the long process of psycho indoctrination and physical training to turn meagre bodies into perfect killing machines and into a Denizen of the Deep begin. Those with latent psychic abilities will be ushered into the chapters Librarium where they can hone their abilities, learning to summons spectral incarnations of their home worlds most dreaded creatures or bring forth a tidal wave of psychic energy. Some may show a talent with machines, perhaps having spent their youth among the engines of the forge ships and so are hastily, sent to an allied forge world to learn the ways of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Those who show great faith and a grim determination may be favoured by a Void stalker and taken under his wing to learn their ways, in how to inspire his battle brothers. And finally, some may be chosen by the apothecarion to learn how to aid their wounded brethren, treating their wounds or even giving them the Emperor's mercy and extracting their gene-seed so the chapter may continue to survive. And so a humble and frail recruit embarks on becoming the epitome of humanity, the perfect warrior and servant of the Emperor. Gene-seed Hundreds and thousands of years of devout religious following have cumulated in an obsession with the purity of their gene-seed. For that the Inquiliana Abyssi Apothecaries have become anal retentive in maintaining it. Only the finest human specimens from Nahmu or liberated worlds are deemed of acceptable stock to pass onto becoming an Astartes of the Inquiliana Abyssi. The Apothecarion constantly screen Recruits and Neophytes for physical corruption. If a neophyte exhibits a sign of mutation, it is viewed as a sign of infidelity and they are not worthy of bearing the mantle of a Denizen of the Deep. They will re-undergo the trial of fire; if there body is to survive they too will be encased into a servitor where they will pay for corrupting the halls of Dimitar with life service.The stringent testing, ruthless thoroughness, and high mortality rate has meant that the process of being a full brother of the Adeptus Astartes is of a slower rate than in most chapters. As a result the Abyssi have had to expand their recruitment, and process a greater number of candidates than another chapter. With an ever growing war against the infidels that corrupt the Imperium, casualties have all sort to push the Apothecarion to its limits. Battlefield Doctrine Honouring the holy and sacred text laid out within Roboute Guilliman's Codex Astartes as if the holy hand of the Emperor had written it himself. The Inquiliana Abyssi persists in holding themselves to the highest of Astarte standards. There is no other known understanding of their existence except that of war. Being one of the few Index Astartes that worship the Emperor as a God and follow the tenants of the Imperial Creed, they prepare for battle with prayer. Kneeling as one cohesive force before a battle the Void Stalkers will walk among them rousing righteous passion in the hearts and minds of his brothers. As war is waged no brother will succumb to doubt for they firmly believe that they are the righteous guardians of the Imperium; it sacrilege to fail in this holiest of eternal wars. Asseverations of the Inquiliana Abyssi "Trust in the Emperor at the hour of battle. Trust to him to intercede, and protect his warriors true as they deal death on alien soil.Turn their seas to red with the blood of their slain.Crush their hopes, their dreamsAnd turn their songs into cries of lamentation."- "Uphold the honour of the Emperor", "May the deepest levels of my unconscious mind where the Emperor dwells surface for all to see." - "Act of Contrition" "Lead us from death to victory, from falsehood to truth.Lead us from despair to hope, from faith to slaughter.Lead us to His strength and an eternity of war.Let His wrath fill our hearts.Death, war, and blood;in vengeance serve the Emperor!"- "Suffer not the Unclean to live" Practical issues surrounding the Abyssi mandate have dictated their tactical orthodoxy. Responsible for defending Nahmu, and more importantly Dimitar at all cost. Laying on the seafloor of Nahmu Dimitar is incredibly well protected and difficult to assault however, it is a vulnerable position to defend from as such the Denizens primarily defend Dimitar from Orbit. Over millennia of repeated combat doctrination the Denizens are now considered masters of orbital defence, and a predominantly void combat force; before the fire of war rages brothers will pray at the icons of faith and sacred standards displayed along the halls of their ships. As part of their orbital defence strategy, the Denizens will disrupt their attackers with precisely timed counter boarding parties, and sometimes going as far as teleporting the Chapter's Terminators into an enemies command brig to brutally dispose of them and to turn the cannons onto its own fleet. Many a foe has been caught unaware under the assumption they will solely defend before their fleet is torn apart from the inside. Wreckage of these ships can be found orbiting Nahmu as a warning for those who dare to try to think again, as well as provide vital cover for the ships of the Inquiliana Abyssi. Venturing forth from Nahmus system the Abyssi will defend any planet as if it was their own. Never willing to give way, preferring death for as long as the enemy has paid its toll in blood the death will be of a valiant cause. As such an enemy remembers when the faced the Denizens of the Deep. When called upon to take ground, the preferred course of action is a relentless uncompromising orbital bombardment until the enemy is suppressed. When it is called upon to deploy boots on the ground Denizens will deploy with Drop-podding troops and thunderhawk-deployed vehicles to rapidly assault the enemy or take ground. Tactical and Devastator squads will quickly create overlapping fields of fire, that when combined with the skilled ballistic ability of an Astartes can repress any hope the enemy may still have. This creates opportunities for the Chapters Assault Marines to jump among them to tear them limb from limb with their lighter Tiamat Pattern Guardian Spears, bolt pistols and combat shields in hand. When pulled into a protracted conflict, the Abyssi first priority is to establish an orbital blockade to being slowly suffocating the planet, they will order Imperial Navy ships to assist if required; ordering them into positions of least importance. This will then allow them to establish air superiority, it is noted that the Denizens deploy a high quantity of aerial vehicles. Infantry will repeatedly be deployed and redeployed from orbit to allow for a relatively mobile and secure location where they can repair, rearm, and resupply. Organisation An outside observer would find it difficult to spot any differences between the Inquiliana Abyssi and a chapter rigidly adhering to the tenants of the Codex, such as the Ultramarines. It is in the organisation of the higher levels that deviations from the Codex Astartes