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Noctus Cornix's Random Painting (Grimaldus 8/31)

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Hey, folks. Me again. Geez, I've been out of the game for so long.... I started a commissions and random modeling blog after I closed down my Word Bearers thread ALMOST TWO YEARS AGO. During that time I've been in such a friggin rut that I've had so much trouble getting back into the hobby and life has just been one hurdle after the other. Honestly? For a while I genuinely thought I might just quit the hobby altogether. 6th and 7th edition just weren't doing much for me and most of my friends in the hobby were all getting out or had just turned into completely negative influences on the hobby spewing constant toxicity. Couple that with real life problem and a genuine death of my imagination for a long time.... I just.. I couldn't keep up. 


Then, a short while ago, things started to change in my life. I started my Masters degree in Literature in the spring, started living on my own this summer in June, just turned 25 two days ago. And... I think one of the most positive influences on me recently is I found a new group of friends. They're all a bunch of really good guys who are around my age and are genuinely passionate about the game and the lore in a way I used to be. Not to mention they're just fun to hang out with and talk or play some computer games. Their enthusiasm was infectious and I've genuinely found myself looking forward to going to a game store. (Not to mention Montag Games in Pearland is hands down the greatest game store in Texas. The owner is really the coolest guy ever)


And along comes 8th edition.... And I'm not gonna lie, I'm in love with this edition. It's not perfect, but no edition has ever been perfect and frankly I think not only the rules are great and simple but the also the new Chaos codex is FRIGGIN AWESOME! I raged about the rules Word Bearers got in the 7th edition Legion codex, but their rules for 8th edition are exactly what I want and I couldn't be happier (not to mention better possessed!) The real problem lately has just been finding a starting point. I've been out of the whole WIP log business for so long and I only really had my Astral Claws log to tide me over for a little while but even that fumbled when I started getting bogged down by work. (The Astral Claws will be back, just gonna be a little while) 


So, with no solid point to start with yet for my next full Project log (it'll be my Word Bearers FINALLY) I decided to just start up another painting log of my random commissions and non-project related models. It's been really cool lately because I've had so many friends and people at my local game store commission me to paint their character models because I get to see them on the field and it fills me with a real sense of pride.




So..... yeah, I'm sure no one wants to listen to my rambling... so let's get to those painting things I promised, right? :tongue.:


First up, the big boy from Prospero himself, Magnus the Red, the Crimson King. I painted this guy over the week with little to do while a Hurricane blows outside, and the client really gave me a lot of creative liberties on this with only the express concern that he wanted Magnus' armor to be red and gold. So here's the final product.


The plain and simple truth is that I always thought that Magnus having red skin before he was ever corrupted by the warp was such a stupid thing. It just didn't make any sense and it honestly sort of made him look stupid, if you ask me. Top it off with the fact that when I've been reading both The First Heretic and Betrayer, Magnus is described as having a tanned, almost coppery skin-tone. I just couldn't do it. Not to mention, honestly, that if I did red skin with his red hair and now red armour, yeah that would look awful. So INSTEAD I tried to paint what I always imagined Magnus to look like, trying to mimic archetypal Egyptian skin tone to represent the Prosperine blood. He is the crimson king because of his stunning red mane, not because he's the strawberry version of the green giant. So, without further adue, Here's Magnus
















Hope you guys like him :happy.:

Edited by Noctus Cornix
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Good to see you back, and with a painted primarch! Well done. A good positive circle of people in your life can make all the difference -- beyond this hobby and into all the facets of life. Keep it up!
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Heyo, me again. This time up is actually a model I finished a few weeks ago but I found that I had actually taken some pictures of it.  This Grimaldus commission is actually one of three Black Templar models I did for my good friend and fellow member of the B&C,  HighMarshalAlex. He's a really great dude and thought I'd share some work I did for him. Will have to ask if I could borrow the Marshal and Castallen to take pictures of them too....














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