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GK new errata, GW are you kidding me?


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Hmm. When reading this I would expect them to balance out our smite if this goes through. In other words.... they should give Grey Knights the normal version of Smite (D3 / D6) instead of 1 Mortal Wound if they bring this change live, else in 'balancing' the current strong Smite Spam armies (which should be adressed to be honest, as it is rediculous at the moment...), they will cripple the GK playstyle. 


I'd much rather have a discussion about that, then judging the fact they want to do something about the Smite Spam. Because they should. 

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Keep in mind that this change is still a beta, so like the character targeting change (which btw I think is great and would hopefully put a nail in the coffin of stupid character spam armies like Guilleman+Assassin party), its still not in effect.


My personal feeling is three things need to happen:


- Remove Psychic Focus from the game. It's one of the worst Matched Play restrictions, even more than the stupid 'only half your army in Reserve' restriction.

- Replace with 'Warp Dissonance'. Each successful cast of a psychic power grants your opponent +1 to their Deny rolls against further attempts of the same power after the first. So for example if you have cast 'Gate of Infinity' twice and successfully attempt it a third time, your opponent gets +2 to any Deny attempt they make against that casting of 'Gate'. Thematically, this can be thought of as their psykers/anti-psyker specialists reading the warp and preempting further attempts at the same rites.

- Smite is changed to D3 mortal wounds.


Rites of Banishment should remain as it is, 1 against non-Daemons, 3 against Daemons. It sufficiently tones down our ability to spam Mortal Wounds, and unlike other factions, GW got it right with us. There is a valid risk/reward to our Smite, we give up casting our Sanctic power normally and it can backfire (unlike Death Guard or Tyranids who just mass trigger it with no risk). With 'Warp Dissonance' in effect, if your opponent has psykers or a relic/strategem to Deny with, they will get a bonus to stop you. Including Smite also gets around the current mismatch where spamming Smite is fine but no other power enjoys such an exemption. It simply doesn't make sense, and its never how psychic powers worked previously.


'Warp Dissonance' strikes a balance between overly penalising psyker-dependent armies like GK or Thousand Sons, and avoiding Brimstone+Malefic Lord spam type lists. It also puts the onus of shutting down a psyker army on the opponent and their list construction, rather than core rules crippling the psyker player unfairly. 

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Rites of banishment needs to go.  As long as you can take 30 Biovores, Ratling Snipers, Soulburners, 40 point Primaris Psykers, Eldar Warlocks, or any other non psychic method of spamming Mortal Wounds, then we need to not be hamstrung. 


We pay for our Smite, and it's simply not worth it.  Not when everyone else can spam mortal wounds better, for cheaper.

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I do not think, that psychic focus really hurt us. This rule makes us to take all the powers and use it all. I thought about GK in narrative play - probably best strategy is to take battalion, all units with Vortex and deepstrike them turn 1 in front of enemy position. Then everyone casts vortex with Communion. Pretty boring, imo. Same is for reserve rule. It forces to use vehicles to diversify our playstyle. 


It is disappointing, that GW, instead of balancing a number of units that abuse Smite, mindlessly nerf the power itself, breaking balance for other units. In space marine army with 1-2 librarians smite is OK. But then it goes for brimstone horde or Primaris psykers... Why won't they give them always 1 wound smite with increased WC cost? It seems to me a bit of lazy decision.


In case of new smite rules, rites of banishment has to be rewritten in order to give us d3 smite. 3 against demons and 12 range is ok.

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There’s a reason this is a beta rule, to give people a chance to point out issues with it (such as how it affects GK adversely). There’s really no need to freak out until the rule is official, and only is GW does nothing for GK, in my opinion.


