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Adeptus Astartes Cani Inferni [Hell Hounds]

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Hell Hounds


Founding: Second

Progenitor: Lynn Elgonsen (Known as Lion ElJohnson in other records)
Successors of: Dark Angels

Full Strength: around 1600 Battle Brothers

Current Status: On Campaign across the Imperium, understrength, 6th, 3rd and 7th Battle Companies non-existent.
Home World(s): Kardon (Dark Age of Tech World) and Nodrak(feral world, uninhabited)
Battlecry: To the hunt, Hounds of Caliban!
Known Descendants: Doom Angels
Current Chapter Master: Grand Master Aldric

Hell Hounds trooper.

Grand Master Aldric, wielding the Absolver and his Relic Plasma Blaster


Chapter History

The Chapter known in modern times as the Hell Hounds trace their origins back to the 7th Chapter of the 1st Legio Astartes, who, under the command of one Verenheim Asterif, led the 77th expeditionary fleet of the Great Crusade during the 31st millennia.
It was during this era when the curious twin worlds of Kardon and Nodrak were discovered. These planets were still living as though it were the Golden Age of Technology, possessing wonders of math and science rarely seen even inside the Emperors Imperium. However there was a single, noted exception: the AI controlled robot defenders had malfunctioned. No longer did they perform their guardian role, but instead usurped their human creators and took up the mantle as cold, unfeeling overlords.

The Mechanicum were eager to acquire the untold wealth of knowledge hidden upon these worlds,and thus the 1st Legion began their invasion in earnest. The war against the Overlords lasted a Terran year at the end of which the Legion Recon Squads inside the 7th Chapter played such a crucial role that Verenheim dubbed them The Hell Hounds, after Kardons dominant predator. After the worlds were brought to compliance the Mechanicum discovered many STCs and other technological marvels. However, disagreement between Verenheim and the Mechanicum brought the two factions to blows. Why is not known, lost to sands of time, but they had done significant enough damage to their view of each other that the 7th Chapter and the Adepts of Mars have stayed non-allies since. A short time later, the Heresy began. The 7th Chapter relinked with the Lion and followed him into war against the Night Lords. Following the events of the heresy, the Dark Angels returned to their world of origin, only to be met with yet more treachery. Having witnessed the destruction of his home Verenheim was furious, at the traitors, at the Primarch, and himself. He vowed to destroy each of these traitors, to make each of them pay for their sins. Thusly he was chosen to found one of the twelve Unforgiven, he named them the Hell Hounds and took them too his last conquests, Kardon and Nodrak, where they began to construct their fortress monasteries. Post Heresy the Hell Hounds Chapter have participated in many campaigns and wars, while they are not codex complaint in structure, they still revere its teachings of spirit and tactics. In fact they are so non-codex in forces that they have been brought under question by many including the Inquistion, for their use of equipment normally only seen in Guard force and their employment of what could be called Auxilia. However their companies are scattered and always at war making questioning difficult as well as proving their loyalty unending, thus deterring questioners. Because of their constant warring the Hell Hounds are always short on men, added onto by their willingness to always take point in a battle and their stubborn refusal to ever give ground to their enemies.

Towering above the buildings of Garenharver are
the spires of the Cobalt Citadel, a grand fortress bristling
with defense lasers, plasma obliterators, and other weapons
too numerous to name.
But that is merely the outside, for inside it is a grand hall
of learning, all of Kardon and even abroad are welcome
into the Grand Library, where The Hell Hounds keep all the
knowledge they can acquire, there are of course exceptions
to be found, as all data deemed unfit or dangerous for the
public is kept under force fields, the keys to disable them
held by the Chapters Librarius.

