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Regarding Hydras vs Wave Serpents: The WS will mostlikely have this thing which decreases the dmg taken of each shot by 1, so all of your autocannon shots will only deal 1 dmg...

Sadly I think that we haven't got a good way of dealing with Eldar fliers at all, so I added so Mechanicus assets to my force.

Hm, I do have an opinion, coming from a somewhat different perspective. All those adjustments are great and all, but it all comes from the desire to maximize, thus asking GW to put on hard limits to prevent such maximization. The thing is, from my perspective, I enjoy the greater freedom, because I do not want to maximize. Does that make sense? It is like people asking to take away all guns, so that people do not shoot each other, but what guns should be used for is hunting and target shooting, despite the possibility to murder someone.


What I am saying is that this sort of balance is not what GW has in mind and wants to achieve. I agree that it hurts the top 5% that want to do high end competitions. Speaking as someone who is in it for the memes though, a lot of issues in a local meta can be solves by chilling out and practicing some self control.


Verdict? It is all about the memes :D


Anyway, just my thoughts. Though not pertinent to a balancing discussion, I felt the need to share. Carry on, folks. Love y’all ;)

Edited by Frater Cornelius

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