can first be seen. All Chapters include a number of officers and specialists who stand aside from the company organisation. In the Inquiliana Abyssi these are known as the Inner Circle. Members of the Inner Circle may be assigned to fight with a company fleet in battle, and includes the Chapters Void Stalkers and Techmarines. The Chapter relies on a large support staff, and highly ranked members include the Keeper of Dread, the Captains; Conqueror of Madness, Lurker at the Threshold, and the Challenger from Beyond. Although each Captain is a Space Marine, there are actually relatively few Brethren in the Chapters support staff, and most non-combatant roles are performed by the Chapters Human serfs. The Chapter includes a large number of support staff that do not know the whole truth surrounding the Vault, but hold great responsibility nonetheless. Many are non-combatants of advanced age tasked with the day-to-day administration of the Chapter. The largest group of Inquiliana Abyssi Space Marines in the support staff are the Chapters armourers and Techmarines, who are aided in their tasks by hundreds of mono-task Servitors, and Trial of Fire survivors undergoing atonement. A Fleet based chapter comprised of Ten Companies each led by a Denizen of the Deep Captain, who has progressed through the ranks and is a member of the inner circle. He is attended by a Command Squad, consisting of the Companys Standard Bearer, Apothecary, and Company Champion, as well as other brethren assigned to aid the Captain in his duties. Each company includes a Void Stalker, who presides over the brothers spiritual well-being and stirs their fury upon the field of battle. Of the ten companies comprising of the Inquiliana Abyssi, the first one is unique and does not follow standard codex organisation. Instead of being compiled entirely of veterans as is the case with most chapters, it is another battle company ceremonially assigned as First Company for the current Fleet Master is drawn from their ranks. Only Veterans of the First Company will be allowed to train to wear the few suits of Terminator armour available to the Chapter. . These suits can be seen watching over you as you stand in the Chapels throughout Dimitar. Denizen Techmarines have gone to extensive lengths to return fallen suits of Terminator armour so that it may once more see battle. The remainder of the Chapter is organised along Codex lines. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th are Battle Companies, each consists of six battleline squads, two close support squads, and two fire support squads. These four company and their fleets form the main battle lines and generally bear the brunt of the fighting. Each have a degree of autonomy and with such a variety of squads, the Companies are highly flexible and tactically adaptable. Through countless conflicts each company is able to form their own Veteran Squads that are able to be fielded in place of a Battleline squad, these brethren are essentially armed in a similar manner to a Tactical squad. Companies 6 and 7 are battleline companies, each consisting of ten battleline squads. These act as reserves which may be used to bolster the front line, launch diversionary attacks or stem enemy flanking manoeuvres. The 8th Company consists of ten close support squads. This highly mobile company is often equipped with jump packs, and is fielded in the assault role wherever a strong hand-to-hand fight force is needed to storm an enemy strongpoint. The 9th Company consists of ten Fire Support Squads. It is the most powerfully equipped in the Chapter and is used to bolster defence and provide long-range support. The 10th Company consists of a number of Scout squads; youths who have been recruited and partially transformed into Space Marines. There is no formal size for the company as the rate of recruitment is not fixed. They are the only company to not maintain its own fleet, and instead operate directly off of their homeworld. Never fighting as one coherent force; instead they are assigned to the other fleet where they can gain experience alongside their elders. All of the companies, with the exception of the Scout Company maintain transports and Drop pods for each of their squads and officers. The armoury hold onto more centrally, including Land Raiders, each being allocated to individual squads dictated by the needs of their mission or requested by a Captain on the spot. Many of the Battle companies and Reserve companies include a number of Dreadnoughts to remain a part of the company in which the warrior served before being interred within the metal sarcophagus in which he fights, and his presence bolsters in the companys fighting strength considerably. Inner Circle After their founding, the new senior members of the Chapter assembled in a secret conclave. They decreed the knowledge of the Vault must remain undisclosed for all time; that no outsider must ever learn of what it contains. Should this dreadful truth ever become known they feared, the Inquiliana Abyssi would be reviled as Traitors and the fate of not just the Imperium, and their God-Emperor would be at stake but also the entire universe. An Inner Circle of the Chapters most senior officers was formed to forever guard this dangerous knowledge and each swore oaths of unspeakable binding. The Chapters Techmarines had been inducted into the Inner Circle, and their finding determined that that the containment protocols will hold for eternity. The Captains greeted this news with mixed emotion. On one hand, they feared that while the contents lived, they might be considered for excommunication. On the other hand, it was their sacred duty to defend it and the galaxy from it. As the decades turned into centuries, the Inner Circle took shape. It grew from a shadowy, ad-hoc conclave to a formal, if still clandestine, organisation. A new generation of Denizens arose, their elders instructed to keep them ignorant. The truth of what is contained within the Vault was withheld, known only to the increasingly small number of Brethren who were there at the beginning. Where many Space Marine Chapters openly celebrate their achievements, the Denizens of the Deep came to despise telling their story. Much of the Inquiliana Abyssis teaching to their Brethren became couched in allegory and myth, the same essential truths told and retold, in one form after another. And so it was that the Inner Circle turned its back and hid its true face even from its own, choosing to keep newly recruited Denizens of the Deep entirely ignorant of the Chapters darkest secret. Only on his ascension to the highest ranks within the Chapter, would a battle brother begin to learn of the truth. Rising through the intricate and convoluted ranks of the Inner Circle, he would learn more and more, the secrets one by on unveiled as his Captains trust in him increased. Only upon ascension to the rank of Captain would the truth be revealed, and even then, it is likely that there remain revelations known only to the holder of the