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It mentions frost weapons on the wolves though, which aren't in the kit are they?


Stormwolf have a turret Helfrost destructor that could probably fit.

I would also guess that only kitbashes are in, so anything that fits a LR or Predator sponson, as well as turret hatches are fair game.

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Cool as it would be to be able to do a Dark Angels raider with Plasma Cannons all over it, I suspect it'll only allow officially produced bits from directly compatible kits, so Predator sponsons, Razorback turret weapons, the Helfrost turret from the Stormwolf, Autocannon turret from the Defiler and the Hurricane Bolters from the Stormraven.

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I like the idea of having a Grey Knight land-raider with proper GK weapons, like sponson heavy psycannons or Gatling psilencers.


Somthing a bit like the Vortimer Pattern Redeemer? No psilencers, but it has twin psycannon and psyk-out launchers at least. Sadly FW decided to give it basic flamestorm cannons instead of the heavy incinerators it's blatantly armed with. Looks really cool though.

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chaos land raider with ectoplasma cannons would be cool.


then I wouldnt feel so bad about shoving it forward with its 48" range lascannons.

If they allow us to take Hades autocannon sponsons and a hull mounted ectoplasma cannon to make a forgefiend pattern land raider I will go out and pick up both of those kits the day CA drops with no hesitation. Budget be damned.

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If this can't be used in regular play, then its toilet paper. If we're just making up rules, why waste money. Just put whatever you want on your models and call it a day.

You do realize that you actually can make up anything you want to play with friends, as long as said friends accept it, right? Seriously, there are people on the planet that actually think that is enjoyable and don't think being slavishly devoted to what GW comes up with is necessarily the end-all, be-all of fun. I realize that could be shocking to folks, but the world won't split open and Hell-beasties won't ride forth just because friends use made up stuff for their regular playing. That doesn't mean that GW's efforts in this are garbage or the efforts that some friends make is some kind of tripe (it actually could be better than what GW puts out). Not everyone likes playing exactly the same way, and some people don't actually like matched play.


Also, don't be so narrow-minded. They could be testing the waters in Open Play format, and if people are enjoying it and it doesn't appear to be ripping games a festering new :cuss, then it is possible that a later Chapter Approved could see a more tightened up set of VDR make its way to additional GW gaming formats.

That's my point. If I can already do it, then why should I waste my time and money on a book that tells me I can do it?


The point of rule books is to give everyone a standardized set of rules and a reasonable expectation that the other person will be using them.


If the only point of this book is to say "if you and your friends agree on it, you can arm your land raider with whatever fits on it" then it serves no point. I could already do that.

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If I can already do it, then why should I waste my time and money on a book that tells me I can do it?


The point of rule books is to give everyone a standardized set of rules and a reasonable expectation that the other person will be using them.


If the only point of this book is to say "if you and your friends agree on it, you can arm your land raider with whatever fits on it" then it serves no point. I could already do that.

If you are buying things for 40K and consider it a waste, then I would implore you to stop purchasing something you consider a waste of money. That's poor financial management and can damage your stability in many ways. It's very unfortunate for your fellow hobbiests to have to hear about someone doing that. Yes, I'm being very sincere here, if you have a problem controlling wasteful purchases, there are programs that can help, they might help ease some suffering.


As far as the standardized set of rules, that sounds very much like what the book does: GW has codified a method of "Choosing Your Own Land Raider Armament" so that you don't have to, and the only thing you and your fellow player need to agree on is playing Open Play for you to use them. The rules don't sound like they "allow whatever fits" to be put on a Raider, but we'll have to wait and see. If there is concern, don't purchase it right away. If you and your group feel they can do better, then by all means, I think you should, and perhaps post it in the Homegrown Rules section so that others can try them out too!


But seriously, if you see no point to the book, don't buy it.

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Since it's only for open play....I'm not interested at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean I love the idea to customize units like that, one of the reasons why I love playing T'au with all their weapon options and support/signature system options on battlesuits, and I'm surely looking forward to what kind of conversions people will do with those rules (you guys think a Landraider with a Vindicator cannon is possible? :D ) but if I can't use it I just can't get hyped about it. No way I'm going to play Open Play.

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Since it's only for open play....I'm not interested at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean I love the idea to customize units like that, one of the reasons why I love playing T'au with all their weapon options and support/signature system options on battlesuits, and I'm surely looking forward to what kind of conversions people will do with those rules (you guys think a Landraider with a Vindicator cannon is possible? :D ) but if I can't use it I just can't get hyped about it. No way I'm going to play Open Play.

We do open play with points all the time where I'm at. I don't see why that freaks people out.


Also, there was an old Apoch datasheet with a landraider that had a demolisher in the hull. It was linked to the Dark Angels.

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Since it's only for open play....I'm not interested at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean I love the idea to customize units like that, one of the reasons why I love playing T'au with all their weapon options and support/signature system options on battlesuits, and I'm surely looking forward to what kind of conversions people will do with those rules (you guys think a Landraider with a Vindicator cannon is possible? :biggrin.: ) but if I can't use it I just can't get hyped about it. No way I'm going to play Open Play.

We do open play with points all the time where I'm at. I don't see why that freaks people out.


Also, there was an old Apoch datasheet with a landraider that had a demolisher in the hull. It was linked to the Dark Angels.


It's not freaking me out, I just enjoy the stuff that comes with Matched Play or even just Narrative Play.

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