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Hades VII - and who in their right mind would name a new world like the depths of hell - was a world destined to die. Perhaps the name was fitting after all then. With a gigantic asteroid hurtling through the void towards the sparsely populated mining colony it's days were certainly numbered. With the civilian workforce evacuated with a few days to spare there was nothing left but to get clear of the immediate danger zone around the planet, if suddenly there hadn`t been life signatures picked up on the abandoned surface, which differed from the local wildlife. A high-intensity scan revealed the arrival of xenos on Hades VII - and whatever the Eldar wanted that made them risk such an operation, the Imperium would make sure that they would get either it first or at least spoil their plans, the asteroid be damned.



Race to Victory - 2.000 Points


Race to victory is a new mission from chapter approved where each player starts with 3 Maelstrom cards and always pull up to 3 total. The game ends either as per the normal rules or when one player has achieved 10 cards. We houseruled that once you hold a card for 3 turns without achieving it you could discard it.



Blood Angels


Captain Catellus Matarno (Artisan of War, Angels Wings, Inferno Pistol and the biggest Thunderhammer you have ever seen :wink:)

Primaris Lt. Vero 

Venerable Ancient Chaplain Hrath (Twin Lascannons)

Brother Chaplain Akos (Lemartes)


Relic Whirlwind Scorpius

Relic Sicaran Battle Tank (2 Lascannons)

Rapier Quad Heavy Bolter


4 Sanguinary Guard

Sanguinary Ancient

8 Death Company (2 THammers)

5 Scouts (Bolt P and Combat Knives)

2x 5 Tactical Marines (Missile Launcher)

Razorback (Twin Las)

3 Primaris Inceptors (plasma)


The plan was to form a solid fire base within the 2 re-roll 1s auras and apply deep strike pressure as required.



Craftworld Alaitoc


Autarch with wings

2 Warlocks


2x 10 Guardians with Missile Plattform

Wraithlord (Starsomething Cannons)

War Walker

3 Jetbikes

10 Striking Scorpions

5 Wraithflamers in Serpent

6 Fire Dragons in Falcon


5 Rangers

Vyper with missile launcher (?)


The plan was to surprise me since my buddy has always played Iyanden and also recently acquired a Wraith Knight that I thought he'd bring for sure.



A bit of context: this would be our first "serious" game in 8th. We play somewhat regularly and have been since 7th, and I knew I'd be in for a very challenging game as my opponent is probably our best player here along with myself. I also didn't have a ton of experience playing Blood Angels, especially with the new Codex. Another thing to note is that I hadn't planned to post this as a batrep but since it was such a fun game... yeah. Hence I only have a few pics.









Eldar deploy first by 1 unit. I roll a 6, Eldar do, too -.- I fail to seize.


T1 Alaitoc

Hemlock rushes up to my gunline, destroys the Scorpius. Falcon with Fire Dragons rushes up the same flank. The Rapier goes down to mixed firepower. 3 Jetbikes rush my Scouts that sit on an objective, shoot then assault them. Scouts fight valiantly and put a wound on a Jetbike whilst loosing 2 to the shuriken weapons.




T1 Blood Angels

Captain Matarno jumps forward between the Falcon and the Hemlock. Initially I wanted to charge the Hemlock but due to the Alaitoc trait (-1 to hit above 12") I concentrate my fire on the flyer and then opt to charge the Falcon instead. The Sanguinary Ancient deep strikes on my left flank to assist the Scouts, the SGuard on the right to charge the Falcon also and then consolidate in front of the Captain to not get him shot in Alaitoc T2. I spend 2 command points to make sure the SGuard make it in after the Hemlock goes down to combined firepower and the Captain made the charge against the Falcon. I witness the power of a Death Company Captain for the first time, and it is glorious. The Sanguinary Guard don't get to swing against the vehicle. The Ancient also makes it into combat with the Jetbikes and deletes them.


Oh, and both Alaitoc vehicles blew up, removing 2 wounds in total from my Captain. Shoddy workmanship I daresay?


