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Reusing Traitor colours

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Is it possible for a loyalist chapter to be created and given/adopt the pre heresy/heresy era colours of one of the traitor legions?
I'd just thought up of a scheme to paint the limited edition Primaris captain in and just realised it is essentially the Sons of Horus one with White helmets.
I mean fluff wise is it possible that for a chapter of one of the later foundings (say 7th) to have been assigned the colours by the High lords/the Administratum who didn't know or realise?
Not going to be traitor geneseed just to b clear, will be of the Khan's Gene line just their colours that are similar.

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There are only so many colors and combinations that are looked to get used. Look at how many chapters are basically just red, and unless they quarter the design like the Howling Griffons, they're all just slightly different shades of red Marines. Add in if any of them use company shoulder rim coloring, and you basically have bunches of chapters that are only differentiated by the color of their ornamentation, and their chapter symbol. With 1000+ chapters out there, I wouldn't be surprised if pretty much every traitor Legion's original and eventual coloration are already in use somewhere, probably in multiples in the case of such innovative coloring as "all silver" and "red with black detailing". Heck, even my college shared the colors of the Emperor's Children. It's not relevant to anything, but it does explain a lot.
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I mean fluff wise is it possible that for a chapter of one of the later foundings (say 7th) to have been assigned the colours by the High lords/the Administratum who didn't know or realise?

According to Insignium Astartes, the first Chapter Master is the one that picks the livery, name, and Chapter badge (not the High Lords/Administratum).

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There's a chapter out there that is also pretty much exactly pre-Heresy World Eaters colors, too.

I think it might be Novamarines or Marines Errant.


World Eaters, for reference:




Colour-wise, the Marines Errant qualify, being blue and white, but not in terms of scheme, since their armour is halved:




Amusingly, the Eagle Warriors have the same scheme reversed:




The Angels Revenant are kind of World Eaters reversed:




Novamarines are blue and bone, rather than blue and white, but the Sons of Guilliman have the same quartered scheme in blue and white:




In conclusion . . . it's completely fine to re-use the colours.

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The alternative is not being able to use (in approximate legion order) purple, silver, blue, white (especially with the aforementioned blue), bare ceramite, red, grey or green, red or more grey, or blue green turquoise brass reddish blueish or any of the XXth's other colors. Plus the XIth had some Veterans in black, plus black being a general color for destroyers that pretty much all traitor legions would have used. Thankfully though, near as I can tell the loyalists lay claim to brown, orange, and yellow, as long as we discount the one orange pad the XVth used pre-Magnus.


So, probably have to use all those colors, though I do wonder if there were ever accidental friendly fire accidents as a result, especially in early foundings.

"Captain, we encountered a lone ship flying Emperor's Children colors. Lieutenant Vrash took the liberty of ensuring they were utterly destroyed. Traitorous scum."

".... Sergeant Avrams, please send the Hawk Lords another gift basket of apology."

"And about that destroyed cadre of World Eaters from last week?"

"Oh for the Emperor's Grace, send a basket to the Praetors of Orpheus as well!"

"And the grievances from the Nemesis chapter?"

"How was I supposed to know that wasn't "seafoam" green! I grew up on a desert planet!"

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