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30K World Eaters with 40K World Eaters rules


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Hello everyone.
This is my first post in the chaos part of the forum I believe. It's quite spiky here, also, what's that smell?

So, as the title suggests I'm interested in playing a small force of pre-heresy World Eaters with post-heresy rules after reading some good stuff in the latest CSM codex.


One of the reasons is that pure 30K requires quite a lot of models to get started with and I currently don't have the patience or the funds to buy and paint huge blobs of marines.


Not sure how to build an effective force though as I'm more of a painter than a gamer.

I'm thinking vexillas as icons of wrath
Khârn! is a given.


Maybe even running Angron himself as a count as Daemon Prince. Not sure I would be able to do the man justice like this though.


Then I'm guessing Berzerkers, but do I go for axes or swords? Do they ride in Rhinos?


Are Chaos Space Marines a valid choice in a pure Khorne force?


I would love to field some Cataphractii with chain axes as Terminators and perhaps a squad of Assault Marines as Raptors.


I also just purchased a squad of Rampagers and two Contemptors which I would like to field, but I'm not sure how. Maybe as chosen and Hellbrutes, or just use the Forgeworld rules for the dreads.



Any thoughts?

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Rampagers could be a good stand in for possessed, as with possessed's abilities it's like they are armed with power axes (not what the Rampagers have mind you, they got lots of snowflake weapons) but they would look different enough from the rank and file to be either chosen or possessed, but since they are almost exclusively 30k Berserkers and all combat, it would be easier to make em count as possessed.


Chaos Marines (Bolter jocks) can be useful in any army depending on your general plan. Or you can use them as Havocs with as many special weapons as they can carry.


Like say you want to go Multiple Small units in Rhinos, you could have 5 Berserkers and 5 Csms with Combi/matching special (or chosen...or havocks with Combi and 4 matching special weapons) they hop out, csm/chosen/havocks shoot stuff, zerkers get fisty with it.


As far as axes or swords, I see a lot of the super competitive folks go with both, but I'd have them as either all swords (drown them in s5) or one squad with axes and swords (2 s6 1 s5 per guy...twice per combat) they still wound on mostly 3+, that's why I say go with the free chainsword but I'm not geared for tournament play and I like taking advantage of being able to shoot pistols in combat now.


Daemon Prince statline is comparable to 40k primarchs, (with usually a point or two up or down) you could have Angron stand in as a Daemon Prince of Khorne with the claws (or an axe), he will have a bunch of attacks (not as many as Angron would have of course-I don't envy those guys at having to change the stuff to 8th edition...)


Chaos doesn't get to use cataphractii (or tantaros) Terminator rules...because we fought in hell for a long time and :cuss breaks or gets a mind of its own or something. Chaos can't have the shiniest toys (unless they put daemons in it).

Edited by Trevak Dal
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Sounds like a fun idea. I've been running 40k Worldeaters in a few games against guard, various loyalist marines and Tyranids and here's my opinions so far for what its worth.


First off, I tried a Prince with wings in my first several games and he's not bad but definitely not on par with Primarchs from a durability standpoint, 5+ invulnerable only without FnP of any sort means you have to be really careful what's close to things he assaults, since he goes down pretty easily if he's exposed to either shooting or a charge. Assuming you're running the Worldeaters legion rules, he also misses out on psychic powers, particularly Warptime.


Maybe I was misusing this unit but I've gotten more mileage out of cheaper HQs that buff than I did from the DP and, unless you go crazy with gear, you can easily get two other HQs for the cost of a DP. If you are running a lot of Berserkers, I'd suggest a Dark Apostle, the reroll he offers is brutal with all the attacks they put out.


Second, I'd suggest thinking about units that can do damage on turn one, whether its deep striking raptors or terminators or heavy fire support like predators or a knight or even shooty helbrutes The reason is, even against Tyranids, its tough to pull off a first turn charge with Berserkers and I've found myself playing catch up when I can't hit back in the early turns. There are a lot of nice options for assault units but odds are they can't start doing work until at least turn two.


I use a mix of axes and swords in my force due to the different rule sets when the models were built, all seem pretty solid honestly. That said, over eight games, I've fired pistols in assault only once, so I'm not sure I'd consider that a big benefit but they are nice against low armor low toughness targets like guard or gaunts.


Hopoe that helps, good luck!

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Some great points here! I appreciate it and it really inspires me to get somewhere with this project!


I especially like the idea of the Dark Apostle, a unit I previously never even considered, but I could totally run him as a chaplain, even though I don't think the legion was very big on them, even after Nikea. It would look awesome though, and those rerolls are nothing to laugh at.


Alpha strike units are a great point. Need to get me some "raptors" to complement the Terminators.


Keep the comments coming :)

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