title of Fleet Master; the Chapter Master of the Inquiliana Abyssi. Only the most trusted of Brethren are considered for membership of the Inner Circle. These are observed from afar, sometimes finding themselves inexplicably shadowed for many years by the diminutive and mysteries Watchers in the Dark. It may be decades before the individual is approached. Only warriors who have fought through the ranks for many years and have proved their loyalty to the Chapter time and time again are allowed to progress. When worthy Void Stalkers will silently lead them before the Inner Circle for judgeent and soon they are either welcomed, or they disappear forever. Each company of the Inquiliana Abyssi is led by a Captain, who has passed through the ranks and is privy to a great deal of knowledge regarding the Vault. Many of the Chapters supernumerary officers its Void Stalkers; Chaplains of the Denizens of the Deep, and Techmarines are inducted into its ranks, learned not only in their own speciality, but in the secrets of their chapter also. Notably, the Librarians except one are not members of the Inner Circle, for their psychic link is too great a risk for those within the Inner Circle. Fleet Master A Fleet Master is the Chapter Master of the Inquiliana Abyssi. They are the commander in chief and responsible for the progress of each Fleet and must uphold the honour of the Emperor and his Chapter. The Fleet Master is steeped in the lore of the Denizens of the Deep and the living manifestation of the Chapter and knowledgeable of all its secrets. Ultimately he is the only company captain who knows the knowledge of the vault. Upon the successful implementation of Master Proteus vision for the chapter he decreed that his successors will bear the title of Fleet Master, a more fitting name for their role. Therefore to this day Proteus remains the only Denizen to hold the title of Chapter Master. Void Stalkers Void Stalkers are Chaplains of the Denizens of the Deep who fanatically howl the Imperial faith. In battle they are skilled demagogues, able to exhort their brothers to greater acts of bravery and heroism. Those that oppose them have often found to their cost that the only way to truly blunt an attack by such fanatics is to either remove the Void Stalker, or destroy each and every Denizen of the Deep facing down on them. Carrying their ritual Corzius Arcanum in hand and wearing a mask shaped after the dread void stalkers of the deep oceans. Making them lethal in assault and marked as receiving greater favour for their faith. It is said wearing their mask they feel a much deeper connection with the Emperor.While it is a known secret that brothers of the Abyssi use the dark inhabitants of Nahmu as a physical representation for their solemn prays and spiritual growth. It is rumoured that the Void Stalkers actively practise their prayers to whatever lays in the vault believing it is a conduit directly to the Emperor. If this is true, then the Imperium is in a far greater danger than already feared.Techmarines Techmarines of the Inquiliana Abyssi are revered by their fellow brothers for they masterfully practise and balance both the teachings of the Imperial Creed and that of the Omnissiah. Those that show an inkling of affinity with the Machine Spirit are transferred over to the watch over the Adeptus Mechanicus where they learn the ways of the tech-cults. It remains unclear as to why their training includes a period of time receiving tutelage from elements of the Adeptus Biologicus. In addition to the task of tending to the Machine Spirits, observing the rites of the wargear, and maintenance, Techmarines of the Inquiliana Abyssi are responsible for maintaining the containment within the Vault. It is unknown as to whether they worship the contents as do the Void Stalkers, or how they do the Deus Mechanicus. Abyssi Techmarines are arrogant and condescending, aloof and narcissistic, which is remarkable given the overall understanding of Techmarines. For their brothers it is hard for them to fathom the complexity of their devotion. The Fleet Master has the responsibility of never allowing for their attitude to fracture the unity of the chapter. Techmarines will contend with the challenges of understanding the differences between themselves and their brothers, the Omnissiah and the Imperial Creed. It is their burden to bear alone. They can often be found around the Vault surrounded with their lobotomised servitors, and machine-spirits, remaining ever vigilant over the protective barriers in place to guarantee the Space Hulks vault remains forever sealed. During the investigation of the Curse of Nahmu Space Hulk fragments, Techmarine Tiamat came across an ancient fully intact STC file. Honouring his ancient pact with the mechanicus, the STC data was passed over into their possession. The result was a unique pattern of guardian spear with three prongs instead of the usual one, a trident. In gratitude for their continued partnership, the Adepts granted the weapon, now designated as the "Tiamat-Pattern", to the Inquiliana Abyssi Astartes. The weapon is as much a symbol of fear in the Emperors enemies as the Astartes that wield them. The weapon requires no additional maintenance than a regular boltgun as such it has become quite common in the chapter, all that is required is a new fighting technique, easily practised in the training halls of Dimitar. It has yet to be seen as to whether the recently arrived Primaris marines are to wield such weapons and symbols of fear. Tiamat Pattern Guardian Spear Librarians Librarians have remained a contentious issue through the ranks of the Denizens. The most zealous among the chapter view their powers as a manifestation of corruption and they are able to rain damnation down upon their enemies with fire without them. The more cautious among them argue that their psychic powers are a gift and the first manifestation of the Emperors divine intervention for Nahmu. The number of Librarians within the ranks of the Denizens of Deep only normalised with the expansion of the recruitment pool, numbers dwindled as those of Nahmu with latent psychic powers were slowly eradicated. It is unknown as to the effect it had upon their records in their Librarium. One Librarian will be honoured as the Keeper of Dread and it is only them among the Librarium who will belong to the Inner Circle. Their sole responsibility is to record every detail of history that goes on within the Vault. It is also unknown as to whether a copy is made to be stored on the Trident of Vengeance Notables Atreus Phanes FLEET MASTER OF THE INQUILIANA ABYSSI Mankind boasts many mortal heroes, men of purpose and dedication without whom the Imperium would crumble. Even amongst their ranks there is a man whose nobility overshadows all others. His triumphs are without number and his deeds the stuff of legend. His name is Atreus Phanes, Master of the Deep and Lord of the Abyss. To know the deeds behind the legend of Atreus Phanes, one would have to have the doors to