If you really want to remove psychic focus (I’d be leery of that, I like that since you can only cast each power once you can’t just spam the power that works best for your particular list every time, which means you’ll see more psychic powers used, and it’s ok if they’re not all exactly equal in power) I agree there needs to be a penalty to cast, not a bonus to deny. Even with the Sisters Shield of Faith, if you’re casting a WC 7 power or something, if I just get +1 each time you’d have to roll a 7 on your 3rd cast for me to have even a 1/6 chance to deny. The rule restricting power spam, as far as I’m concerned, cannot depend on the opponent’s ability to deny the witch.

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If GW were competent, there would be no reason to require the playerbase to point out something as obvious as how this change would effect the GK.


It's really something that should have been addressed before they released the rule as a Beta.  It's not like its a hidden niche interaction that might not be readily apparent.

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Hey Daniele 

I'd like to extend my thanks for sending us your recent feedback on Warhammer 40,000. We value every piece of feedback we get and we will be sending yours on to the right people. In future, if you want to give feedback about Warhammer 40,000, you can send it direct to the games designers at 40kfaq@gwplc.com


Thanks for supporting this awesome hobby! 


Kind Regards 



Warhammer Community Team

The same text, but with different header (eg. Hey Francesco) arrived to some friends of mine.

What do you think about it? Do I have to send another mail to the new address?

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Great. I'm going to send the e-mail again, but with  this add:

P.S. If the proposed FAQ related to smite psychic power will be implemented, its impact on GK army will be huge. According to this we propose one of the following solutions:

- the FAQ is not applicable to Rite of Banishments

- Change the Rite of Banishments in Smite

- GK can use all their psychic powers applying the FAQ. this overcome the rule of one. 

Edited by Danarc
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Yeah on further contemplation, removing the rule of 1 will he great for us, but even better for armies like orks. That warp jump power they have would literally be game breaking if they could do it more than once. Probably more powers that would just ruin everything too


It is not the worst case. Imageine gunlines of Reapers supported by Warlocks casting Word of Phoenix every turn each! Probably, after all codexes are released, they will go for supplements with different rules like "Angels of Death". New magic for every faction, etc.





Hey Daniele 

I'd like to extend my thanks for sending us your recent feedback on Warhammer 40,000. We value every piece of feedback we get and we will be sending yours on to the right people. In future, if you want to give feedback about Warhammer 40,000, you can send it direct to the games designers at 40kfaq@gwplc.com


Thanks for supporting this awesome hobby! 


Kind Regards 



Warhammer Community Team

The same text, but with different header (eg. Hey Francesco) arrived to some friends of mine.

What do you think about it? Do I have to send another mail to the new address?



It is okay to have template for such letters. No worries. I will be writing them on new e-mail this week too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This Beta rule is to be tested as LVO and Adepticon.


I seriously wonder how many players will bring GK armies to these events, to show feedback to GW on how the rule will impact our Army...


Feedback from tournaments isn't a great idea, if not all armies are equally represent in the event.

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This Beta rule is to be tested as LVO and Adepticon.


I seriously wonder how many players will bring GK armies to these events, to show feedback to GW on how the rule will impact our Army...


Feedback from tournaments isn't a great idea, if not all armies are equally represent in the event.


I disagree, but only if the balance team has any basic knowledge. If there were no, or few, GK armies and/or they place low at your big tournaments, you know they are underpowered and need to be buffed. This is what happens in games like Dota 2, where heroes that aren't picked in pro games get buffed until they have a decent pick rate.


The issue comes from GW only:


  1. Listening to feedback and picking whatever is the most prevalent issue (thus an UP army will never be a top issue).
  2. Watching specifically what happens inside a tournament setting, and not considering what isn't actually present.
Edited by Capt. Mytre
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Well seeing as the last changes, Fliers, Bobby G and Razors are exactly that, I'd have to disagree. :wink:


What? The examples you gave support my argument that GW only listens to the loudest noise and what's actually appearing in tournaments, so GK won't see a change because it will never be the loudest issue on FB, nor will it ever be seen in a tournament environment unless they are buffed.

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