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Cataphractii Tactica


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Don't forget that Marine Strat is 2 CP if I recall, and it's at -1 BS.


Personally I would not drop any Cats in front of that setup if I could help it. Again it's target priority. I would send in a Foetid Bloat Drone on tough infantry with plasma and see what I could do, zooming up the table and spraying them with sewer-ish goodness.


My Melta-cats do not really engage infantry. My typical army lists aren't having a problem with vanilla infantry. It's the T7+ stuff with 8+ wounds that is giving me fits. My typical Astra opponent is throwing down tons of T7, flame vehicles (for anti assault) and Basi's, Battle Tanks, Pask Funishers, Manticores etc, etc etc.


I NEED to have something that can appear out of thin air (I will wait if I have to) that can down that stuff in a turn, handle the the weight of overwatch, and tie up what it can. Even some of the Ork lists are loaded with trucks/wagons, and often feature Gorka-Dorka-bots or whatever it's called. (that thing is lowered in points now and is truly a Super Heavy in disguise).


You could argue that there's other ways of handling that stuff, and I would say... sure, but I don't seem to have it (and I don't have Mort).... so for now, I don't drop Melta-Cats in front of plasma squads with Inteceptor type abilities... never. It's just a miss match to me. There's better tools for that.


But if you want to build a Cat squad for that, there's definitely better options than Melta... on that much I definitely agree.

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Prot buddy, you need to invest in Las preds or shooty brutes. 5 Blight Lords are 120 more than the las pred and 160 more than the brutes. Yea they don't get the benefit of being in reserves, but the firepower is comparable with the pred and you can get two brutes for the same price which also have the same output with added flexibility. There's other, cheaper avenues.


The problem with the termis is that you can waste turns waiting to get a hole in the bubble wrap; it's just really that effective against deepstrikers with 12" weapons. The other upside is that you don't have to invest in a Terminator lord, when you can rely on the backfield one that's probably already buffing your place marines. Save a bit more points

Edited by SkimaskMohawk
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Prot buddy, you need to invest in Las preds or shooty brutes. 5 Blight Lords are 120 more than the las pred and 160 more than the brutes. Yea they don't get the benefit of being in reserves, but the firepower is comparable with the pred and you can get two brutes for the same price which also have the same output with added flexibility. There's other, cheaper avenues.


The problem with the termis is that you can waste turns waiting to get a hole in the bubble wrap; it's just really that effective against deepstrikers with 12" weapons. The other upside is that you don't have to invest in a Terminator lord, when you can rely on the backfield one that's probably already buffing your place marines. Save a bit more points

That's a valid point. I agree.... I'm just trying to avoid Preds in this army (I'm using dual Plague Crawlers, but no Brutes).


I'm just trying to make Cataphractii work. One benefit I can say I do enjoy outright is since I play in a modified Maelstrom/heavy Objective based environment, it very much can mimic tournament type scenarios. (If not ITC, etc.) The Cataphractii are pretty valuable in that scenario especially considering how slow much of my army is.


This can be mitigated with Bloat Drones, and/or Myphitic Blight Haulers, but it is nice to have some strong punch coming into the fray in the form of Termies with some strong weapons.


Death Guard actually have decent termies. Are they considered a competitive option? I really don't know. Maybe not... I really couldn't say just yet.

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