one the Abyssi Librariums opened for them. At their heart lies a vault where the records of the greatest heroes of the Denizens of the Deep are kept. Thus far the volumes dedicated to Phanes are only outnumbered by those dedicated to the Old Bellator, Summanus. Since being unanimously appointed Fleet Master, at the death of [NAME] and the subjugation of the [bLAH BLAH] Rebellion on [LOCATION], Phanes has earned himself such titles as; Satrap of the Trident of Vengeance, Void Bringer, Warlord of the Sea, and Trident of Judgement. Cold and ruthless, a legend whose name is either revered as that of a living saint who honours the God-Emperor like none other, or damned as a senseless fanatic who has burned entire worlds to cinders at the least sign of the least of sins- there is no middle ground for how hes regarded. Though an accomplished general and admiral, the Master of the Deeps tale is one of zeal and violence; with a desire to slay the enemies of the Imperium, and to spread the word of his God Emperor. It was Phanes who butchered the traitorous Cardinal Karl Heinrich Ehrenstein on [NAME]. They also show it was Phanes wearing his ornate [TYPE] terminator armour and wielding the ancient pair of Kraken Fist who led the assault deep into the heart of [NAME]s Chaos vessel [NAME]of the [WARBAND]. Following his orchestrating of a relentless orbital barrage, sat surrounded by data-feeds, tabulation servitors, and casualty reports, constantly watching for signs of corruption and sin, like a hound for the scent of blood. Aboard the [NAME] he slammed into its ruinous crew and executed all lieutenants before [NAME] escaped; who had severed Phanes arm off half a dozen years prior. In a rage that his enemy had escaped, Phanes almost destroyed the [NAME] single handily with his bare hands from the inside out. Overall he is quoted as personally slaying renegade Chapter Masters, Ork Warbosses, Corsair Princes, and Champions of the Dark Gods; all in part of revelling in the pleasure of the utter destruction of his foes, being a brutal tactician, a diligent and disciplined logistician and strategist, and a master of combat. A veteran of a hundred battles, his body riddled with cybernetic augments, and a sheer spite and malice; enough to allow him to shrug off wounds that would fell a lesser Astartes. In Atreus Phanes the Denizens have themselves a leader who will fight until the stars turn cold, not only for their God Emperor, but for Mankind itself. Chief Librarian Castor Damon Neoptolmus Captain Okeanos Sergeant Harvard Sergeant Johansen Summanus, the Great Old One Summanus the Great Old One is an ancient Inquiliana Abyssi Librarian Leviathan Dreadnought. Among the Denizens of the Deep he bears many titles: "Eldest", "Old One", and "Great One" among them. He is the oldest warrior to walk the halls of Dimitar, and has been the salvation of his chapter in their hours of need time and time again. The first currently recorded mention of Summanus in Imperial records is as a Librarian of the Iron Snakes engaged among the Reef Stars. Summanus was responsible for safely escorting Adeptus Dominika Sokolov's convoy of the Estate Imperium Office around the inhabited worlds of the Reef before guaranteeing they leave unscathed. During a routine re-entry onto Iorgu they were set upon by a vicious pirate party of Primuls. Summanus directly responsible for the safety and wellbeing successfully broke [NAME], a few of her convoy, and himself out of their prison, hidden deep within the labyrinth of the Webway. Summanus is then recorded as being the first Chief Librarian of the Inquiliana Abyssi, alongside Master Proteus during their cleansing and assaults in the Ainu system. The Denizens were then summoned to the Hadalpelagic system to defend the agri-worlds from the Savage Ork Waaagh! Azgurd. Summanus was part of Proteus personal guard that landed upon [NAME], and later entered into sole combat with a Gargantuan Squiggoth, defeating it by driving his staff through its two eyes; sending Warboss Azgurd crashing onto the ground, where Proteus drove severed his right arm from body. Azgurd escaped from single combat, in doing so diverting the Waaagh! safely away from the Hadalpelagic system. When the Astartes were lured to [NAME] it ultimately led to the Denizens of the Deep being order to eradicate the Hrud Infestation. Summanus now wearing the symbol of the Deathwatch, was once again present as part of Proteus personal guard, and took part in the Reclaimation of [NAME]. It was during this battle that he is reckoned to have lost his left hand, although the precise circumstances of this event vary from account to account. Summanus also helped alleviate Master Proteus from his dilemma during the ____ Perdition, convincing the first Master to strike off the bonds of his former chapter, and forge the Abyssi their own legacy instead of being an Iron Snake lapdog. It was whilst undertaking an attack on the red sands of [NAME] that events were to take a tragic turn. Proteus guard had till this point humbled all those that faced them, terrifying tyrants, hulking Xeno, and excommunicated Astartes; yet their greatest enemy would come from within. Brother Iacchus and Brother Kreios sort to eliminate the senior command to seize control of the chapter for their own ends. The two had learned the secrets of an ancient locket of sorts, and with a single act attempted to eliminate Proteus and his entire guard. On this fateful day they knew death, Summanus is an act of courage and bravery, summoned all of his psychic power to divert the lockets energy with his own warp force. It diverted all but a part of this attack and all but foiled the two traitors plan. As the dust and debris settled all that could be seen was Proteus laying on the ground and the traitors not to be seen. Summanus has never forgiven himself for the loss of this master, nor the fact that he lived instead. As he witnessed his master be carried away, he gave out a deafening cry, that is said to still be sundering through the grounds of [NAME]. Mourning before the body of his brother, he swore a grave oath of vengeance against his slayers. To Summanus continued frustration, it was many long years before Iacchus and Kreios location surfaced once more as part of the 10th Black Crusade. The third fleet were immediately dispatched to destroy the blight on their chapters legacy. Summanus was determined to personally slay them both, and avenge Proteus death. Yet in this goal, he was to be denied. As he tore through Iacchus and Kreios new brothers of the Word Bearer Legion towards his quarry, he was stopped in his tracks with the summoning of a Greater Daemon of Khorne. Brothers of the third fleet told of how Summanus deftly rolled beneath a thundering blow that would cleave an Astartes in half, then deftly clambered up the Daemons all powerful frame and tore off the foul daemons head with his force sword. In the aftermath of the battle, nothing can be found of Iacchus and Kreios, they had once again slipped out of the grasp of