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What makes a Space Marine, a Space Marine?


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Inspired by the various Primaris Marine discussions. I wanted to ask, as the title supposes, what makes a Space Marine? What makes a Space Marine a Space Marine?


I cannot find the exact quote but it was in the 5th Edition Space Marine Codex it said the following.


"1000 Chapters of 1000 Marines spread throughout the the Imperium. Less than one per a world yet they must still be sufficient to defend the Imperium."


The fundamental idea, these are 'superman' type individuals made to be the pinnacle of mankind ability. Yet still they might not be enough. The idea they cannot be enough and they are not enough. And despite that ultimately they are not enough, they must be enough.


They must be the light in the darkness. The shining beacon of hope. It's why I love Primaris Marines. Because despite Their success. They still failed. The Imperium is still cut in two. It is still fundamentally divided and without chance to be reunited in the foreseeable future.


Primaris Marines may be 'surperior' to the Emperor's Marines. And they are taking up this burden of being the hope, the light in the darkness, and must be sufficient even when they are themselves not sufficient. They must know no fear.


Not because they are without fear, but because others look to them for strength of mind and calmness of spirit. That is what a Marine is to me. To have all the power in the world. Yet no power. To be the greatest, the pinnacle of mankind achievement, yet even not enough. But despite that, you must be sufficient or all hope is lost.


It's a great burden to carry, and is I believe what makes a Marine a Marine.

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I've always seen the thing that makes a Space Marine a 'Space Marine' as a pretty simlpe concept:


These are proto-human soldiers, the best that the Imperium can devise, create, or otherwise develop... And they're still not enough.


That's what I didn't like about the Primaris being a 'suddenly new!' introduction. Suddenly the Space Marines aren't the best that the Imperium has to offer. You just took the Space Marine away from the Space Marine.

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Both Imperial and Chaos Marines are defined by an absolute devotion to duty. In the Imperial Marines' case, hypno-indoctrination ensures they don't let the Seven Sins distract them from their duty, whether pride (even Chapter Masters see themselves as subservient to the Emperor), greed (Marines don't hoard gold), lust (Games Workshop's works don't portray Imperial Marines fornicating), envy, gluttony (Haegr is the only example of a fat Imperial Marine, and even he is willing to go hungry if necessary complete a mission), wrath (Logan Grimnar cooperated with the Grey Knights, despite what the latter did after the First War of Armageddon, in order to save Fenris when Magnus returned), and sloth.


In the Chaos Marines' case, well, have you ever seen a Plague Marine bathe or otherwise clean himself, killing the germs with which Nurgle spreads disease? Or a Noise Marine quiet down and stop trying to stimulate his senses- as well as those of everyone around him? Will a Khorne Berserker allow himself to go rest (show devotion to Nurgle), read a book (show devotion to Tzeentch), or go on a date (show devotion to Slaanesh), when there is blood to spill and skulls to take? Will a Tzeentch Sorcerer ever stop plotting?

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
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Deep question. I think before answering it, there is another question: what is a human? Two legs, two eyes and so forth, sure. That is the phenotype of a human. However, my view on things tends to be more spiritual, hence why I gloss over biological details. This is also why I regard Marines and Primarchs as humans. Their bodies may be different, but they still harbour human thoughts, the ability to choose and reason, they possess a human soul.


So the question for me is then what human qualities make a true Space Marine? I do not regard all SM truly as SM, even though they got their upgrade from the normal human body.

To me, Marines are defenders of humanity first and foremost. They are those who follow that greatest of virtues: sacrifice. They stand upright against the never-ending tide of Chaos. In a way, Chaos being the summation of human evil, they are the armour of faith and steel that guards humanity from their clutches.

They are not mere soldiers, but a brothers in devotion and arms, where one would gladly lay down their life for another, and all for their duty. To be chosen as a Marine is to lay down your desires and wishes, and ultimately your life, for the sake of others.


But this brings me back to a previous point. I do not see all Marines as such. All Chapters are marked by heritage and tradition. However, it is my view that if they let their duty to be compromised by their ways and traditions, they have failed in their appointed task. And there are those who have given in to the lures of human nature and accepted Chaos, turning their back on their appointed task willingly. Those are not worthy of the title of a Marine.


That is what they are to me. Not mere armoured and biologically enhanced warriors, but a symbol of our fight against the encroaching darkness, the bane of all the evil that seeks to overwhelm and consume us, the guilding light in an endless sea of filth and corruption... Servants to mankind.


None shall find them wanting.

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Giant shoulder pads.


Shoulder pads.

The proper word is pauldrons.


As for Astartes, Astartes are the inhuman guardians of humanity and arguably an evolutionary step forward were it not for the Emperor's odd desire to preserve baseline mankind. Astartes are a major step forward from the baseline of humanity, possessing inhuman strength, speed, durability, and mental power. This however comes at extreme cost in that the humanity and freedom of Astartes is annihilated. Their ability to achieve personal legacy is destroyed in their sterility and the human experience quashed by their inability to love. They have lost some of the two most critical experiences to what it means to be human, and especially what is often associated with typical definitions of masculinity. Astartes at the end of it are not egotists, nothing they build is for their own legacy. An Astartes cannot forge a dynasty which will last for centuries ruling society from the top. The best he can do is have a child augmented with his gene-seed when he falls and that child grows to carry on his beliefs and fight the good fight. There isn't much continuation, and while there may be some honor in "descending" from the progenoids of a hero, it doesn't end up meaning much in the long run. 


This also effects Chaos Space Marines. The sacrifice of their humanity is felt by them because they never build a dynasty. Men gripped by lust for power do become grand conquerors if able, but ultimately their work is meant to be continued and passed down to a biological successor. Their works are for themselves, but also for children to inherit their title, carry their banner, and continue the legend and preserve their work. What happens when the Chaos Lord of planet Favium gets sniped by an Assassin? His regime completely falls apart as his men turn upon themselves to establish a new hierarchy and his entire work may come undone. Even if his small empire is saved by some new rising star in the event of his death, his legacy is probably lost. Nobody cares about dead Chaos Space Marines, they're failures to the Gods and their comrades.


Thus for Astartes and especially the loyalists, the meaning their lives have is sacrifice. They gain superhuman power at the cost of being able to have a family and fall in love, and any legacy they have is earned by protecting others and becoming a hero. They give up their ability to be a human in exchange to ensure others have that right.

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Giant shoulder pads.


Shoulder pads.

The proper word is pauldrons.


Next I suppose you'll want me to start using fancy words like "gorget" and "besagew" instead of "neck thingy" and "round doo-dad"?  No!  The line must be drawn here!  This far and no farther! Shoulder pads, I say!




You will learn whether you like it or not! :laugh.:

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