The Cobalt Citadel


The twin home worlds of the Hell Hounds share a Sister orbit with each other, the larger of the two, Kardon is a very varied world. From deserts to jungles, to forests, most importantly among its biomes is its great and mighty plains. Here can be found the largest of the marvelous cities that dot the world. The city, known as Garenharver is a mighty bastion of a Cobalt hue, crafted long ago with the wonders of the Golden Age of Humanity. At its center lies the primary Fortress Monastery of the Hell Hounds,The Cobalt Citadel, converted from what was the citys control center, where the Overlords once control the lives and actions of the human populace. Living upon the these plains are primarily the large hounds from which the Hell Hounds take both name and Icon, as well as their prey, the enormous tusked beasts with thick, leathery red skin known as Otexons. The average Otexon is as long as a baneblade and 3 times as tall, with a low head and mighty tusks made for digging up the roots they feast upon as well as defense. Whilst normally extremely peaceful in habit, the mere scent of a Hound will send them into mad fits, whereby they will then form a protective phalanx for the young and weak. To counter their sheer size the Hounds have learned to hunt by concentrating attacks on one beast until it is wounded sufficiently, then retreating, returning hours or even days later when the beast has been weakened by its wounds and the resulting infections to allow it to be taken down. This is extremely similar to tactics employed by the Dark Angel Legion Seeker Squads of the 7th Chapter during their war against the machines of the Overlords, thus earning them the title.


The second world, Nodrack is much smaller, and is mostly covered in ocean, Rocky canyons and its lush purple jungles, The primary animals of this world is the Starack, a great herbivorous bird that can change its plumage colour at whim to please its mates. It is here, where the secondary fortress monastery lies, in the great canyon of songs, it is here where an aspirant will take their final tests in the harsh jungles. Deep in Nodracks jungles can be found ancient ruins that predate even the settlements of Kardon, these ruins, likely alien in origin, are scattered about the jungle and seem to have been basis of the machine armies of the Overlords. Ancient automa in a similar fashion as the Overlords constructions, wander the jungles around these ruins, warding away the beasts and anything else that dares to trespass with their odd projectile weapons that fire needles of perfectly shaped crystal that, although deadly to lightly armoured men and beasts, is ineffective against anything better than mesh armour.


Every year on Kardon, Apothecaries are sent out to the schools of all the cities on Kardon to conduct genetic testing of all the children age 12 and older, those found compatible will be taken to the Cobalt Citadel where they will continue their education as well as start the necessary training and augmentation to become an Astartes warrior. The trials employed by the Hell Hounds are as dictated in the Codex Astartes, they learn to survive in all habitats afforded to them by Kardon and Nodrak, how to use all weapons in their arsenal, the maintenance of their weapons and Powered Armour. Then comes the finale trail, which entails the Aspirants of around 15-17 being taken as a squad into the deep jungles of Nodrak, where they must act together to bypass or overcome the ancient Guardians and make their way to the alien ruins. Here they must prove their mettle by delving deep into the ancient passageways, avoiding traps such as needle turrets, false floors and many other oddities. At the end, should they make it, they will be rewarded each with a helmet and a blade of cobalt, if deemed worthy of it some may be awarded a helmet bearing the steel laurels of a corporal.

Once they have complete their training and received the Black Carapace implant,they will spend 1 Terran year in either the 11th or 12th companies, fighting alongside the Auxiliary forces, once their carapace is grown they are sent to a Battle Company, by this time they will have been assigned as a Apothecary in training, a communications operator, a special weapons or Heavy Weapons operator, or a leader, they will begin in tactical squads, those who show exceptional skill with heavy weapons will be sent to the devastator squads, those skilled in special weapons may also be sent or if they are brash and hot headed enough, the assault squads, a unit reserved only the most proficient short range killers in the company. A marine who has shown an aptitude for stealth and silent warfare will be sent to the 10th the Ravenwing, where they will form the Chapters reconnaissance element. Marines who show no immediate aptitude towards a specialty will be sent to as a gunner to one of the many vehicles of the Chapter, where they will serve alongside the Chapters dedicated pilots and operators.

Chapter Beliefs

The Hell Hounds hold very dear the ideals of the old Imperium, from the time when the Emperor walked amongst them, clinging onto and being sure to follow every part of the Emperor's plan. Unfortunately of course, over ten thousand years of darkness much knowledge has been lost and the Hell Hounds know only only parts of those noble ideals. But nevertheless they continue to preserve knowledge and use what they know, this giving them a strong distaste for organizations like the Inquisition and the Ecclesiarchy, two organizations who's very existence is an affront to the Emperor's doctrine. Because of their strong attitude towards the old ways, they take all parts of the Astartes oath very seriously and are often found quoting it during their common disagreements with other Chapters and other Imperial Forces, most importantly, they uphold the part of the oath where upon it states that it is the duty of the Astartes to defend humanity, above all else, no matter the cost. Following in their mandate to protect the Imperium, the Astartes of the Hell Hounds have become somewhat obsessed with the idea of protecting the average person of the Imperium, this fits in with their inborn stubbornness of never retreating, like all Sons of the Lion. This has caused incidents whereby whole detachments of the Hell Hounds have stood in defense of Imperial Cities either until they were relieved, or they were cut down to the last brother.