Summanus. His heroic career as the Chief Librarian of the Inquiliana Abyssi ended during the raid against a fortress during the [bATTLE] in 026.M39, when he was so severely wounded and crippled that he was beyond the aid of the chapter's Apothecaries, and his paralyzed body was transplanted within a Leviathan Dreadnought; the oldest relic of the chapter. Over the following five hundred years he remained at the forefront of battle, forever keeping a watchful eye for news of Iacchus and Kreios. Eventually however, the long years took their toll on the warrior, and he began spending longer and longer periods dormant in stasis sleep. The first particularly notable time he was awoken from stasis currently known of was during the first Defence of Nahmu at the end of M39. At this time, as part of a scheme to convert a majority of the Denizens to the ruinous powers, as well as gain a measure of revenge for the events on [NAME], the now Dark Apostles of the Word Bearers legion Iacchus and Kreios entered the Ainu system. With only a couple of fleets available defend Nahmu, the order was given to awaken all of the Revered Fallen. They would be responsible for commanding the Scout Company, while the main fleets defend from orbit. Taking position as commanding officer of the rearguard, Summanus quickly discerned the Word Bearers plan of attack and planned the defence of Dimitar accordingly. His presence proved invaluable as the Word Bearers partially circumnavigated the Abyssi planetary blockade by deploying Cataphract robots to scurry along Nahmus seafloor and into the fortress monastery; these machines caused considerable havoc amongst the inexperienced neophytes until Summanus stepped in. The machines primary mission however was to deploy summoning icons, allowing for a trio of Greater Daemons of Nurgle to manifest themselves in the lower depths of the Fortress, their arrival was felt by all, including an unearth shriek coming from the Vault. Summanus immediately made haste to intercept the mighty daemons. Arriving too late to stop the desecrating of the Chapel of Heroes, the Great Old One strode into battle with the rotting Daemons of Nurgle, duelling them from the ruins of the chapel out into the vast hangar bays. Inflicting endless injuries with both fire and blade yet it was not enough. With both weapon-arms in tatters, Summanus disengaged the water locks and flooded the hangar, in an attempt to drown the foul beasts. They were only prevented from finally ending Summanus great tale with the sudden arrival of the Fleet Master, [NAME]. Summanus was taken out of the fight in the events that followed, but survived the hollow victory as he watched Iacchus and Kreios once again escape justice. Though not awakened for the Second War for Armageddon, Summanus was made active once more in its wake. Specifically, he was awoken by the Denizens of the Deep garrisoning Dimitar to broker peace between them, the Deathwatch, and the Night Swords, after Brother [NAME] who assaulted a brother of the Night Swords who he deemed corrupted and an infidel for speaking in his ghostly whisper. Summanus proved to be far less zealous than Phanes, as well as being an ancient warrior of the Deathwatch giving extra weight behind his words. Now he is only awakened every few centuries, or when the chapter learns vital information in the hunt for Iacchus and Kreios. He is also awakened for the swearing in ceremony of every new Fleet Master, where he recounts the greatest tales of his legacy and of the Fleet Masters that preceded them. He represents the Chapters entire history, and is revered by all Denizens of Deep as a hero. Outside the Chapter, he is scarcely less revered, as a legendry warrior and a link to the distant past. Even Lord Inquisitors, Chapter Masters are often compelled to kneel before the ancient Dreadnough when they learn of its identity. According to ancient records, Summanus possessed short dirty blonde hair, and was notably sullen and wise. As a Dreadnought in M39 It is said that Summanus was inhabited into the most ancient and advanced sarcophagi available to the chapter, a prize taken for cleansing Ainu. The Leviathan Dreadnought chasss was capable of giving Summanus faster movement, reaction times, and sensory input than one would expect from such a brutal-looking construction. This allows Summanus to fight as he always has, with righteous fury and power; armed with a Dreadnought force halberd in one hand, and a power fist in the other. His guilt was only exacerbated by Dreadnough interment, Summanus is possessed of a powerful, bitter, anger at not only his Dreadnought status, but that he has still yet to fulfil the vow of revenge for Proteus. Brother Summanus, the Great Old One, encased in his sarcophagus, cringed in the great crypts of Dimitar, facing two brothers in front of him. One was the Keeper of Dread, clear from the elder sign etched into his blue power armour, and the other Void stalker Neoptolemus with his blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Although Summanus did not know how, these two brothers had managed to wake him, using his psychic link like no one had ever done before. I dont know what you two want. Summanus bellowed to the two relatively young brothers. What we need, brother Summanus, is information, the Keeper of Dread said About brother Iacchus and brother Kreios Neoptolemus quickly added Iacchus and Kreios!? The Traitors!? Summanus bellowed; loud enough to wake all that slumber, if for only a brief moment. Down here, those names are not spoken. After the accursed dark prophets, Iacchus and Kreios are hated and despised by all Denizens loyal to the One Emperor. Why? Neoptolemus carefully broached Because they led the Apostle revolution that attempted to overthrow Master Proteus and his council. I myself was one of them. Once, I was close to the Master. Look at me now, I have nothing!. Summanus lurched towards the two brothers before him You want my help to destroy them? Maybe soon the Keeper of Dread replied Any information you have may be very useful. I have something Summanus said in his slow rumbling voice. I procured a locket of sorts when cleansing ___ in the Ainu system. Iacchus and Kreois sort to use the contents of the locket against Master Proteus, to install themselves as the Dark Apostles of the Denizens of the Deep. We know it was thwarted by your actions, the two brother said in unison Indeed, but I believe that that same relic could now be brought to bear against the two traitorous scum Summanus went on to describe the relic, how it worked, and what it contained. Thank you, Brother Summanus, youve told us exactly what we wanted to know Neoptolemus said placing his hand on his armour to bless the oldest and most venerable of Abyssi brothers Master Phanes will take it from here the Keeper of Dread muttered Phanes? Master Phanes? What year is it? What heppened to Master [NAME]? Summanus thought in disbelief as a cowled figure standing a head taller than the rest entered the crypt and came towards them You heard, Master Phanes? Neoptolemus asked I heard, Phanes replied, Yes, we can use this weapon. Phanes then turned to the silent Summanus. We thank you for your help, however your usefulness is still not through. Rest for now old brother, you will be called upon again before long. Revenge for the Past Summanus, the Great Old One History 417.M38 Full Strength Two hundred years after their founding the Denizens of the Deep are considered at full strength. Remaining elements of the Iron Snakes Training Cadre, and the overly cautious elements of the Inquisition and Adeptus Mechanicus return, leaving the Inquiliana Abyssi for the first time as sole protectors of Nahmu. 