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Just some theorycrafting house-rules to help out some struggling weapons, mechanics, and strategies. The biggest 3 IMO that I'm fiddling with here are the lackluster nature of old Template/Blast weapons (I think a primary reason horde units are so ridiculously good right now), the difficulties in characters with aura buffs keeping up with combat focused units compared to the ease in which they can keep the buffs on ranged units, and how the "Fall Back" rules heavily punish combat units with little counterplay involved.


So first, the wordiest of them all.


The "Heroic Intervention" rules, included here for reference purposes only.


“After the enemy has completed all of their charge moves, any of your CHARACTERS that are within 3" of an enemy unit may perform a Heroic Intervention. Any that do so can move up to 3", so long as they end the move closer to the nearest enemy model.”

Addendum to Heroic Intervention:

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Really wordy, and I'm working on shortening it down, but I wanted to make sure you couldn't "conga chain" characters, couldn't have characters who are vehicles trigger, or have vehicles bring characters along for the ride, and wouldn't let you run characters into other units or bypass Overwatch using rubber banded characters or the like.


It should work that squads of infantry, cavalry, or bikers can sorta "drag" a single character along with them if they make a successful charge, hopefully bringing said character into the combat and not requiring you to daisy chain a few models in the back to keep them within the characters aura range, and also prevent a character from making it into combat alone to get beat on by an entire enemy unit when his (or her) backup fails their charge instead.


Let me know what you guys think.



Now onto the weapons. Ohh how far you have fallen ohh flamers of old. Went from gutting squads of bunched up horde units with a single shot, to barely killing a single lonely t3 5+ save model; while also almost doubling in cost. For shame. Anyway, heres my fix. I haven't spent the time to go through every armies entire armory to figure out exactly which weapons with variable shot numbers used to be blast/template weapons, but I think it is almost all of them, and I can't think of any random shot weapons that are currently dominating.


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So with this, a Flamer for example, would cause

2D3 hits on a unit with 1-5 models in it

3D3 against 6-15 models

4D3 vs 16+ models, capping there.


A Thunderfire Cannon on the other hand, would do

4D3 vs 1-5

5D3 vs 6-15

6D3 vs 16-25

7D3 vs 26-35

and 8D3 vs units of 36 or more


If anyone knows of any weapon that shouldn't be included in this (Other than the obvious Grav Flux Bombard that gets a better version to begin with) let me know. AKA any random shot weapon that is already amazingly good now, probably doesn't need it, but I can't think of any off hand that are actually even in the "good" category of weapon when compared to their set number of shots counterpart, except maybe the Predator Autocannon, and since the only types of predators I see are the ones who are tank killers, giving the Destructor pattern of Autocannon+Heavy Bolters extra horde killing power doesn't seem gamebreaking.


Edit: Almost forgot Primaris Units, would definitely leave off the plasma equivalents that Inceptors use that fire 2d3 plasma shots each, that'd probably be a bit insane. (Why GW didn't just have them fire 2 shots per gun I'll never understand) I feel Plasma Cannons and the Plasma Destructer on the Relic Predator/Leman russ are fine with the rule, their really not all that great right now, their very expensive to be firing at chaff infantry, and if you overcharge, rolling more shots means more chances to roll 1's.


Finally, the Fall Back rules. How does this sound like for a small helping hand to units that are left out in the open when an enemy unit runs away.


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It's a bit situational, but potentially very powerful, letting you move your melee unit potentially into cover or even LoS blocking terrain, or out of rapid fire range of a counter-strike unit, etc, and I feel like you should be able to use it more than once, in case you need to move both a unit and a character from the same previous combat, etc.


Feedback and such is welcome, hopefully will be getting a game in tomorrow evening Stateside to try out some of them.

Edited by The Unseen

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