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Marines Malevolent and Other WiP


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The new Commander for my 2017 army. 


Still WiP, but would love some input on the yellow. I can't seem to get a functioning color.


The same thing happened with my Night Lords, but I eventually got it where I wanted it. 



I've got two DI boxes, so I should have a decent start to the army. I'm considering a mix of Primaris with about half the army being "real" marines converted up to scale. 


Any and all input or advice is welcome. I should be able to update every few days (school permitting). 

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The yellow looks fine to me, but you may want to fish around in the Imperial Fists forum for some ideas.


The weathering looks a bit excessive to me, detracting from the rest of the paint job. The amount of weathering might be based on the backstory to your army, though, representing a force that has been in the field awhile, or is in a very muddy/dirty position, so that's a minor quibble.


If you're interested in painting up some legacy Adeptus Astartes miniatures, you might check out the "Armageddon Needs You!" link in my signature. :wink:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I haven't given up on the MM's


I've started a Veteran Squad for use in Specialist Games



But during the process I got side tracked and decided to try my hand at terrain. I am going to make a board that progresses from wasteland, through light industrial, into shantytown (poor habitation).


My first attempt was a roadway



My Second attempt is a Schola/Temple that is in disuse



If terrain doesn't belong here please let me know for future postings :smile.:

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I apologize for the late response Brother Tyler. I'll be using the three man team as a "prop" squad in Necromunda here at the house,  I'll add a few Marines to it for games of Kill Team, with finally filling out the squad for games of 40K.


Since my last posting work has progressed on the Malevolents.








I've also completed an Escher gang, a Goliath gang, and I'm working on an Orlock gang now.




As always and tips, advice, or any C&C would be welcome.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for the kind words and input on the weathering for the marines.


I have started my vow for the ETL VI with the Chaplain, Centurions, and Primaris Captain. I will use this thread for the ETL as it is easier to simply place my WiP here rather than start a new thread.


Centurions (no longer Blue!)









These are the early WiP so any C&C now would help. If you see a mistake or know a technique I should try, please feel free to shout out.


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