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Can you mix regiments within the same formation? Or are there going to be rules that the whole army has to be from the same regiment?



If you mix then within a detachment you will lose any regiment bonus. However you are able to take different regiments in a different detachment.


So you could have a mordian brigade and a catacham spearhead, and each detachment would get their respective regiment bonus.

Have played with Intercessors, 15" over 12" rapid is a really big deal. Sense If you start 24" apart move 6", your now 3" from rapid. Meaning if the enemy has move at all, well that is from regular Vostroyan squad (with order) is 36 Lasguns. Otherwise you both need to move the full six inches to be in rapid. Essentiallys 9/18 more shots per squad then you'd otherwise get. And 54" Lascannons, means we can hide better against stuff like Dakka Dreds. And if you deploy 8-12" front we can threaten a big wider area in their backrow. Harder to hide a Primarch just out of our range now. And something I had often happen is my HvyTeams get locked in Assault, and if I run I shoot a -2! Now I can stay any of those Heavies that survive that survive, well I can blast them to cinders. Especially if they consolidate into my second team. 


However perhaps the biggest thing for me, I want to do it once. Is you can use it to shoot a Demo Charge. Because that is just hilarious to me. 

Hmm, I suppose the boosted range is a nice thing to have in certain scenarios, and since it doesn't come with an attached cost, it's a good reason to farm up some Vostroyans if possible.  Though judging by E-Bay prices, I'd list this as a daunting prospect in general.  :ermm:


It's probably the biggest shame of these IG Doctrine updates; the majority of models they'll benefit are exceedingly difficult to acquire, meaning that most interested players will have to either fork out an exorbitant amount of cash or simply go for proxies or mass conversion.  Hopefully GW has a better plan than recommending players purchase 3 separate kits to produce 10 Guardsmen :dry.:


Thanks for the update re. the Valhallans.  :)  I feel like GW is really stretching out the suspense by making us wait for the real stars, though . . . 

Hmm, I suppose the boosted range is a nice thing to have in certain scenarios, and since it doesn't come with an attached cost, it's a good reason to farm up some Vostroyans if possible.  Though judging by E-Bay prices, I'd list this as a daunting prospect in general.  :ermm:


It's probably the biggest shame of these IG Doctrine updates; the majority of models they'll benefit are exceedingly difficult to acquire, meaning that most interested players will have to either fork out an exorbitant amount of cash or simply go for proxies or mass conversion.  Hopefully GW has a better plan than recommending players purchase 3 separate kits to produce 10 Guardsmen :dry.:


Thanks for the update re. the Valhallans.  :smile.:  I feel like GW is really stretching out the suspense by making us wait for the real stars, though . . . 

Yesterday was a really big day, what with the Russ buffs, and Mordians being a regiment everyone loves, I think. Makes sense to have one slow day, before we get to the conscript army.


Yesterday was a really big day, what with the Russ buffs, and Mordians being a regiment everyone loves, I think. Makes sense to have one slow day, before we get to the conscript army.


Aye, that's a good point.  Hopefully GW will make strong efforts to keep Conscripts viable without continuing to allow them to flood tabletops.  OK, that's the last time I'll complain about Conscripts until tomorrow.  :P

I'm really hoping there's some generic Regimental Doctrines that aren't attached to named regiments that you can apply to DIY Guard. 


The beauty of the DIY approach is GW says you can pick what you want that best suits your style.

It isn't a flashy tactic but it's a really good one.  Having a target in range, or rapid fire range, one turn sooner makes a huge difference.  It also means that you can deploy safely out of range of similar enemy weapons while still being able to hit them with your own, forcing them to move and incur to hit penalties, or, if they are unable to move for whatever reason, you can shoot them with impunity.  A properly deployed Vostroyan LR Annihilator vs a LasPred for example forces the Pred to move before it can fight back. 

Tallarn and militarum tempustus are the ones you're missing. DkoK won't be in the codex since that is a faction Forgeworld covers.


I'm satisfied with the Vostroyan rules. If you want a bunch of dudes with carapace armor, play scions or skitarii. Adding 6 inches to weapons will be really useful. Especially on heavy weapons. Giving the order to shoot into combat is awesome too. I just hope we don't lose FRFSRF for it. I'm surprised Vostroyans didnt get a rule similar to the tau where friendly units within a certain range of a unit getting charged also get to over watch. It would represent their family ties well. Maybe it will be a warlord trait aura.

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