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Just would like some input on how to create a renegade non chaos warband. Some help on what i could take and not.


Non chaos? Well imo you are better off using the Codex: Space Marines then. With the Codex: Chaos Space Marine you would be EXTREMELY limited since as the name suggests most things there are about Chaos stuff.

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Just would like some input on how to create a renegade non chaos warband. Some help on what i could take and not.


Why/how/when have your marines gone rogue? Have they fallen to alien influences? Experimented with forbidden dark age technology? Space marines don't turn rogue for no reason, and figuring out what that underlying reason is would go a long way to explain what ruleset you should use.


If you want to go all Badab War you could certainly use the Codex marine rules.

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My favorite type of Chapter!  I hate the idea that I have to cut on my face, grow extra appendages, or worship demons to reliably kill tyrants.  Don't want to be an alien lover either.  What ever happened to good old fashioned "I just don't like the other guy". 


There are 3 Foundings I like to use, the first being 2nd/3rd Founding, the 13th Founding, and the 21st Founding.


2nd/3rd Founding - I like this era because of the Horus heresy, there is just so many conflicts, and plots that can be used to cause rifts within a Legion.  It's those rifts that can seed future conflict.  I would love to make a Chapter of renegade Word Bearers, or Iron Warriors.  With all of the confusion, and Chaos it would be easy to slip in/out unnoticed. 


13th Founding - The fact that nothing is known about this era is great.  If I was a fan of Dark Angels, this is where my Chapter would be founded.  Spit back out of the Warp, masquerading as loyalist until the "Lion" resurfaces, and strike when he does.  I love the idea of secret wars, have this Chapter looking for the unforgiven as well, not to silence, but to recruit.  Or, the "Lion" is the real traitor, and your guys really are the loyalists!  Whatever you decide, make your guy BELIEVE IT.  I think Chaos works best when it tricks you into believing it's not really there.


21st Founding - I absolutely love it when people screw around with gene-seed.  First thought is Iron Hands, make a Chapter so pro Mechanicus that the only thing "human" is the brain behind the armor, they never take off their helmets, make them immortal age wise, and make them lap dogs of the machine gods.  OR, Dorn/Perturabo hybrids, those 2 Primarchs were said to be very similar in ideologies, say the idea was born from looking into fixing the gene-seed of Rogal Dorn, and say this cursed batch of marines have a civil war among the Chapter.  Keep it a secret on who won, either way no one will trust them, and that brings more conflict.


Focus on the men, and let the "gods" be the back drop.  Hate is such an easy feeling, and color is enough to justify it.  One guy dies, one battle goes wrong, one thought gets spoken, and the seeds of anger are born.  Use that, you don't need to cut symbols into your flesh from an alien god to pull triggers, and real Chaos comes from the heart.              


But that's just me, some want to be Grey Knights, and others want to fight them!     

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...and your guys really are the loyalists!


It's this kind of idea I like. The 41st millennium is a complicated place and having your Space Marines accidentally (or otherwise) pick the wrong side in a civil war is a great way for them to end up as renegades. There was a great piece of fluff for Karamazov back in 3rd edition, where a cardinal on a shrine world went rogue and a local preacher raised an army to overthrow him. Then Karamazov showed up and discovered this local preacher had been the real heretic all along. How easy would it be for a chapter to back one side in a civil war, thinking they were supporting the Imperium, when it suddenly turns out they had thrown their lot in with the wrong crowd and they end up excommunicated.

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...and your guys really are the loyalists!


It's this kind of idea I like. The 41st millennium is a complicated place and having your Space Marines accidentally (or otherwise) pick the wrong side in a civil war is a great way for them to end up as renegades. There was a great piece of fluff for Karamazov back in 3rd edition, where a cardinal on a shrine world went rogue and a local preacher raised an army to overthrow him. Then Karamazov showed up and discovered this local preacher had been the real heretic all along. How easy would it be for a chapter to back one side in a civil war, thinking they were supporting the Imperium, when it suddenly turns out they had thrown their lot in with the wrong crowd and they end up excommunicated.


Minus the excommunicated part, didn't this happen to the Chapters that sided with the Astral Claws in the Badab War? They jumped in thinking the Tyrant was doing the good thing. Would mean there's precedent!

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...and your guys really are the loyalists!


It's this kind of idea I like. The 41st millennium is a complicated place and having your Space Marines accidentally (or otherwise) pick the wrong side in a civil war is a great way for them to end up as renegades. There was a great piece of fluff for Karamazov back in 3rd edition, where a cardinal on a shrine world went rogue and a local preacher raised an army to overthrow him. Then Karamazov showed up and discovered this local preacher had been the real heretic all along. How easy would it be for a chapter to back one side in a civil war, thinking they were supporting the Imperium, when it suddenly turns out they had thrown their lot in with the wrong crowd and they end up excommunicated.


Minus the excommunicated part, didn't this happen to the Chapters that sided with the Astral Claws in the Badab War? They jumped in thinking the Tyrant was doing the good thing. Would mean there's precedent!



Mhmm, partly I think! But I've kind of ignored a lot of the 'recent' Forge World fluff about it, so not too sure. I remember hearing that the Astral Claws called in some favours from the other chapters, who felt obliged to honour debts and/or the brotherhoods they had formed with the Claws before the war - even if they had misgivings about the war itself. But I'm not 100% sure what the canon actually is.

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...and your guys really are the loyalists!


It's this kind of idea I like. The 41st millennium is a complicated place and having your Space Marines accidentally (or otherwise) pick the wrong side in a civil war is a great way for them to end up as renegades. There was a great piece of fluff for Karamazov back in 3rd edition, where a cardinal on a shrine world went rogue and a local preacher raised an army to overthrow him. Then Karamazov showed up and discovered this local preacher had been the real heretic all along. How easy would it be for a chapter to back one side in a civil war, thinking they were supporting the Imperium, when it suddenly turns out they had thrown their lot in with the wrong crowd and they end up excommunicated.




I'm right there with you, I actually have a guilty pleasure with the Word Bearers of the pre Khur Great Crusade.  Every other Legion were just weapons sent to collect tithes, but the WB actually changed ideas (well, ..... after the weapon part), and created loyalists wherever they went.  For me, their initial fall was from a father's rejection, and that makes those traitors more ... human then the others. 


I hate bad guys who just want to be :cusss, it's boring, and silly.  It's the guy who believes in what he does that is dangerous, he's the one that can inspire, and lead.  It's that painting that speaks to you, but when looked upon at a different angle it changes everything you thought it was.  That's where real treachery resides, that's where ideals convince you of their weight in blood.  


It's one of the reasons I can't take the new Death Guard miniatures seriously, it's like "Hey boss, we didn't like daddy either, but I don't want boils all over my face!"  Yeah, I'd rather serve the corpse god.  Immortality is a noble goal, until you realize you have to spend it with an alien looking dick thing sticking out of your mouth, and that's a long time to think about your choice in friends.  My God, I wouldn't show my face anywhere near the Imperium for fear of running into a former comrade!  "Bill!  How ya been man?", "Oh, h-hey James, I'm evil now!", "Who wouldn't be with a face like that, Bill?"    


"I uh, ..... uh ..... no actually I'd rather go hang out with da Orcs Boss!"       

Edited by BoldKill
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