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Deathwatch - the other guys

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Aaaaaand I started another 40K army. This time it is deathwatch. I like them because I can practice freehanding so many different chapter pads, and as an elite army I don't need 100+ models. I'm excluding the "big 12" (the 9 founding chapters, crimson fists and black templars - yes that is 11 but I'm vetoing ultramarines twice).


At the moment I am going with the following army (all have power swords unless specified otherwise): roughly 1980 points


Battalion Detachment

Watch Master - Storm Wardens (guardian spear)

Librarian - Red Hunters (force sword)


Kill Team 1

Sgt - Night Watch (storm bolter)

Vet - Raptors

Vet - Emperor's Spears

Vet - Genesis Chapter
Vet - Exemplars

Vet w/ frag cannon - Helion Legion

Razorback (TL assault cannons)


Kill Team 2

Sgt - Soul Drinkers (storm bolter)

Vet - Angels of Iron

Vet - Marines Malevolent

Vet - Mentor Legion
Vet - Mantis Warriors

Vet w/ frag cannon - Emperor's Scythes

Razorback (TL assault cannons)


Kill Team 2

Sgt - Storm Giants (storm bolter)

Vet - Lamentors

Vet - Iron Snakes

Vet - Death Strike
Vet - Relictors

Vet w/ frag cannon - Emperor's Shadows

Razorback (TL assault cannons)


Vanguard Detachment

Chaplain - Angels Penitent (storm bolter)


Vanguard Squad

Sgt - Executioners (power axe, plasma pistol)

Vet - Minotaurs (grav pistol)

Vet - Space Sharks (grav pistol)

Vet - Sons of Orar (plasma pistol)

Vet - Flame Eagles (plasma pistol)


Terminator Squad

Sgt - Sons of Medusa (fist/melta)

Vet - Dragon Lords (missiles)

Vet - Emperor's Shadows

Vet - Consecrators

Vet - Fire Angels ?


Primaris Medic - Celestial Lions


Land Raider


I do want to know if vehicles are lent as marines are or if they are specifically owned by deathwatch.


Test work so far


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I like the fact those Razorback turrets can elevate to engage flyers, enemies on hills and rooftops, and other such targets. Did you have to kitbash them, or will the Razorback kit be fine right out the box

The guns are "light gatling guns" from Blood & Skulls. I just cut the barrels off the heavy bolters and glued them on. There wasn't anything complicated to the conversion.

  • 3 weeks later...

First squad done. Kill Team Rigel

- Soul Drinkers (sergeant)

- Alpha Legion (heavy gunner)

- Death Strike

- Marines Malevolent

- Iron Snakes

- Mentor Legion

- dedicated Razorback with TL assault cannons




And for grins and giggles a spoof side project


Terminator Squad Hyades

- Emperor's Shadows (sergeant)

- Nemesis (heavy weapon)

- Emperor's Scythes

- Marines Exemplar

- Dragon Lords




Chaplain Action - Angels Penitent (these guys are so hardcore they called out the Black Templars for not being zealous enough)



Contemptor dreadnought Indra - Destroyers


I tried to simulate the deathwatch script on the left pauldron.

I've been busy finishing stuff today =O


Kill Team Spica

- Night Watch (sergeant)

- Flame Falcons (heavy gunner)

- Angels of Iron

- Lamenters

- Raptors

- Exemplars

- dedicated Razorback with TL assault cannons





And since the razorbacks are identical except for the script on the door, here are some pics of one







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