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Can you take a relic from a different chapter/dogma/etc?


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If my army has a Ultra marine warlord who is obviously in a ultramarine detachment, but my army also contains a Iron hands detachment can i give one of my iron hands characters the iron hands relic? Insert mix and swap any chapter/dogma/Craftword/etc

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More specifically :


If your army is led by a space marine warlord, you may give one of the following Chapter  Relics to a Space Marine character in your army. 

So there's no need even for specific detachments. As long as your warlord is a Space Marine, you can dish out space marine relics. Detachments are of course advisable to avail of chapter traits and stratagems, but they are not a requirement for relics.


On the other hand, if your warlord is a Space Marine, and you have a space marine and a guard detachment in your army, the guards can't have relics unless they use a stratagem, see below.

Edited by Ciler
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Guard can't take space marine relics.


But relics are fixed to what warlord you take. Space marine warlord only allows you space marine relics. Which guard can't take.


The Death Guard FAQ shows that using the extra relics strategum, you can gain access to non warlord faction relics.


So an imperial army with spaces marines and grey knights for example, with a space marine warlord you gain access to space marines relics and can give one to a space marine character for free.


But you can also use the extra armory gk strat at a cost of 1 or 3cp to give a grey knight character (or 2 for 3cp) grey knight relics.


You can do the same with guard.

Edited by Gentlemanloser
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