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Work proceeds on the broodlord now, looking for feedback. Aiming for a glossy dark carapace. I can see from the pics that I need to clean up the transition from the highlight to the mid tone but feel like maybe should add a fine line of a brighter highlight for better contrast.



Second Warlock done! Come the weekend i'll be done with bases and post a groupshot for a complete vow :) Here's the warlock:


Edited by Marshal Wolfhart

Finished my second Warbuggy: 'Skull Squisha'



And also my unit of Stormboyz



I don't wanna clog this thread with heaps of pics, but you can see more detailed ones in my WIP thread here.


Now all I have left of my vow is a deffkopta, unfortunately, GW are out of stock on the website. (at least in Aus) hopefully it comes back soon.

Edited by brettfp

The name of the challenge just clicked :biggrin.: :sweat: :facepalm:


Good work.

Shame! Shame! I'm afraid you'll need to compensate Uprising for this most grievous of insults. I think an extra vow should mend his broken heart :wink:


Keep up the excellent work everyone, my own work has stalled but most of the models are all but done so I just need to find the time to make the last push :thumbsup:

I want to throw my hat into the ring for this, however I have a technical question. 


Does this event only apply to units that appear in the Index: Xeno 1 & 2, OR the broader sense of anything that is not Human. 


I have three Jokero that I'd like to enter into this event but since they have the imperium keyword, I want to make sure they're a valid entry before making a vow. 


What do you mean mate?

It has three dwarven heads on its back and robes. Also a hairdress (quite literally made of hair)

I haven’t seen that model before and I could not work out what he was wearing, thank you for explaining.

I want to throw my hat into the ring for this, however I have a technical question. 


Does this event only apply to units that appear in the Index: Xeno 1 & 2, OR the broader sense of anything that is not Human. 


I have three Jokero that I'd like to enter into this event but since they have the imperium keyword, I want to make sure they're a valid entry before making a vow. 

You may.  More painted models, the better.  Thank you for joining. 


I hope everyone painting, time running out. 

I was lucky and got to snap some pics of my vow progress during my lunch break yesterday:








All that remains to do for this vow is to paint the crisis suit weapon options and to figure out a base for the ghostkeel.  Then the question is if a second vow should be more of the same (another ghostkeel, stealth suits, etc.)  or do I go off the rails and paint big units like my storm surge, y'vahra and whatever else tickles my fancy? Thoughts?

I, TheOneTrueZon, vow to paint three Jokaero Weaponsmiths by January 3rd:


++ Jokareo Prime ++

Here is the WIP for my first unit, a Jokaero Prime. Although they are renown for miniaturization and digital weapons, this captures a particularly rare instance of a Jokaero utilizing what could best be described as a "Scrapping Harness"...


"The best advice I could give anyone entering that warzone was, 'be un-interesting'. I had never witnessed such an event, an entire battlefront disrupted by one being. This Jokaero was endlessly roaming the battlefield, scrapping anything it came across using some sort of dendrite harness akin to a Mechanicus Magos, but... not... It dismantled an Astarte Centurion in a gravity field that peeled it apart until it tossed the Marine aside, completely unharmed but also completely naked. I will never forget the confusion on that Marines' face. Shock. An Astarte, left speechless! He fared the best out of many encounters that crossed my field desk before seeing it myself. A cohort of Skitarrii tried to subdue and contain the creature. I can still hear the screams through the vox-caster as it tore them apart down to the bare circuitry. An Eldar Wraithseer, sliced in two like a knife through butter. What was it looking for? What was it building? We were evacuated before too long, and from what I hear they were going to call in an Exterminatus."


- Commissar Flavius Cail IV, while attached to the 506th Kasrkin SPECOPS on XED-1709







Remember all the bits I accidentally snapped off the Cronos because I can't be trusted with small, delicate objects? Well, I pinned them, using 22 gauge floral wire, and glued them back on.




The designs on my Covenite vehicles and pain engines are based on diagrams of the human nervous system, because I think anatomy in general and nerves in particular are an appropriate fit for a Haemonculus Coven. Here's what I came up with for my Cronos, inspired by some of the nerves in the brain.




And here's the Cronos. While I reserve the right to make adjustments to it at some point (particularly to the vials and the head), for the purposes of both the immediate future and the Xenos Challenge, it is finished.










I spent 57 hours painting this thing. Ironically, much of that time was taken up with the tremendous amount of detail on the underside of the model, which no one will ever see unless they physically pick the thing up and look. I think that work is still worthwhile; if a model is compelling enough to pick up and examine more closely, I want that experience to be rewarding, not disappointing.


That said, 57 hours is long time to spend on a model, and I'm more than a little relieved to see the end of it. And now I'm free! I can go out and see friends! I can play with my cat! I can read books again, or watch movies! I can do literally anything instead of spending all my time hunched over a godawful lump of soulless plastic!





Remember all the bits I accidentally snapped off the Cronos because I can't be trusted with small, delicate objects? Well, I pinned them, using 22 gauge floral wire, and glued them back on.




The designs on my Covenite vehicles and pain engines are based on diagrams of the human nervous system, because I think anatomy in general and nerves in particular are an appropriate fit for a Haemonculus Coven. Here's what I came up with for my Cronos, inspired by some of the nerves in the brain.




And here's the Cronos. While I reserve the right to make adjustments to it at some point (particularly to the vials and the head), for the purposes of both the immediate future and the Xenos Challenge, it is finished.










I spent 57 hours painting this thing. Ironically, much of that time was taken up with the tremendous amount of detail on the underside of the model, which no one will ever see unless they physically pick the thing up and look. I think that work is still worthwhile; if a model is compelling enough to pick up and examine more closely, I want that experience to be rewarding, not disappointing.


That said, 57 hours is long time to spend on a model, and I'm more than a little relieved to see the end of it. And now I'm free! I can go out and see friends! I can play with my cat! I can read books again, or watch movies! I can do literally anything instead of spending all my time hunched over a godawful lump of soulless plastic!







Looks great!! :tu:


So nicking that nervous sysyem idea. 

So much activity, but time is running out.  Almost only a month left.  Who will make it?


I estimate it will take me another 70 hours of painting to finish this. I have 7 gigs booked in December (so far), and I won't be able to paint on those days. I figure if I can paint for 3 hours a day every day I'm not performing somewhere, I might be able to pull this off. Maybe.


I mean, probably not, but it's just possible enough to keep me trying.


Who's painting toy space monsters instead of rehearsing for his shows? This guy.

The OneTrueZon, Are you using that just as a Jokareo or is it a count as for something bigger?

Also looking forward to seeing the other two and what conversions you have in store for them.

Calyptra, that is a lot of hours, but it really shows. The neural patter is a nice touch. One down two to go?

Quick update, the warriors are getting on well, just need to tidy them up a bit and base them. The rest are lagging a bit behind.


So much activity, but time is running out. Almost only a month left. Who will make it?

I hope that I will make the time limit, it's been a month and not a completed vow for me yet. I do have some half done Orks and a Epic Stompa pictures.


And the rest that didn't fit into the groupshot with a complimentary blurred finger:biggrin.:



After this Stopma Shot, I finished it, but there is somthing that I might want to change. I post the finished picture on sunday.

EDIT: Spelling error

Edited by Sviar

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