The Hunt and the Inner Circle

The Hell Hounds, like all Unforgiven, are sworn to hunt down and bring to justice those of the Legion who fell from the Emperors Light ten Millennia ago. However, their execution of this differs from their parent Legion, for the Hell Hounds great sense of pride and honour forbid them from abandoning the field and their allies in the manner that their brothers are infamous for. This overwhelming sense of honour has caused the Hell Hounds to be effectively excluded from Legion dealings, for they would never agree to the treacherous ways in which their brothers keep the dark secret. Like the rest of the Legion, the Hell Hounds maintain an inner circle, those whom know the full story of what happened at Caliban, the average brother of the chapter knows very little beyond the notion that they most bring to justice a certain group of Chaos Astartes.

?Addendum: On the subject of Robes;
The Hell Hounds, like all I Legion Chapters, make use of ceremonial robes, in most Chapters this is to denote levels of initiation in the Inner Circle. However in the case of the Hell Hounds, they only wear their robes on parade and when stationed on guard duty at the Cobalt citadel, and rather than wearing single colours, their robes are patchworks of cloth, sew together and added onto constantly, each little strip bearing embroidery, denoting a specific deed in the Marine's service, such as presence at a battle, felling of a foe, service with certain organizations or under certain officers. This can result in some long time veterans and Officers having long and vast robes, depicting hundreds of campaigns and stories.


Priesthood of Terra:
The Hell Hounds have always maintained hostilities towards the Priesthood of the Imperium, hearkening back to their days as the 1st Legion, when, under Verenheim, a full third of the 77th Fleet was rounded up and executed by the Dark Angels of the 7th Chapter for the crime of worshiping a god. In this case, the Emperor of Mankind.

Adeptus Mechanicus, Tech Priests of Mars:
They maintain extremely negative relations with the Adeptus of Mars, even to the point where they avoid each other and the Hell Hounds are forced to seek alternative methods for their equipment needs.

Dark Angels:

The Hell Hounds keep close ties to their parent Legion, but not as close as the Hell Hounds believe, for the extreme value they place on honor has caused the other unforgiven to keep them in the dark on many of their dealings, lest the Hell Hounds become enraged and begin hostilities. For even when we consider that they could easily win such a conflict, the 1st Legion would not wish to risk another schism in their ranks.

Combat Doctrine

The Hell Hounds first soften up their target with precises artillery and orbital strikes, then begin an all out assault, with a heavily mechanized spear head force leading the way, mainly consisting of the fast moving Assault Squads in their Storm Ravens and Tacticals in their Razorbacks as well as Predators and Vindicators, supported still by artillery as well as overwhelming fire from devastator squads and large numbers of support vehicles. Once within a short distance the spearhead force begin moving like a turtle formation, but with overlapping fields of fire and rapid response from the Assault Squads. The Hell Hounds much prefer ranged weaponry over melee, believing in overwhelming their enemies with mass fields of fire, destroying anything and everything before it has a chance to react or return fire, as well favounring heavy amount of protection at the costs of speed and precision. The mixing of these elements is shown best in their Assault Squads, one of their key elements, who prefer to carry Breacher Shields and automatic and/or devastating ranged weapons, jumping in rapidly and gunning things down while also being protected from return fire by their shields.


Helmet types:

Golden Laurels: Worn by Corporals

Hound shaped Maximus Helm: Worn by Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains, Lieutenant Commanders and Imperial Commanders



1st Company, Deathwing(Veteran Company)

2nd Company, (Battle Company)

3rd Company, (Battle Company)

4th Company, (Battle Company)

5th Company, (Battle Company)

6th Company, (Battle Company)
Company, (Battle Company)

8th Company, (Battle Company)

9th Company, (Battle Company)

10th Company, Raven Wing (Recon Company)
11th Company (Training Company with little command staff and not sent to battle.)
12th Company (Training Company with little command staff and not sent to battle.)

