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Since the XIV Legion got themselves this lovely sub-forum I have decided that they no longer need to share the limelight with my Thousand Sons.


Here are my (painted) Death Guard models thus far:



PM Gruppe

PM 1

PM 2

PM 3

PM 4

PM 5

PM 6

PM Sargent


Poxwalker 1 Übersicht

Poxwalker 1 Nah



Termilord Front

Termilord hinten


Blightbringer Front

Blightbringer Hinten

Lord Of Contagion Front

Lord Of Contagion Hinten

Engines of Entropy

Drohne Front

Drohne Links

Drohne Rechts

Helbrute Front 1

Helbrute Front 2

Helbrute Links

Helbrute Rechts

Bloat Drone Links

Bloat Drone Front

Bloat Drone Base

Beginning with my Lord of Rust (converted Lord in TDA) I will add some models in the Pallid Hand colorscheme. In the next weeks there will be a ton of work for me to do as I plan on owning (and painting) every model in the DG range as well as some Forgeworld models.
Staying true to the fluff I'll paint my Plagueburst Crawlers, Blighthaulers and Blightlord Termis (and maybe some other models) in the colors of the Pallid Hand.
I am always motivated by your comments and constructive criticism is always welcome.
Hope you enjoy!




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These looks great! I am really drawn to the plague knives your marines are carrying. Love that rust effect.


Thank you! For the rusty swords I used:


Lead Belcher -> Agrax Earthshade -> Typhus Corrosion -> Ryza Rust. Added some Nurgle's Rot into the crevices. 



You lucky -


Blightlords gebaut

I am a little bit disappointed with the kit. The arms only seem to fit to specific torsos. But if you cut off the little "bump" on the torso you can glue any arm on just fine. There's also just 3 axes and swords in there so not enough to give everyone an axe. And just one Combi-Flamer/Plasma/Melta...
It's probably hard to see on the photo but I converted an axe for the Fly-Guy (Power Axe from the CSM Termis) and I converted two Combi-Plasmaguns by taking the Plasmagun from the Raptor kit, cutting it to shape and attaching it to the bolter part with a bit of Milliput. 

Finished Typhus! I think the Zombies add a bit more meaning to his pose, shifting it from He-Man to "raising the undead".


Typhus Vorne

Typhus hinten



Those Blightlords look great! I was really intimidated by the models, GWs paint scheme makes them look so busy it put me off them, but these are simple (as in, they don't use 99 different colours) and look fantastic.


Thank you. :) The Blightlords don't have to be complicated if you don't want them to be. Glad you like them!

  • 2 weeks later...

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