Eldar 1 : 2 Blood Angels



T2 Alaitoc

The Fire Dragons seem little perturbed by the fact that they suddenly have to hike it and round the corner of the big bastion to draw bead on my Sicaran. Karandras shows up as do the Striking Scorpions (both on my left flank). The Sicaran predictably melts to the fire lances whilst the Scorpions and Karandras fail their charges.






T2 Blood Angels

Captain Matarno decides to leave his bodyguard behind and uses On Wings OF Fire to relocate to my left flank behind Karandras - a worthier prey than the Falcon for sure! Primaris Lt. Vero moves up to engage the Fire Dragons, as do the remaining SGuard (2 or 3 died to shooting the turn before). The Inceptors land next to the Scouts and level their plasma guns at the SScorpions. The shooting phase has turned from so-so to almost almost non-existant with my Scorpius, Rapier and Sicaran wiped out. But the Inceptors down a pile of Scorpions and then declare a charge, as do the Lt, the SGuard, the SG Ancient (against Karandras) and of course Captain Matarno (with the use of 2 CPs, just to be sure). I make all my charges (even needed the relic re-roll on my captain). Now this bit is important, so pay attention. So I made all my charges yeah? But then, under the influence of what could have only been the RED THIRST!!! I activate my Primaris Lt first. On my right flank. My opponent then happily informs me that he'll spend 2 CPs to interrupt. And activate Phoenix King Karandras, Lord of the Striking Scorpions. The guy with the big ass claw. To strike at my captain, before I get to strike him. Yeah, 40K fail of the year for me most likely. So this melee monster strikes with his massive claw (which I'm sure has a scary name to go with it), Mandiblaster blazing, does 1 unsaved wound. But rolls a 6 for the D3 damage roll. And by that time I have only 2 wounds left on my captain and warlord (lost one to the mandiblaster). I roll the 3 dice for Black Rage and... come up with 2 6s. I think both of our faces would`ve been youtube worthy, just like the cry of dismay from my opponent as my by now quite furious Death Company Captain smashed the fragile Eldar body of Karandras to pulp. And yes, I couldn't suppress a "Hammer Time!" then^^ What a legendary moment. You see, sometimes it's perfectly good enough to just be lucky. Also noteworthy here is that mere minutes before my opponent and buddy gifted to me his red dice that he had no use for anymore (because mine were my old Dark Eldar dice). He sure cursed already me for using them now :biggrin.:


Striking Scorpions lose to the Inceptors in melee and 2 Fire Dragons went down the lone Sanguinary Guard. 





Eldar 3 : 3 Blood Angels



T3 Alaitoc

War Walker comes in on the left flank, Guardians move up there, too, as does the Wraithlord. Autarch jumps up into the sky. Serpent with Wraith Guard shoots forward to threaten my Chaplain Dread next turn (who has been woefully out of position and so far done almost nothing). Fire Dragons pull out of melee. Last Striking Scorpion runs and hides behind a building. Shooting sees an Inceptor drop as well as my Lt and the last SGuard.


T3 Blood Angels

Brother Chaplain Akos (Lemartes) shows up with his friends next to the Inceptors who jump forward to threaten both the Guardians and the War Walker. My tactical squads start do make their way out of my DZ as does the Chaplain Dread to later on fulfil an objective. Captain Matarno feels awfully weak after his recent surge of his Butcher Nails Black Rage and decides to take a breather behind a large building surrounded by the Scouts and the SGuard Ancient (my opponent had drawn Kingslayer by now). The War Walker gets wrecked by the Inceptors, who then in turn get obliterated by the Guardians they tried to charge. Booooh. The Death Company then tries its luck but fails even with the re-roll from Chaplain Akos. Who is appalled by their lack of effort and charges in alone. Kicks some Eldar butt and my turn ends.


Eldar 5 : 5 Blood Angels



T4 Alaitoc

​The autarch returns behind my lines on the left flank to hunt my captain. Guardians leave combat, Wraithlord moves up to flame and charge, nothing much happens on the right flank, oh, apart from the Wraith Guard getting out of their ride, hosing down my Venerable Chaplain Dread with their flamers and then finishing hin in melee :sad.:. Lemartes Akos takes a krak missile to the face and is badly shaken, then takes the charge from the Wraithlord but goes down.