Chapter Fleet(Current)

Desolater Class Battleship ''Silva Bestia''

Infernus Class Heavy Cruiser ''Elgonsen's Vengeance'' - 2nd Company

Strike Cruiser ''Kardon's Wrath'' - 4th Company

Avenger Class Grandcruiser ''Unstoppable Righteousness'' - 5th Company

Hades Class Heavy Cruiser ''Corrector'' - 8th Company

Strike Cruiser ''The Sentinel of Time'' - 9th Company

Retribution Class Battlecruiser ''The Fringe Stalker'' - 10th Company

14-ish Frigates and Destroyers.

Battle Company:

1 Command Squad
1 Land Raider (When the Command Squad splits up one half uses a Razorback Melius)
6 Tactical Squads
2 Devastator Squads
2 Assault Squads
8(9) Razorback Meliuses
4 Land Speeders
2 Storm Ravens
1 Space Marine
4 Storm Hawks
4 Whirlwinds/Basalisks
4 Predators
2 Stalkers

Command Squad:

1 Marine Captain with Power Weapon and Special Pistol/ Bolter
1 Marine Lieutenant with Power Weapon and Special Pistol/ Bolter
2 Apothecaries with Bolters
1 Communications Marine with Bolter, very long range communicator and Electronic Warfare package
1 Tech Marine with Special Weapon/Combi weapon
1 Banner Bearer with Bolter/Special Weapon
1 Company Champion with power weapon and Special/combi weapon
1 Librarian with Force Weapon and Bolter/combi weapon/pistol
1 Chaplain with Crozius Arcanum and Bolter/ Combi weapon
1 Land Raider with a Crew of Two Space Marines

Tactical Squad:

1 Sergeant with power weapon and bolter
1 Corporal with Chain weapon and bolter
2 Marines with Heavy Weapons
2 Marines with Special Weapons
2 Marine Medics with Bolters
2 Marines with Bolters and long distance communicators and Electronic Warfare package
1 Razorback Melius with Twin linked Multi Lasers with crew of 2 Marined/ 1 Rhino with pintle mounted Missile Launcher and crew of 2 Marines.

Devastator Squad:

1 Sergeant with Bolter, long distance communicators and Electronic Warfare package
1 Corporal with Bolter, long distance communicators and Electronic Warfare package
2 Marine Medics with Bolterss and Extra ammo
6 Marines with Heavy Weapons
1 Razorback Melius with Twin linked Multi Lasers with crew of 2 Marines/ 1 Rhino with pintle mounted Missile Launcher and crew of 2 Marines.

Assault Squad:

1 Assault Sergeant Bolter and Breacher Shield
1 Assault Corporal with Bolter and Breacher Shield
2 Assault Marine Medics with Bolters and Breacher Shields
2 Assault Marines with Bolter and Breacher Shields, long distance communicators and Electronic Warfare package
2 Assault Marines with Combi Flamers and Breacher Shields
2 Assault Marines with Combi Meltas and Breacher Shields
1 Storm Raven with 3 sets of Heavy Weapons and a Crew of 2 Space Marines

Recon Squad:

1 Sergeant with Long Las and Power Weapon and Long Range Communicators
1 Corporal with Long Las and Power Weapon and Long Range Communicators
3 Marines with Long Lases and Long Range Communicators and Power weapons
5 Marines Bolters and spotting Equipment and Long Range Communicators and Power weapons
1 Land Speeder Raeda with Lascannon and Multilaser and mounted Missile launcher crewed by two marines,

Veteran Squad:

1 Veteran Sergeant with Power Weapon and Special Weapon/Combi weapon/Relic Bolter
1 Veteran Corporal with Power Weapon and Special Weapon/Combi weapon/Relic Bolter
4 Veteran Marines with Heavy Weapons and Power Weapons
2 Veteran Marine with Special Weapons/Combi Weapons/Relic Bolters and Power Weapons and Long Range Communicators and Electronic Warfare package
2 Veteran Marine Medics with Special Weapons/Combi Weapons/Relic Bolters and Power Weapons
1 Storm Eagle/Land Raider with crew of Two Marines

