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Funny little thing that was brought up on dakka.  Apparently the ogryn bodyguard works for Pask and Tank Commanders.  Seems like something that like will get hit with an faq, but if the rule survives, it could be pretty useful to keep Pask alive.  Seems kind of expensive for anything else besides a named character.

  On 10/3/2017 at 5:28 PM, Feral_80 said:

I too have a Hades and I think it would be nice as <Catachan>: I like the idea of Catachans with shotguns, and since the Hades 'veterans' are only BS 4+ (might be a typo, but that's it...), I'd just give them double flamers. Also, being possibly in a position to charge, the Vets will enjoy having Strength 4 and a tooled-up sarge. It's only a pity they cannot be accompanied by 1 character...


I don't think it is a typo. The hades vets also have higher LD than "normal vets" and technically deepstrike for the same price as bs 3+ vets. With the volume of shots they pump out and the cheap cost of the unit overall. It is a steal!

  On 10/3/2017 at 7:57 PM, NatBrannigan said:

Those searchlights do sound very interesting... Not as fun as the Hades though. I have a mining outpost themed board so really want one in my army. I'll just use it as terrain if I don't use it!

Mining Outpost themed? That's awesome! Which Doctrine are you thinking for them? Catachan for the extra strength from working in the mines?

It's just the board that's mining / volcanic themed. It started off as volcanic for my Lizardmen and I added Mining scenery to Sci-fi it up a bit when required.


My Guard are Praetorian so it's Mordian doctrine all the way. I'm making a unit of Conscripts out of Genestealer Neophytes to represent the miners being forced kindly offered the opportunity to defend their outpost. I quite like the idea of one of my Veteran units coming from the mining planet, so making use of mining equipment, to tie everything together a little bit more.


And the best thunderbirds episodes were the ones where they used the Mole Miner!

Every time I come across a new bit of info the Guard look even better. I now see that the LR Executioner only suffers 1 Mortal Wound when it rolls a 1 instead of 6 AND can keep firing afterwards?


The only negative I've seen so far is the Conscript "Nerf" which is really really mild.


The only two disappointments I have are that Vanquishers are still utter rubbish and Rough Riders aren't in the codex.


The only confusing thing is Crusaders popping up in the codex. No idea why they are there but I use them with my Inquisitor so... Yay!


No moaning by the way, if that's how it comes across!

  On 10/4/2017 at 1:27 PM, NatBrannigan said:

Every time I come across a new bit of info the Guard look even better. I now see that the LR Executioner only suffers 1 Mortal Wound when it rolls a 1 instead of 6 AND can keep firing afterwards?


The only negative I've seen so far is the Conscript "Nerf" which is really really mild.


The only two disappointments I have are that Vanquishers are still utter rubbish and Rough Riders aren't in the codex.


The only confusing thing is Crusaders popping up in the codex. No idea why they are there but I use them with my Inquisitor so... Yay!


No moaning by the way, if that's how it comes across!

Even better, Crusaders now have the AM keyword, which means they're eligible for our psychic powers. In case you wanted 2++ -1 to hit cc monsters.

Why do some people always have to actively look for idiocy and abuse stuff. The Wh40k facebook team has proven to be wrong about rules many times, and I hope this is one of those.


It makes no sense at all that Elysians or Krieg use some other named regiment's doctrine. They should simply get their own, based on the bonus they receive from the FW index. I hope a FAQ will fix this, before a real FW codex rewrites them.


As always, despite some improvements, the GW+FW lack of communication and consistency results in a mess. Will they ever learn to speak with each other before they release stuff? It's ridiculous. I can only imagine the over-excited waac nerds out there as they envisage new ways to abuse the game. Get a life.

Wow, my Elysians just got even nastier. I haven't even thought about how the doctrines would interact with them. Rerolling ones will be nasty on deep striking units. I think Cadian doctrine might help more than anything else allowing your officers to give different orders instead of the reroll ones thing. Of course deepstriking at 18" allows your Steel legion plasmas to still rapid fire. I think the reroll one thing might be best though just because of all the plasma and melta I bring because if stuff doesn't die on the drop, my dudes will the next turn.

@Feral- I am sure FW will rewrite this at some point in the near future to where Elysians doctrine is the deepstrike and leadership thing. Until then, my paratroopers are really frikking elite troops now and outshoot space marines. D99 anyone?


Besides the more its abused the faster it will get changed which is a good thing.

Edited by Galron

The cadian doctrine requires you to not move to gain reroll 1's. Deep striking counts as moving.



  On 10/5/2017 at 12:13 PM, Galron said:

Wow, my Elysians just got even nastier. I haven't even thought about how the doctrines would interact with them. Rerolling ones will be nasty on deep striking units. I think Cadian doctrine might help more than anything else allowing your officers to give different orders instead of the reroll ones thing. Of course deepstriking at 18" allows your Steel legion plasmas to still rapid fire. I think the reroll one thing might be best though just because of all the plasma and melta I bring because if stuff doesn't die on the drop, my dudes will the next turn.

Ahh ok, I haven't really looked at that one since I hadn't planned on using it. I am doing a crunchy Elysian list and was likely going to use either catachan or steel legion anyway with all the tanks I had planned. Didn't and still don't like the idea of different doctrines in different detachments so I was going to just pick one for everyone. Ill have to go look through the rules when I ever get around to getting the book.

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