T4 Blood Angels

Having witnessed the slaughter of his Chaplain Captain Matarno gets a second wind and, not heeding the warning cries of his brothers guns his Angels Wings to hurtle toward the towering Wraithlord. Both the remaining Death Company (had lost 2 to overwatch the round before) and the Ancient follow. I set up a multi charge (Wraithlord, Guardians and Warlock who was standing behind the Guardians). Make all my charges, Captain Matarno screams "BLOOD FOR ANGRON SANGUINUS!" at the top of his lungs and pulps the Wraithlord as well as the Warlock in one go (The Wraithlord had already lost a few wounds to the Razorback so I allocated 1 attack to the Warlock - I think of it as the backswing which caved the beautiful Eldar Wraithbone helmet in). The Ancient stands by and glower menacingly having nothing to attack in range. 3 of the Death Company obliterate the Guardians.





Eldar 7 : 5 Blood Angels



T5 Alaitoc

Some more shuffling on the right, the autarch jumps forward to assault one of the tactical squads, the last Scorpion shows his face again to do the same. The by now empty Serpent scoots up and looses some shots, along with the Rangers (who didn't do much of anything all game so far) at the other Tactical Squad which perishes. The Autarch and the Scorpion kill 4 Marines leaving the Sergeant standing.


T5 Blood Angels 

The lone Sergeant pulls out of combat, the Razorback now leaves my DZ, too (still had that card to fulfil). Captain Matarno, armor covered in Xenos blood and soul stone splinters, needs to take another breather behind a radar station, incidentally putting him out of sight of the remaining enemy guns and in position to secure line breaker. The Death Company and the Ancient jump toward the Rangers and the objective they're sat on. They make the charge, butcher them and claim the objective.


Eldar 7 : 7 Blood Angels



We roll to see if the game continues and it does.



T6 Alaitoc

Seeing an opening (and by now having 2 cards in hand that demand the death of an enemy character/warlord) the Autarch boldly jumps forward on his falcon wings,cutting through the air to hunt down his nemesis. The lone Scorpion follows the Sergeant. The Serpent moves toward the Razorback. Charge phase - the nimble Autarch makes his 9 or 10 inch charge and, filled with the Wrath of Khaine rains furious blows upon Captain Matarno. Blow after blow he turns aside but in the end his battered armour can withstand the assault no longer and he falls under the blade of the xenos warlord. 


The Striking Scorpions also makes his charge but neither side manages to find an opening.


T6 Blood Angels

I draw Kingslayer and my mission is clear - the Eldar warlord has to die! The Death Company and the Ancient take to the skies once more to strike down the foul xenos and recover the body of their leader. The Razorback pulls further back next to the 2 remaining scouts. Charge rolls are made, and made in anger! 3 are left of the Death Company and they surround the Eldar. The 2 thunder hammers swing and they swing true. Warlord Kill!


Both of us had scored the warlord kill this round, but by opponent had not rolled his D3 yet. We decided to roll together, joking that if it came to this roll we might`ve just rolled a dice in the first place and saved ourselves the "bother" of playing this game haha. I roll a one, he rolls a four. Damn. He now leads by one point and both of us have Linebreaker.


Eldar 11 : 10 Blood Angels


We roll to see if the game continues - and it does.



Last turn Alaitoc

Still intent on revenge for his lost brethren the last of the Striking Scorpions makes his way toward the scouts. The Serpent meanwhile moves toward the Razorback. Both charge their targets and make it. The vehicles grind against each other, all straining wraithbone and shrieking metal. The scouts welcome their adversary and cut him down without mercy.


