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Get Ready For Chapter Approved

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Unless the points changes are released FAQ-style, it really won't affect me.


Not buying the book. The Edition is 6 months old. A bit early for its first "Annual Update."


That being said, as I never spammed anything, or took part in tournaments, why should my lists be neutered, because Tournament Players cannot avoid spamming the FotM?


I will make it clear to any opponents after release date that I did not purchase CA, and therefore am working from the most recent army specific publications. Either they'll agree, or we'll use Power levels. Makes no real difference to me.


I'm done with the "In-App purchase" mentality behind 8th edition. Especially when everybody suffers because of the choice of the Tournament Circuit/WAAC players.

Im a tournament player not a very good one too. I dont really feel responsible for your "suffering"


Spoken like a true Sadist lol. Slaanesh welcomes you. :lol:

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I just saw something on the leaks. Deathwatch getting Primaris units. I know some people who are going to be very happy about that.

Deathwatch already had (mostly) all the Primaris units.


They were part of the 2 page pdf that gave Primaris to everyone.


Bar the GK of course...

Yes, but this is the remaining stuff, Agressors, Inceptors, what have you. Those weren't available in the index, and are now being put it by way of the CA book.
No, they were all part of the PDF.


DW already had acess to them.


Edit. This isn't the Index. But the seperate Peumaris PDF GW rekease ages ago.


Giving mostly all (a few notable exceptions) Primaris units to all Chapters.

Edited by Gentlemanloser
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Boy, I sure am glad that the whole "massive play test by tournament organizers and top-tier players" thing was something GW followed through on, and wasn't just a marketing gimmick that was dropped like a hot rock as soon as the player base had been eased into 8th.


Yep. So glad.

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Deathwatch already had (mostly) all the Primaris units. They were part of the 2 page pdf that gave Primaris to everyone. Bar the GK of course...


Yes, but this is the remaining stuff, Agressors, Inceptors, what have you. Those weren't available in the index, and are now being put it by way of the CA book.


Which, as Gentlemanloser states, they already had access to, via this pdf that came out four months ago...

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I just saw something on the leaks. Deathwatch getting Primaris units. I know some people who are going to be very happy about that.

Deathwatch already had (mostly) all the Primaris units.


They were part of the 2 page pdf that gave Primaris to everyone.


Bar the GK of course...

Yes, but this is the remaining stuff, Agressors, Inceptors, what have you. Those weren't available in the index, and are now being put it by way of the CA book.
No, they were all part of the PDF.


DW already had acess to them.


Edit. This isn't the Index. But the seperate Peumaris PDF GW rekease ages ago.


Giving mostly all (a few notable exceptions) Primaris units to all Chapters.






Deathwatch already had (mostly) all the Primaris units. They were part of the 2 page pdf that gave Primaris to everyone. Bar the GK of course...


Yes, but this is the remaining stuff, Agressors, Inceptors, what have you. Those weren't available in the index, and are now being put it by way of the CA book.


Which, as Gentlemanloser states, they already had access to, via this pdf that came out four months ago...


I don't give a flying Gretchin fart about Primaris Marines, so no wonder I missed that one. And, again, I mentioned the Index, not this pdf, which ought to have been a hint.

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None of that really sounds like happy players or happy viewers to them. From this point of view they will err on the side of caution, a slightly over-costed FW unit poses them less problems than a slightly undercosted one.

you were making sense until you got to this point. Going from SLIGHTLY under to SLIGHTLY over usually means something like 10-20%. When you just increase the cost by 50-100+%, there is nothing slightly about it anywhere. Again, no reason why a Fellblade is two times a baneblade, and no one complained about those before.
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This all seems haphazard and random. If this has been thoroughly playtested with the help of Top Men, then either GW didn’t listen, or the so called Top Men weren’t so Top...

Well considering the Top Men were likely to be Frontline Gaming it raises some questions on what type of feedback GW received.


ITC actively banned units with more than 32 power. They announced they were removing that ban a few weeks ago.


Then the CA leaks came out and low and behold the heavy hikes have been on units with more than 32 power.


So now you can take them but if you do you won't stand a chance.


Maybe it's a huge coincidence and ITC could have removed the ban after seeing the price hikes. However, there's more to these changes than balance considerations.

Edited by TheWolfLord
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GW needs better playtesters.


The current lot should be ashamed.

I'd settle for 'some' playtesters. The amount of patch jobs we've seen since 8th dropped (and the scattershot nature of some of the chnages, already discussed) makes me doubt they did anything of the sort (aside from paying those two guys who wrote the faction focuses pre launch to toe the party line, but that's not 'playtesting' in my book).

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It doesn't look like there are based on those leaked pages, and there don't appear to be any pages missing as they go from page 116-119 and the FW rules start on 120. I suppose their Codex is recent enough that their values were locked in alongside those in Chapter Approved.

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This is the current problem I have with 40k and why I've been off doing other things of late because I really don't want to come across as a negative git all the time but they are just making it so hard for me to love the game anymore.


My concern with the trend I am seeing with the release of this book is the overall direction of 8th, I want the game to be amazing but I'm a bit narked that in my eyes I effectively paid to take part in one big beta test by buying into 8th edition. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things but the number of books needed to play this game is slowly ramping up. I can't help but think there is a better way of them doing all this and despite a lot of the positive that has come the negatives in my eyes are a bit of a deal breaker for me.


So for now I'm going to sit on the side lines and wait till the game has settled down, sometimes a break is good. :)

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You guys are worse than Dakka. Play testing never reveals all the info. There are countless things to consider that even a decently sized team will not be able to cover. Only after months with thousands of games being done all across the world can people arrive at conclusions. I am sure there is a purpose behind every change, but some may not be apparent, because they either aren't obvious or something planned for the long run. But instead you jump to conclusions without having even a fraction of the information you'd need for that. I believe that even if FLG has a significant say in the matter that they gave their best for the hobby that defines their lives. I see no malicious intent here, but it seems no matter what happens, GW can not win against the rampant, entitled whining of the internet.


I am not sure how closely mods are watching, but I'd thread carefully, as this has turned a discussion about the leaks into an incessant whine fest and may be subject to correction.

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