469.M38 - Cleanse of Ainu Stretching their power in their system, Ainu went on to endure fifty years of war as the Denizens went on a system crusade to reaffirm the Imperial Creed across the dozen worlds. Those found wanting in belief were quickly deemed infidels, and were placed onto the Pyre of a Thousand Souls. Those flames are forever etched in the memory of Ainu and fear rife throughout it. In the aftermath hundreds of Imperial cults sprung up, and are now constantly supplied by the Denizens. 522.M38 - Savage Ork Waaagh! Azgurd The cleanse of Ainu is all but complete when they are summoned the purge the Hadalpelagic system of Waaagh! Azgurd. The Hadalpelagic system contains a number of high-yield agricultural worlds vital for sporting the over populated, and polluted hive and mining worlds in the surrounding systems. The Imperial war machine will suffer significant output delays if they should fall. If Waaagh! Azgurd should proceed they would be be-lining straight for Nahmu. The Denizens fought valiantly, saving half a dozen worlds, while the others now lie in ruins. The Waaagh! while not destroyed was diverted. Later destroyed by the Black Ronin at Ouroborus. 786.M38 - Fall of Proteus On the red sands of ..... 786.M38 - Summanus enters his Sarcophagus Chief Librarian Summanus is encased into his Leviathan Sacrophagus after his noble sacrifice saving the lives of all the inner circle but Master Proteus 835.M38 - End of Apostle Revolution The Apostle Revolution is all but quelled, nearly fifty years after murder of Master Proteus. Iacchus and Kreios flee into the Eye of Terror 001.M39 - 10th Black Crusade COMING SOON 612.M41 - Phanes Emerges Atreus Phanes is recruited from the largest vessel-state on Nahmu 829.M41 - Birth of Cardinal Karl Heinrich Ehrenstein Cardinal Karl Heinrich Ehrenstein- later known as the "Mad Prophet of Atlantis" and the "Tyrant of Germania"- was born in 829.M41 as Karl Altberg, on the planet Atlantis in the Germania System, in the Ultima Segmentum. Son of a Germania System Defence Force officer, he followed his father into the service in 847.M41. He transferred to the Imperial Navy in 860.M41, where he distinguished himself in the Battles for Heinrich's World and Ehrenstein, earning those planets' names as agnomina 897.M41 - The ____ Incident unknown assailants (later speculated to be Necrons) attacked Heinrich Ehrenstein as his ship transitioned from the Warp into the Vidar Sector, to answer a distress call from the Order of Our Martyred Lady. Due to the injuries he suffered, Heinrich Ehrenstein was allowed to retire from the Navy and return to his home world. He subsequently joined the Ecclesiarchy, ascending to the rank of Cardinal in 914.M41. 917.M41 - Betrayal of [NAME] The Cardinal killed Atlantis' planetary governor and seized power. He claimed the God-Emperor appeared in his dreams and granted him psychic powers, with which he is to "save the galaxy from the soulless servants of the Night Gods". Heinrich Ehrenstein then began conscripting Atlantis' men and women into his "Forces of the Faithful" and his "Starry Shields of the Soul", violating the Decree Passive; in response, the Ordo Hereticus declared the Cardinal "Excommunicate Traitoris," and asked for aid in the Inquisition's efforts to punish the apostate Cardinal. 918.M41 - Capture of the 'Heavenly Temple'The Denizens of the Deep were the first to answer the Inquisition's call. The 6th Company arrived in 918.M41, and engaged the apostate Cardinal's forces; Capt. Phanes personally captured the "Heavenly Temple", the SDF flagship, a Unicorn class cruiser, in a quick but brutal boarding action. It was there the Denizens of the Deep learned the depths of the Cardinal's sins. The Heavenly Temple's bridge was flooded with radiation- not as a defensive measure against enemy boarders, not even as an unintended consequence of increasing the reactor's output to improve the ship's performance, but to make the crewmen mutate and "welcome the God-Emperor's blessings into [the crewmen's] bodies," in the words of a frog-like mutant wearing a Germania SDF uniform with rank insignia indicating it was the ship's captain. The Ordo Hereticus had to entrust the Heavenly Temple's examination to the Denizens of the Deep, for only power or Terminator armored Marines could resist the radiation's corruptive effects.In the ship's chapel, the Denizens of the Deep discovered an alarming form of desecration: the Emperor's statue was replaced with that of an inhuman monster whose octopus-like head was painted over the faces of the Master of Mankind and the Primarchs in the chapel's frescoes. Upon receipt of Phanes' report, Fleet Master [Name] summoned eight additional Companies of the Denizens of the Deep to the Germania System, to purge its planets of corruption.Despite the best efforts of the Denizens of the Deep and their allies, it took them nine long and haunting years to complete the purge and bring the apostates to justice. 927.M41- The Traitors' Hands Strike, the Maiming of Atreus Phanes, the Death of Fleet Master Dagan, and the Conquest of Atlantis 927.M41 - Nahmu Tremors Atreus Phanes is sworn in as the 8th Fleet Master 941.M41 - Second War for Armageddon Orders to assist in the defending of Armageddon are rescinded, due to the ongoing dispute between the Denizens and the Night Swords 952.M41 Severed arm Phanes arm is severed by the blade of [NAME] at [LOCATION] on [NAME] 957.M41 Atonement Missed Phanes is denied retribution for the humiliation suffered at the hands of [NAME], onboard the chaos vessel [NAME] 999.M41 - Great Rift The Imperium and the entire galaxy is torn apart as the great rift opens destroying Cadia. The Denizens of the Deep count the annihilation of the 8th Fleet, under the command of Captain Lycus with eight days of prays. Aboard Battle Barge Cetus 'Trident of Vengeance' Fleet Master Phanes is faced with the arrival of Roboute Gullimans Primaris marines in his orbital bays, along with the uncertainty to his and his brothers future. Successors 729.M40 With the declaration of the 25th founding by the High Lords of Terra, the Administrum selected the Inquiliana Abyssi for their first successor. Captain Okeanos Antenor of the 3rd fleet was honoured to lead the training cadre and be the first chapter master of the Leviathans. Little is yet really known of the Leviathans except it is clear they do not have the same commitment to the Imperial Creed, and tensions between themselves and their founders are fractious. 