Last turn World Eaters Blood Angels

By now I have 1 card on my hand that I can`t fulfil (Witchhunter, and the last Warlock is on the other side of the board). I draw one, which is an objective that is too far away. I draw the last, and it`s "kill something in melee". I had just killed the last Striking Scorpion the turn before. So now to draw this game I needed to kill a Serpent in melee. With 2 Scouts. And a Razorback. But hey, at least it had already discharged its shield right? But I still had an ace up my sleeve, oh yes. There were still 3 extremely pissed off Death Company standing vigil over the body of their captain, 2 wielding thrumming thunder hammers. All I had to make was - after careful measuring - a 11 inch charge. With no command points left. But I had my new red (hot) dice, and that was all I needed. I rolled a damn TWELVE! Game. On. With the butcher nails thrumming in their heads the Death Company rain thunder hammer strikes down upon the sleek Serpent reducing it to 1 wound (why does that thing have 13 wound and not 12 dammit). The furious chainsword attacks of the 3rd marine glance off the armour and the game looks lost, but then the 2 Scouts charge. 4 hits. 4 wounds. 1 failed save. It`s a draw!





This game has by far been the most intense and entertaining in the last year, so I had to share it, even though I spent about 2,5 hours putting this together. So I hope you`ve enjoyed reading this, and if you did it`d be great of you to leave a short comment here :smile.:





I knew I`d be in for a fight and it sure didn`t look pretty at times, but this was truly epic. I had some very lucky rolls, some not so good ones but overall I cant complain for sure. The mistake with not activating my captain first vs Karandras could've sealed the game for the Eldar, instead my warlord got to smash and kill a few turns more. He actually got very close to surviving the Eldar Autarch as well, with just a 4+ and a 6++ failed. But still, that guy is absolutely MONSTROUS and a BLAST to play. He killed a Falcon, Karandras, a Wraith Lord and a Warlock. And I didn`t even spend any command points beyond Wings of Fire and the 3D6 charge roll on him. In fact, he`s so lethal that I might not even make him the warlord next time, because you`ll most likely give up the warlord kill with him. 


The Scouts were money, too. Holding off the Jetbikes, killing a Scorpion warrior and finally the Serpent to clinch the draw. 


The Chaplain dread was badly positioned by my, but all my shooting suffered heavily due to the -1 to hit from Alaitoc.


Another piece of good news is that my jump pack units survived for fairly long which came as a bit of a surprise after seeing them shot to pieces again and again in 7th. I think the key is to not bring them in too soon, which is something that more and more of us seem to learn.


Wings of Fire is amazing. The 3D6 charge is really good - a lot of times you just have to make sure to get in. Our chapter tactic is fantastic, I LOVE it. A flat +1 to wound is really, really nice. My scouts wounded the Serpent on 4s instead of 5s. A lot of times I wounded stuff on 2s instead of 3s. Its ust great. 


So overall, yes, yes I had fun and yes I think Blood Angels finally don`t have to hide anymore. We might not be top tier but a savvy player can sure work some magic with what we've got.


And now I need to buy some Scouts. 


Thanks for reading and a happy new year everybody!




As the white and blue Thunderhawks tore off the ground into the sky of Hades VII and beyond, the giant ball of ice, rock and fury grew ever closer to the doomed planet. The World Eaters hadn't discovered why the Eldar had risked visiting this world so close to its final breath, and with the last warp gate closing behind the retreating xenos no one would ever know. But whatever it was that they had wanted, the imperial commanders were sure to have denied them, and that was all that mattered.

Edited by Blackcadian
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Great game and very entertaining batrep. Unless I am mistaken you used a couple of terrain pieces from Wargame-Model-Mods. Are all the pieces on the board from that manufacturer or are there also others? Do you plan to paint them and show them to us?

  On 12/31/2017 at 5:32 PM, Quixus said:

Great game and very entertaining batrep. Unless I am mistaken you used a couple of terrain pieces from Wargame-Model-Mods. Are all the pieces on the board from that manufacturer or are there also others? Do you plan to paint them and show them to us?

Thank you, I‘m glad you liked it! Those are indeed buildings from the 2nd wargame model mods kickstarter, but not all of them. The radar station is from them as are the big bastion, the refinery with the 2 chimneys, the flat square building in the corner, the container building and the smaller rectangular building fairly central placed. The big bridge is from micro arts studios, and the big crystal from ebay, just like the rocks. The big crab bot is from Zen Terrain.


I mean to paint them but hobby wise the painting of buildings comes fairly last for me so... who knows if I’ll ever get them done I guess. I could snap a pic of the radar station as that is basically done, if you like.


Thanks for commenting!

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