Terminator Sqaud

1 Terminator Sergeant with Power Weapon and Heavy Weapon and Cyclone Launcher
1 Terminator Corporal with Power Weapon and Heavy Weapon and Cyclone Launcher
8 Terminators with Power Weapons and Heavy Weapons and Cyclone Launchers
1 Storm Eagle/Land Raider with crew of 2 Marines

Chapter Masters Honour Guard

1 Chapter Master with Relic Plasma Blaster and The Absolver
1 Honour Guard Marine with Plasma Blaster and Power Weapon
1 Honour Guard Marine with Plasma Blaster and Power Weapon and Chapter Standard
1 Honour Guard Marine with Plasma Blaster and Power Weapon
1 Honour Guard Marine with Conversion Beamer and Power Weapon
1 Chapter Champion
1 Master of the Apothecarium
1 Master of the Forges
1 Master of the Reclusairy
1 Master of the Librarius
1 Relic Land Raider with crew of two Marines

Pistol Weapons:

Bolt Pistol
Hot-Shot Las Pistol
Plasma Pistol
Grav Pistol
Hand Flamer
Inferno Pistol

Basic Weapons:
Hotshot Las Rifle
Storm Bolter
Combi Plasma
Combi Melta
Combi Flamer
Combi Grav

Special Weapons:

Plasma Rifle
Melta Rifle
Grav Rifle
Las Sniper
Plasma Blaster

Heavy Weapons:

Heavy Bolter
Plasma Cannon
Heavy Flamer
Multi Melta
Las cannon
Missile Launcher
Conversion Beamer

Melee Weapons:

Chain Sword
Chain Axe
Chain Fist
Chain Bayonet
Power Sword
Power Axe
Power Spear
Power Glaive
Power Maul
Power Fist
Force Sword
Force Axe
Force Spear
Force Glaive
Force Maul
Force Staff
Combat Knife

Power Armour:
Aquila Power Armour with the noted difference of all suits have Corvus or Maximus knees and all Helmets are either Corvus or a heavily modified Maximus built in the shape of a Hounds head. These suits also posses retractable monomolecular claws from the fingers.

Tartaros Terminator Armour

Cataphractii Terminator Armour

Indomitus Terminator Armour

Special Equipment

Melius Pattern Razorback:

A Campaign improvisation of the standard Razorback by the Hell Hounds, the Melius pattern counters the space issue created by the adding of the heavy weapon systems by adding more material onto the back if the vehicle, giving the extra space required to carry a full squad. This vehicle, because of its effectiveness has become a staple of Hell Hounds whom continue to simply modify the Razorbacks they acquire.

Raeda Pattern Speeder:
An extreme modification of the Dark Vengeance Pattern Land Speeder, the Raeda mounts a Multilaser and a Lascannon, as well as a mounted Missile Launcher, and with an extended back and covered crew compartments, carries 10 Astartes with light gear such as a Ravenwing Veteran Recon Squad.

Chapter Relics

10 suits of Tartaros Armour
Unknown number of Cataphractii suits

80+ suits of Indomitus armour

2 Storm Eagles
1 Legion Fellblade, modified so much due to parts requirements that now strongly resembles an Imperial Guard Baneblade
Several Plasma Blasters
At least one Conversion Beamer
The Absolver:
Grand Master Aldric the Reformer of the Hell Hounds wields *The Absolver* a power blade forged of psychically attuned crystal during the Great Crusade for a Chapter Master of the Dark Angels, founder of the Hell Hounds Chapter of Astartes.

Vetus Pattern Hover tank:
The Vetus Pattern Hover Tank is one of the oldest Imperial designs, having been issued to the First Legion as their earliest armoured support, and the Hell Hounds maintaining a small handful of them. This light tank sports a lascannon and and a havoc Missile Launcher, It makes up for its light armerant is sheer speed and manoeuvrability, dodging in and out of of cover and the enemy, devastating armour and infantry alike.