739.M41 A millennia later with the 26th founding the Administrum declare the creation of a chapter from the gene-legacy of the Inquiliana Abyssi. Data records regarding the chosen captain to lead this nascent chapter are all corrupted. What is known is 150 years later the Denizens of the Deep alongside the Astra Carcharodons were tasked with eliminating any remains of them after the chapter was excommunicated for consorting with ruinous powers and their homeworld was destroyed through Exterminatus extremis. Credits Denizens of the Deep Artwork Blazbaros Edited October 3, 2017 by Minigiant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 21, 2017 Share Posted August 21, 2017 Looks interesting. What happened to the Order Militant of the Adepta Sororitas you stationed on Nahmu? Are you revising your plans, e.g., ending development of the Order Militant? (Nahmu remaining habitable instead of being destroyed, as it was to the Adepta Sororitas, is one change.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 21, 2017 Share Posted August 21, 2017 I think the trident pattern should be named after a sea god, e.g., Poseidon/Neptune, Triton (one of Poseidon's sons), or Tiamat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted August 21, 2017 Author Share Posted August 21, 2017 (edited) Looks interesting. What happened to the Order Militant of the Adepta Sororitas you stationed on Nahmu? Are you revising your plans, e.g., ending development of the Order Militant? (Nahmu remaining habitable instead of being destroyed, as it was to the Adepta Sororitas, is one change.) Two seperate planets, they will be given designations I think, AKA Nahmu V and Nahmu II I think the trident pattern should be named after a sea god, e.g., Poseidon/Neptune, Triton (one of Poseidon's sons), or Tiamat. Thats a good idea Edited August 21, 2017 by Minigiant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted August 26, 2017 Author Share Posted August 26, 2017 (edited) Return from my holiday tomorrow so will continue to work on this.So I want their obsession with the Imperial Creed to be the very thing that is slowly corrupts them.It to be unknown as to whether the creatures on Nahmu are caused by radiation mutation or from whats trapped in the vault.Recruitment will be a bit like pressganging. With a dwindling population they will expand to recruit from worlds they save.Chaplains (Void Stalkers), Techmarines, Chief Librarian, and Chapter Master sill form an inner circle, and be privy to know the true contents of the vault.The Techmarines will have a suspicious amount of contact with the Adeptus Biologis.The Chapter will be fleet based. And their mode operati will be 'Orbital Defence'. Having a fortress monastary deep underwater is great protection however restricted to one dimensional defence, so defend primarily from orbitThe chapters belief I am struggling with. Something suitably dark Edited September 4, 2017 by Minigiant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 26, 2017 Share Posted August 26, 2017 Do you plan to have the Chapter turn to Chaos? Or do you merely plan to force the Marines to the borderline, like the Relictors (before the 13th Black Crusade) or the Dark Angels? One dark ritual that is potentially corruptive, is an attempt to "cure mutations" by burning away the mutated organ or limb, and- assuming the "patient" survives- replacing the lost organ or limb with an augmetic (machine), and then forcing the "patient" to serve as a Chapter serf, as "payment" for the "cure." There may even be Daemons disguised as "aspects of the Emperor," feeding off the mutants' pain as they're "cured." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted August 26, 2017 Author Share Posted August 26, 2017 Not Chaos, borderline, yet still suitably dark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 27, 2017 Share Posted August 27, 2017 (edited) How about having recruits ritually drowned, the near-death experience making them have "visions of the Emperor"? (I'm taking inspiration from the Drowned Men's induction rituals, from the 'Game of Thrones' series.) Edited August 27, 2017 by Bjorn Firewalker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted August 27, 2017 Author Share Posted August 27, 2017 How about having recruits ritually drowned, the near-death experience making them have "visions of the Emperor"? (I'm taking inspiration from the Drowned Men's induction rituals, from the 'Game of Thrones' series.) Thats good because it can work with another aspect I want to develop. A strong move towards religion. "Bunch together a group of people deliberately chosen for strong religious feelings, and you have a practical guarantee of dark morbidities expressed in crime, perversion, and insanity." I could even have a recruit murmer "The Vision cannot be described - there is no language for such abysms of shrieking and immemorial lunacy, such eldritch contradictions of all matter, force, and cosmic order. A mountain walked or stumbled." Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 27, 2017 Share Posted August 27, 2017 "The Vision cannot be described - there is no language for such abysms of shrieking and immemorial lunacy, such eldritch contradictions of all matter, force, and cosmic order. A mountain walked or stumbled." This is a great line. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted August 27, 2017 Author Share Posted August 27, 2017 "The Vision cannot be described - there is no language for such abysms of shrieking and immemorial lunacy, such eldritch contradictions of all matter, force, and cosmic order. A mountain walked or stumbled."This is a great line. That is paraphrased from Cthulhu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted August 30, 2017 Author Share Posted August 30, 2017 (edited) I have edited the original two sections, and added the Chapter Cult and Belief System, Gene-seed, and Recruitment. Battlefield Doctrine, and rest of Organisation. I can now slowly add notables; members, relics, ships etc I am interested to know what people think of their battlefield doctrine, i think it is unique. What other interesting dynamics do people think are created when the chapter specialises in Orbital defence? This chapter is intended to be my Battlefleet gothic force by the way Edited August 31, 2017 by Minigiant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted September 4, 2017 Author Share Posted September 4, 2017 Decided to think of some Successor chapters, in name only really. Not sure how much it can add to an IA, or where I can really take it. Love to hear some thoughts on that. Plus I have been tinkering away with each section, proof-reading etc Successors 729.M40 With the declaration of the 25th founding by the High Lords of Terra, the Administrum selected the Inquiliana Abyssi for their first successor. Captain Okeanos Antenor of the 3rd fleet was honoured to lead the training cadre and be the first chapter master of the Leviathans. Little is yet really known of the Leviathans except it is clear they do not have the same commitment to the Imperial Creed, and tensions between themselves and their founders are fractious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 4, 2017 Share Posted September 4, 2017 Regarding the Magi who opposed the Chapter's founding: May I suggest naming him "Abdul Hazred", after the author of the 'Necronomicon'? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted September 4, 2017 Author Share Posted September 4, 2017 Regarding the Magi who opposed the Chapter's founding: May I suggest naming him "Abdul Hazred", after the author of the 'Necronomicon'? Thats a good idea Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 4, 2017 Share Posted September 4, 2017 (edited) I have issues with the line "With every passing night their lives become more precarious as the technology they use to defend themselves slowly degrades the armed crew of these vessels resort to using further and further rudimentary weapons to defend what they call home," specifically, with the idea a Space Marine Chapter will be so negligent in the conservation of resources (including human resources) it needs to bolster its own numbers (via recruitment) and to defend its Chapter planet (via "meat shields"). To arrest the degradation of the Nahmu colonists' way-of-life (WITHOUT reducing the setting's grimdark qualities), you can 1) Have the Chapter offer "contracts" to certain tribes, with Chaplains stating, "You will want for nothing but freedom. You and your families will be fed, sheltered, and protected- so you may serve us unto eternity, as our slaves." 2) Host "flower wars" in which the various scavenger tribes fight each other, while the Chaplains watch from orbit. Warriors who display great valor in the "flower wars" will be recruited into the Chapter, while their tribes will be gifted arms and armor, food and other consumables, ships and even floating fortresses; weaker tribes will be enslaved (the Chapter gets a portion of the captives, as "tithes") or exterminated. Edited September 4, 2017 by Bjorn Firewalker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted September 4, 2017 Author Share Posted September 4, 2017 I have issues with the line "With every passing night their lives become more precarious as the technology they use to defend themselves slowly degrades the armed crew of these vessels resort to using further and further rudimentary weapons to defend what they call home," specifically, with the idea a Space Marine Chapter will be so negligent in the conservation of resources (including human resources) it needs to bolster its own numbers (via recruitment) and to defend its Chapter planet (via "meat shields"). To arrest the degradation of the Nahmu colonists' way-of-life (WITHOUT reducing the setting's grimdark qualities), you can 1) Have the Chapter offer "contracts" to certain tribes, with Chaplains stating, "You will want for nothing but freedom. You and your families will be fed, sheltered, and protected- so you may serve us unto eternity, as our slaves." 2) Host "flower wars" in which the various scavenger tribes fight each other, while the Chaplains watch from orbit. Warriors who display great valor in the "flower wars" will be recruited into the Chapter, while their tribes will be gifted arms and armor, food and other consumables, ships and even floating fortresses; weaker tribes will be enslaved (the Chapter gets a portion of the captives, as "tithes") or exterminated. Hmm I dont know, neither are fitting in my head right now Flower Wars>Contracts though. Maybe flower wars where the strongest among the winners are selected for recruitment. Those that are not are given supplies. On the losing side, those found with mutation are offered up in the Trial of Fire, while those that aren't are sent to me serfs, ship hands, servitors etc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 4, 2017 Share Posted September 4, 2017 It seems you favor Olympics-like events that focus on combat skills- fencing, boxing, wrestling, marksmanship, etc.- with the Chapter recruiting the winners of these competitions. (I had the same idea for the Iron-hearted Angels, the Blood Angels successor recruiting champions of their Chapter planet's "Sanguinary Games".) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted September 6, 2017 Author Share Posted September 6, 2017 (edited) It seems you favor Olympics-like events that focus on combat skills- fencing, boxing, wrestling, marksmanship, etc.- with the Chapter recruiting the winners of these competitions. (I had the same idea for the Iron-hearted Angels, the Blood Angels successor recruiting champions of their Chapter planet's "Sanguinary Games".) I am working on editing recruitment, be a week before it is done I am thinking it would be good to add some sort of "vows" to them, like the Black Templars. Ideally dont want to call them Vows, too crusading knight feel. Thinking maybe Asseverations, Any ideas? Edit: I like the idea of Asseverations. I think two of the Black Templar vows fit well, and help cement them into the Imperial Credd, and 40k universe. Cannot see why another chapter would not pick them up if they too follow the Imperial Creed. I want to add one or two of my own (suitably Cthulhuised of course) Edited September 6, 2017 by Minigiant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 6, 2017 Share Posted September 6, 2017 Oaths and vows can be religious in nature. To increase the grimdarkness, maybe you can use the term "contract," which can refer to ones you sign with the Devil when you sell your soul? Or "binds," which has implications of slavery as well as witchcraft, e.g., "binding a spirit to [the witch]'s will"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted September 7, 2017 Author Share Posted September 7, 2017 Oaths and vows can be religious in nature. To increase the grimdarkness, maybe you can use the term "contract," which can refer to ones you sign with the Devil when you sell your soul? Or "binds," which has implications of slavery as well as witchcraft, e.g., "binding a spirit to [the witch]'s will"? Hmm food for thought, Binds could work First of some artwork, by the talented Blazbaros: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 7, 2017 Share Posted September 7, 2017 Please pass along my compliments to the artist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted September 7, 2017 Share Posted September 7, 2017 Blazbaros has done good work for the Liber. Glad to see he's still getting business from us. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted September 7, 2017 Author Share Posted September 7, 2017 Blazbaros has done good work for the Liber. Glad to see he's still getting business from us. One of a few commissioned so pop back again soon to see more Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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