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This is a random WIP, but I decided to create something a bit Blanche-y for 40k/INQ28/SW:A from the Darkoath Chieftan model from Silver Tower. I've only really just started on him, but I'm loving the direction of travel so far.


Without further ado:




I'll get some more pics soon so you can see the backpack I've built and also the bits of GS work I've been doing on him to make him feel a bit more 40k / Blanche-y.


Any and all suggestions to improve would be much appreciated!



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Yes please.


That's lovely, looks Blanchesque already, just add a bunch of wires and paint it red;) But really, i love that guy and i'd love to more!


edit: oh you're the guy who did that amazing tau landing pose! You should really make a this a general wip thread and post all your 40k stuff here

Edited by ElDuderino

Is that a functional chainsword, or a power sword with a sawtooth-edged blade? If it's a chainsword, where's the motor and its housing?


The rest of the model looks great, though.

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker

Hey all, thanks for the positive feedback so far! I'll post some more pics this afternoon to show what else I've done with the model. Trying to find a nice way to do some wires from the pack across the model is the next step. Other things I need to resolve are the guard for the sword handle and I need to add some =][= symbols across the model.


The nice thing about having such a characterful base model to work from is that it doesn't require too much work to give it an identity! In terms of doing more of these, I'm probably going to just focus on the one for now and see where he ends up, however if GW were to release more 'Darkoath' models, I might be tempted...


  On 9/21/2017 at 5:50 PM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

Is that a functional chainsword, or a power sword with a sawtooth-edged blade? If it's a chainsword, where's the motor and its housing?


I retained the motor and housings from the chainswords I used, you'll see they're just above the eagle icon I've added (primarily as a shielding device for the motor!). So it operates in the same way as a normal chainsword, and has two motors, one for each saw blade mounted on alternate sides of the sword.


Working on it did make me wonder how chainswords are actually meant to be fuelled, as they don't seem to have any tanks! I was tempted to run a fuel line to the sword, but I'm torn, as in a combat scenario that's bound to get cut. For now 'rule of cool' means I'm ignoring it.

  On 9/22/2017 at 8:55 AM, WingsOfTheFalcon said:


Working on it did make me wonder how chainswords are actually meant to be fuelled, as they don't seem to have any tanks! I was tempted to run a fuel line to the sword, but I'm torn, as in a combat scenario that's bound to get cut. For now 'rule of cool' means I'm ignoring it.


Nothing screams techno-barbarian more than utterly impractical solutions to problems that should never have arisen in the first place.


I'd definately add the fuel line. And fuel tanks. Big ones.

Haha, the intent definitely wasn't to create the Prius of chainblades, was hoping for something more menacing than that!


Here's a couple more pics so you can see the power-pack I've made (including high-tech pull-starter) and the start of the hilt for the blade.






Apologies for the over-sized images, I'll make sure they are better sized in future.


I'm definitely feeling a fuel line from the pack to the blade, perhaps an armoured line of some sort. Suggestions much appreciated!



lol was going for Tesla ;) joking asides if you want to make cable/conduit etc all you need is a cheap plastic comb (yup the one for hair) preferably one with the two grades of teeth. cut the ends off so all you have is teethget a smooth surface or a square of plasticard 4" plus just make sure you have enough room to roll a full revolution of the green stuff. roll out some green stuff into the required length and girth then run the comb over it pressing down gently.


you should end up with something like these


20170922 162743 540x720


20170922 162737 540x720

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