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+++ Trooping the Colour: An IG Hobby Event +++


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I'm planning on sending some old models off for dettol baths this weekend so I aim to be vowing next week :D


Some great vows coming in already (and completions!) so I'm eager to join in. I can do fluff but how important are battle reports? I won't have anywhere near enough models for any sort of game for a while yet.

None of the vow parts are required - just more than one path to glory so completing all available vows isn't necessary (or, likely, possible?).


Possible? Depends on how many all-nighters I can pull. :wink:  (And how much I want to keep my spouse/job/house/pets/sanity) 

Greetings Commanders,


As part of the Trooper the Colour Event, please see below the fluff for my Regimental background.


Regiment Name: 234th Armageddon Steel Legion - "The Iron Bloods" 

Regiment Type: Mechanized Infantry 

Commanding Officer: Colonel Wilhuff Tarkin

Fighting Style: Dragoons 

Specializations: Urban and Ash Waste Warfare


Regimental Background:

The 234th are a recently founded regiment, raised in response to the escalation of the conflict in the Armageddon system due to the demon incursion on Armageddon itself. They are a "home grown" regiment from Armageddon and as such are specialists at both Urban warfare and at rapid deployment and maneuver warfare in the ash wastes, which has helped them combat both the orks and the demons very effectively. The orks of Armageddon are known for there speed freaks klans and the demons can appear from anywhere at anytime, so the 234th are used at reacting quickly against any emerging threats. They prefer to fight similarly to dragoons where they travel to the battlefield in the Chimeras, disembark and from a firing line and then mount back up to exploit gaps in the damaged enemies line or to withdraw.


Currently the 23th is used by High Command as a rapid reaction force throughout the sector, often being the first units to respond to problem on many worlds. Frequently the regiment has found itself thrust into the first line of defence to buy time for other forces to gather and repel an enemy invasion. As such the regiment has a high casulty rate, and tends to be made up of fresh recruits led by a battle hardened core of veteran NCOs and Senior Officers.


The regiment got its nick name "The Iron Bloods" from the area the regiment was founded, the Fire Wastes of Armageddon. This is the main mining area on the planet and the vast majority of the regiments members are ex iron miners or gang members, meaning the soldiers are all tough hardy folk used to hard life of toil. Many of the enlisted men proudly state that they are "Iron Folk that will gladly shed their blood for their homeworld". To replenish their ranks, the 234th prefer to return to Armageddon and gather more Iron Folk from the Fire Wastes. However, this is not always possible and the Iron Bloods are no stranger to conscripting more men from the worlds they defend to maintain operational effectiveness.


The Iron Bloods use a large amount of heavy bolters, heavy stubbers nad other solid round weapons. Every squad, chimera and tank has a bolter in some form or another. This is part of a tradition for the regiment and it is founded on 2 things. Firstly the Iron Folk prefer solid slug weapons as they trust in metal due to their origins. Secondly, bolters are weapons are very effective at fighting both orks and demons, traditional enemies the regiment was orignally raised to fight. The orks dont really register the "zip" of lasguns as proper weapons, they respect the much louder "bark" bolt weapons. Against demons, the Iron bloods keep a supply of blessed ammo, bolts which are inscribed with prayer and rites of banishing which are effective against the unholy bodies of the denizens of the warp.

Excellent work all! Plenty of progress being made and some completions already coming in and I'm still yet to vow! :blush.:


I've been out of town with work all this week and now I have the flu :dry.:

I'm hoping to get a chance this weekend to update everyones progress and new vows! :tu:

Want to throw another vow in the mix, seeing as how I've been working on it at work on my downtime...


I, Commandant Henimann, of the 17th Turador Venerables, make an additional vow, to write and publish an updated history of my regiment in the Dark Imperium era, by March 31st.



Also wrapped up putting together 2 of my 4 infantry squads - pics should follow by tomorrow! 

Thanks for your patience all, the OP list has been updated with additional vows and completions to date.
Again please double check yours is correct so I can adjust if necessary.

There are a couple of you I will PM to double check your vows to make sure I understood them correctly.


Please don't forget:

  • When making additional / new vows please create a new post, do not edit your original. It makes tracking vows a lot more difficult.
  • There are still several officer who have not included their before picture! Do not forget to add the before picture if you want your vow to be eligible
  • If you are the before pictures after your vow post you can either update the original post and then make a new post to notify me of the change, or simply at the photos to a new post and quote the original vow
  • I am not familiar with the FW regiments, so I will be relying on your honesty that the vows you make are inline with the rules of the event

Keep up the good work!

Seeing as I forgot to add this in

"In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander ImperialSquishiness of the Task Force Anglia combined regiment, shall paint our Lord Commander, Lord Commissar Wellesley by 31st March."

Front right on the before:


And now:


The HWS squads and Techpriest WIP appear to have been missed off my original pledge

Here are a few of the Guardsmen i Vowed to paint i would like to however reminds you i am not a painter and while they may no look it are actually the highest of my skill and i do apologize for that as it is considerably lower then what i expect is Novices norm



hope this doesn't cause any damages i'll get back to writing now sorry  


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