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Nice colours on the Crawlers, really liking the Daemon prince, he's very unique, what's he made from?

The torso and arms are from a DE Talos. The cables and guts are from the bloat drone kit carved to fit. The sword is from the AOS Morghast. Left over blightlord terminator shoulder pads fit after carving off the originals. The mask is a combination of a knight armiger faceplate and part of mortarions spare lantern pistol.

Great looking plague marines! I was wondering what your recipe for the smoke is. Care to share? :)

I have done two variations in the above pictures. Both the same concept though. The darker blue on Mortarion and the Lord of contagion is Celestra Grey base with Drakenhof Nightshade and then highlighted with Wolf Grey from Vallejo and finally White Scar.


The more ethereal smoke on the flail is Celestra Grey washed with a thinned down N.Oxide technical paint highlighted the same.

Excellent work all around, but I especially want praise you for that Daemon Prince! Nurglite Daemon Princes are often really boring, and yours is a very cool and original idea! I love how he manages to look very insectile and very threatening at the same time. Maybe you could even graft a third eyelens to the forehead of the Armiger mask, for that extra bit of Nurgle-goodness?! ;)

Excellent work all around, but I especially want praise you for that Daemon Prince! Nurglite Daemon Princes are often really boring, and yours is a very cool and original idea! I love how he manages to look very insectile and very threatening at the same time. Maybe you could even graft a third eyelens to the forehead of the Armiger mask, for that extra bit of Nurgle-goodness?! :wink:

Thanks for the kind words. I considered putting a third hole in the carapace above the head but had not considered the face itself. It is certainly tempting!

While I finish up the kitbashed prince I decided to finish painting up some models on the table. Finally managed to get 2 of these Blight Haulers a few weeks ago,


Also bought one of the finecast Nurgle Princes and decided to add some wings in the vents. Not a big fan of the model but I had a gift card from Christmas so... yeah.


Small alteration to my demon prince. Thanks for the suggestion Kraut and you can thank my wife for jumping on the bandwagon to make the change.

The third eye was once the jewel of a Custodes shield from the Burning of Prospero set.


Adding a little color to the Prince. Not sure what direction to go with the wings. I may mirror my Mortarion to keep consistency in the army. Any thoughts are appreciated. This will be the last of me until next week as I am off to the beach with the family. Hope you enjoy!


So my duo of princes is nearly complete. I can't say I am completely satisfied with my kitbash at the moment. I need to add some more depth with the skin tone as the purple wash over such open areas did not have the same effect as the smaller areas with the drones and haulers. Perhaps some target green washes would add some character?

The green stuff loin cloth / cloak area is also not loved. Perhaps I should match with the red on Mortarion and my other Prince? I feel the purple is too much in such close proximity to the skin.


Also, I tried two techniques with the wings. The kitbashed prince was a simple wash with camoshade then green shade and violet focused towards the base of the wings. Then I filled the flat areas with a few layers of the new Deepkin Flesh which were heavily water down in order to be somewhat transparent.


Here is the standard Nurgle Prince with added wings. I tried a different technique with his wings and found it much more pleasing to the eye.



These wings were shaded with the same camoshade, greenshade and violet but I thinned them down with medium and then drybrushed ever so slightly over the area with the Deepkin flesh. While I like it better I am torn between leaving the kitbashed prince to add some character to each model. Let me know what you think! Hope you enjoy.

Hmm, I actually think the wings on your kitbashed daemon prince look perfectly fine -- if anything, I think there's maybe a bit too much purple and crimson going on with th model's paint scheme, whch arguably makes the prince look less Nurglite than he should look. Maybe you should try a different colour for those dangling robes (dark grey? black? oth carfully drybrushed/higlighted with a light brown towards the bottom for that extra threadbare look). And maybe those organic cables could use a drop of Nurgle`s Rot?


Anyway, fantastic work so far! :)

Made some changes to the kitbased prince and I think I am finally happy with it! Here is the finished product of the dynamic duo.


I took Krauts advice and changed the cloth to a darker color. I also used a very thinned down camoshade on the skin. I must say I am much happier with the model now.



I may add some streaking to the armor of this guy in the future but I am happy with him. The wings turned out more to my liking than the other prince and I will add this STC to my painting database.



Here is my next project for the Death Guard! Time to test out my nurgly greenstuff skills. This and a Foul Blightspawn will be my final Death Guard for some time. I am planning on pledging some Space Wolves for the ETC, just have to establish the points beforehand.


Hope you enjoy!

  • 1 year later...

After long delays and side projects I have decided to resume this WIP thread. I am planning on continuing to grow my Imperials Fists army and hope you enjoy. I may add some of my other projects from time to time to keep it spicy. Thanks for looking!



Made some improved flight stands for these fellas as the stock ones are very flimsy.




Very excited to get some paint on this big boy.


This is my original concept scheme for the army. Yellow is interesting to say the least. It is also the first time I have used oil washes. I think I am a convert as I really like the control I have over them. 








I have decided to add some more weathering to these as they are just a bit too clean for my tastes. The entire reason I wanted to do Fists over Templars was the ability to weather them in unique ways. Now I have to find that balance. Hope you enjoy the first attempt with this Redemptor.




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