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I am in the same boat! Using this forum for motivation has been great. And I get to find inspiration from other great painters like you!


I gave your technique a go on my captain, and I really liked how it turned out, I think I will definitely be using it with the rest of my marines.

Thanks a lot, that’s really cool of you to say. I’m glad you liked my method and that your captain came out well. I’ll take a look at your WIP log later on!



I made some really solid progress on all three units of scouts over the weekend. I was able to finish assembling, cleaning, and basing all of them and get most of the painting done on them. They’ll need a bit of time over this week to be finished up, but I feel good about where they’re at.


What’s left is to highlight the black, paint the weapons, and pick out the details.



I’m also going through and quickly adding a camouflage pattern on their uniforms.





Up next is to finish assembling two units of Devastators and complete the painting on my Vanguard Veterans. The Vanguard Vets are about 50% finished at this point.

That camo looks great!



great effort on the scouts - and interesting use of hotel bookings and tournament entry for artificial motivation - fortune favours the brave

It’s either going to be a total success or a total bust. Time will tell..


That camo does look good on the scouts. Maybe a little overly practical for religious zealots but still cool.


I may have to pinch that idea.

Steal away!


Great work on the scouts. Definitely more eye catching than the standard plane fatigues you normally see them in.



I had originally painted them up with just plain cream colored fatigues. You’re right, it was pretty boring to look at.




Chipping away some more. All the camouflage, equipment, and eyes are done. Weapons, highlights on the black, metals and bases left.



These scouts look great. The camouflage looks spot on and looks like itll work brilliantly with the black

Loving the feel of this army so far, keep up the good work mate

Thanks guys! I feel good about the camo now that it’s all laid out.


Nice work overall, love Helbrect's expression. It's as though he can't believe the heresy in front of him :lol:

No kidding - that sculpt didn’t age particularly well...




Besides a clear coat and painting the rims of the bases, the scouts are done.







I managed to get a jump start onto the aggressors, too.




I’m going to be away all next weekend, so I’ll need to make a really substantial effort during the upcoming work week to make up the difference. Hoping to close this week out with those aggressors finished.

Here’s a quick bonus:





My Ironclad Dreadnought conversion. I started building this a while ago. Melee Dreadnoughts are a little underwhelming right now, so this probably won’t see much play on a tournament table. They’re still fun in a casual game.


I’d like to get it painted up after this next event as a way to take a little break from the grind.

Edited by Recoil889
The Ironclad conversion looks promising, but why is he carrying a corpse on his back? Is it the mortal remains of an Imperial saint, and the Ironclad bore this burden to encourage the faith of his battle-brothers and Imperial allies? Or is it the corpse of some Tau collaborator who tried and failed to plant a bomb on the Ironclad's back, his placement intended to warn others "Thus ends all cowards" or "Thus ends all traitors"?

The Ironclad conversion looks promising, but why is he carrying a corpse on his back? Is it the mortal remains of an Imperial saint, and the Ironclad bore this burden to encourage the faith of his battle-brothers and Imperial allies? Or is it the corpse of some Tau collaborator who tried and failed to plant a bomb on the Ironclad's back, his placement intended to warn others "Thus ends all cowards" or "Thus ends all traitors"?

The corpse is a holy relic. Keep your eye out, you’ll see all kinds of weird stuff like that scattered throughout the army.



Getting some traction on these aggressors. I’ll be glad when I’m finished with these guys. Lots of tight spaces and twisting and turning to get the brush in.




Edited by Recoil889

Wow! Great conversion combining venerable dreadnough pieces with a contemptor. Where did you get the hammer for that model? I really like the progress of your army. I agree with The_Stray_Idea, the dreadnought may not be competitive but nothing beats a cool looking model.

The ironclad being a bit of a mobile reliquary is a lovely touch. I would t worry about it not being overly competitive sometimes you just need a cool piece on the table.

Thanks, man! I think that part of the Black Templars craziness is totally worth playing up.


Wow! Great conversion combining venerable dreadnough pieces with a contemptor. Where did you get the hammer for that model? I really like the progress of your army. I agree with The_Stray_Idea, the dreadnought may not be competitive but nothing beats a cool looking model.

Thanks! The hammer is scratch built from some of the parts to make the hammer that comes with the kit, some chain, brass rod, plastic tube, greenstuff, and love for the emperor.

Had a quick practice game last night against a pretty sturdy death guard list. The mission was ITC champions mission 2. His list was hard to punch through at places, but I was able to table him at the top of turn 6 and win 29-17.



29-17 is a pretty hefty win bud. By struggle to punch through did you actually mean a group of traitors didn’t have the good graces to die in one combat phase?

It’s a solid margin, for sure. There were a couple turns where I didn’t max my primary score. If I had played it better I think I could have skewed the score further in my direction. It was a good learning game.


Some of that death guard stuff is just hard to kill. His demon prince passed 6 disgustingly resilient in a row during one sequence.


This list as it sits now will need to be tweaked again moving forward into the 2018 season. So, I guess I’ll always have an excuse to be painting...

I've got a real soft spot for Black Templars and these are spot on

Thanks, man!



I knocked out this techmarine tonight. It was a quick fun paint. Like the rest of the recently completed stuff, it still needs chapter markings.






I also finished building and priming these devastators with Ryza pattern Lascannons. I dug through the bits box and put together these “counts as” armorium cherubs.





Annnd after some soul searching, I decided that TH/SS Vanguard Veterans was not the most efficient way to spend ~200 points. So, I picked up a box of inceptors and got them put together and primed. Alongside the agressors, I’ll be painting these up over the weekend.



Templar Devastators?  What heresy is this?!




Although I do like those Lascannons.  Are they custom or Forgeworld?


Oh, and bonus points for candles.  Everyone forgets the sexy candle detail :tu:

Edited by Firepower

Templar Devastators? What heresy is this?!




Although I do like those Lascannons. Are they custom or Forgeworld?


Oh, and bonus points for candles. Everyone forgets the sexy candle detail :tu:

They are from Forgeworld:




Not the most fun things in the world to build..


Templar Devastators? What heresy is this?!




Although I do like those Lascannons. Are they custom or Forgeworld?


Oh, and bonus points for candles. Everyone forgets the sexy candle detail :thumbsup:

They are from Forgeworld:




Not the most fun things in the world to build..



That would be what is known as a tautology.  :lol:

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