Notable Hell Hounds:

Second Company command squad:

second captain: Brother Garled

second company lieutenant: Brother Keir

second company banner bearer: Brother Runth

second company Chaplain: Brother Thrane

second company champion: Brother Ecthelion, of the Gate

second company tech marine: Brother Aule

second company medic 1: Brother Hyran

second company medic 2: Brother Maren

second company librarian: Brother Venun

second company comm trooper: Brother Gantian

First Squad Second Company:

Brother Sergeant Sheroh 1

Brother Corporal Arkemis 2

Melta Rifle: Brother Nareth 2

Missile Launcher: Brother Karun 2

Plasma Rifle: Brother Zypher 1

Heavy Bolter: Brother Jneas 1

Brother Rark 2

Brother Dane 2

Brother Kel 1

Brother Ithus 1
Second Company First Tactical Squad Razorback ''Gloria Inferos''

Driver: Brother Vesus
Gunner: Brother Falric

Second Company Second Tactical Squad

Brother Sergeant Therian 1

Brother Corporal Mepherial 2

Heavy Bolter: Brother Zillian 2

Missile Launcher: Brother Thyko 1

Plasma Rifle: Brother Lucerius 2

Melta Rifle:Brother Darlus 1

Brother Altian 2

Brother Termeia 2

Brother Eltion 1

Brother Bryth 1

Second Company Third Squad

Sergeant: Brother Eckhart
Corporal:Brother Friederike

Missile Launcher: Brother Wrendel
Heavy Bolter: Brother Farenia
Melta Rifle:Brother Frekzis
Plasma Rifle: Brother Reimund
Brother Hexies

Brother Hendran

Brother Jerian

Brother Revian

Second Company Ninth Assault Squad

Brother Sergeant Malthiea 1

Brother Corporal Daniath 2

Flamer: Brother Char 2

Melta Rifle: Brother Falmial 2

Brother Certhion 2

Brother Kar 2

Brother Reftet 1

Brother Eriah 2

Brother Yetin 1

Brother Ullore 1

2nd Company 7th Devastator Squad:

Brother Corporal Lusince.

Plasma Cannon: Brother Klaor

Plasma Cannon: Brother Thion

10th Company, 3rd Recon Squad

Brother Sergeant Jevain 1

Brother Ulan 1


Auxulia Organization

The Kardon PDF/Auxilia trace their Unit names, insignia and traditions back both to the Imperial Army Units who were a part of the 7tth Expeditionary Fleet and the local militaries of Kardon before the Imperium came. The Auxilia is the term for units of the PDF who have volunteered to follow their Astartes countrymen into battle amongst the stars. The Auxilia also include in their ranks those Hell Hounds serfs who can still function on a battlefield and troopers of the 11th and 12th Companies who have completed their training and await he growth of their Black Carapce to advance into a Battle Company. The duty of the Auxilia on the Hell Hounds order of battle is act as the reaguard, securing assets, civilians and locations that the Astartes have already cleared or do not have the resources or numbers. to claim themselves. This includes protecting, directing, overseeing and keeping orderly civilian populations whilst the Astartes are out of reach battling away the foes that would seek to destroy the citizens of the Imperium.


Mechanized Regiment

1 Brigade Command Squad
1 Command Chimera IFV
3 Mechanized Battalions
1 Artillery Battalion
1 Colonel
1 Colour Commander
Mechanized Battalion:
1 Battalion Command Squad
1 Command Chimera IFV
3 Infantry Companies
1 Support Company
1 Tank Company
1 Commander
1 Major
Mechanized Company:
1 Captain
1 1st Lieutenant
1 Company Command Squad
1 Command Chimera
4 Platoons
1 Tank Platoon
Mechanized Platoon:
1 Platoon Command Squad
1 Command Chimera IFV
3 Infantry Squads
1 Heavy Weapons Sqaud
1 Colour Sergeant
1 Lieutenant

Mechanized Squad:
1 Sergeant with lasgun
1 Corporal with lasgun
4 Riflemen with Lasguns
2 Hellgun operators
2 Melta Rifle/Single use Missile launcher Operators
1 Chimera IFV

Mechanized Heavy Weapons Squad:
1 Sergeant with targeting equipment and Lascarbine
3 Spotters
3 Gunners
3 Ammo feeders
1 Chimera IFV

Platoon/Company/Battalion/Brigade Command Squad:
1 Unit Leader
1 Executive officer
2 Snipers with Longlas
2 Spotters with Lascarbines
1 Forward observer
2 Medical Officers
1 Vox trooper
1 Command Chimera IFV
If Airborne give all members Flight Packs and replace


Artillery Battalion:

Tank Company:
1 Captain in Command Leman Russ
1 1st Lieutenant in Command Leman Russ
2 Command support Leman Russes
4 Tank Platoons

Airborne Brigade:

1 Brigade Command Squad
1 Command Valkyrie
3 Mechanized Battalions
1 Artillery Battalion
1 Brigadier
1 Colour Commander
Airborne Battalion:
1 Battalion Command Squad
1 Command Valkyrie
4 Airborne Companies
1 Vulture Company
1 Commander
1 Major
Airborne Company:
1 Captain
1 1st Lieutenant
1 Company Command Squad
1 Command Valkyrie
1 Vulture Platoon
4 Airborne Platoons
Airborne Platoon:
1 Lieutenant
1 Platoon Sergeant
1 Platoon Command Squad
1 Command Valkyrie
4 Airborne Squads
Airborne Squad:
1 Sergeant with Lascarbine and Flight Pack
1 Corporal with Lascarbine and Flight Pack
4 Riflemen with Lascarbines and Flight Pack
2 Hellgun operators and Flight Pack
2 Melta Rifle/Single use Missile launcher Operators and Flight Pack
1 Valkyrie


Kadron Pattern Carapace armour
Kardon pattern Lasgun
Kardon Pattern Meltagun
Kardon Pattern Hellgun
Kardon Pattern Missile Launcher
Edited by Grand Master Aldric
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Sorry it has taken me so long to getting around to reading this, wanted to from the first moment I saw it. I too have just written an IA using high gothic name (latin), that translates into a cool sounding lower gothic name.


My first question is you refer to the 11th and 12th companies, do they not follow the codex approved 10 companies?


Interesting take on the Fallen, refusing to pursue fallen if they believe their duty is elsewhere. I would be interested to know what it does to the chapter psyche, is it something that bring turmoil into their lives, knowing they cannot honour the pacts they are sworn to. Maybe I just get the impression of "Catholic Guilt" creeping into them over time.


Do they have a Deathwing/Ravenwing equivalent?

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Sorry it has taken me so long to getting around to reading this, wanted to from the first moment I saw it. I too have just written an IA using high gothic name (latin), that translates into a cool sounding lower gothic name.


My first question is you refer to the 11th and 12th companies, do they not follow the codex approved 10 companies?


Interesting take on the Fallen, refusing to pursue fallen if they believe their duty is elsewhere. I would be interested to know what it does to the chapter psyche, is it something that bring turmoil into their lives, knowing they cannot honour the pacts they are sworn to. Maybe I just get the impression of "Catholic Guilt" creeping into them over time.


Do they have a Deathwing/Ravenwing equivalent?

Hey, thanks for the reply. As for your first question, no, we not exactly follow the codex structure, as we have 8  Battle Companies, and a Veteran and a Reconnaissance Company. Which leads into your last question, yes we have a Ravenwing and a Deathwing, all of out Terminators and Veterans are in the Deathwing 1st Company while all our Recon Squads,Nephilim, and other rapid response craft, mostly Aircraft, are in our Ravenwing 10th Company. 


The Fallen things is a bit of a WIP, not quite exactly sure how it affects the mindset of the involved marines, likely quite an effect though, given their strong, honour bond compelling to both ends of the argument.

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So the hound shaped helmets, do they manufacture them themselves or does their nearest Forge World do it?


What are their colours?


If it is Grey, I want to see an altercation where Dark Angels come and try start a scuffle thinking you are Space Wolves

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So the hound shaped helmets, do they manufacture them themselves or does their nearest Forge World do it?


What are their colours?


If it is Grey, I want to see an altercation where Dark Angels come and try start a scuffle thinking you are Space Wolves

Unknown at this stage, probably the Admech since we're close to them. Colours, well I'll just let you see some of my awfully painted models, bear in mind that the Chapter Badge isn't on them yet because I can't freehand it. Yet. (also the tactical arrow is red like the stripe)



Edited by blood hounds
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you expand on your Chapter beliefs? They sound more like Salamanders.

Protecting the average Imperial, stubbornness, etc.

What makes your Chapter beliefs unique to them?


To me, the name Hell Hounds conjures the thought of aggressive close quarters fighters. But that's up to you what you do with it.

Edited by BreezyLamar
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