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Greetings and good day to you all.


With the Custodes releases well underway I've got some motivation to get some neglected Prospero kits out of storage, clipped and built. Started a while back with a few built and one painted before life got in the way and hobby took a back burner. So, I'll start with them and go from there. Also planning on getting a light booth so pics will improve.


Have some fun home brew IC's as well planned, they'll pop up in and about whenever. 


Picked up a few of the first wave kits, Valoris, Allarus Terminators and Codex. Really really looking forward to next weekend, going to have to exercise restraint. 


For now, I have almost three guard sprues so updates should be regular. 


Right first up, My kit bash Ixion Hale. Who will now be standing as one of a few Shield Captains. 








Just some closer pics.




This one was going to be my counts as Valdor, but now just a spear guard.









Raise it high brother!


WIP on a Vexilus Praetor (Imperius)








Mostly Blu tacked at the moment. Going for standing against the wind pose. Will likely have him equipped with a storm shield. 


C&C welcome.

Edited by Eberious
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Thanks very much both. :)  I plan to convert most of my Custodes giving there will be so few(compared to my Templar Crusade). So I plan to take my time and give most some extra attention and a sprinkle of bits on the vehicles. While there is mixed feelings on the LR, I have one on sprue I'm itching to let loose.



Vexilus Praetor: Asmund, bearer of the Imperius


I've given him a Misericordia as well, tucked in on the left hip. 












Thanks Bjorn Firewalker, 



This guys pretty much straight forward, in fact seen many like it and GW used the same pose. But I like it, so it got done. Managed to drill the barrels out on both the spear and the sword guns. 























To avoid that sea of grey happening I'm going to try and paint this lot one at a time, while working on something small in-between. Mostly to avoid that 'crap, I have a whole army to paint, meh I'll leave it for now' thing I have. The Vexilus Praetor will be up first. Two things I want to try that I haven't done before, this model will let me crack on with that on a small scale first. 


While I put these models together I feel like I'm missing something, a power/back pack. After modelling PA for so long its weird not having them there. 

Edited by Eberious
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Bjorn Firewalker, not much has happened painting wise as I've not had the time to sit down and get into it, building stuff is a bit easier to fit in a bit here and there. So, I'm in the middle of making this thingy from the first few pages of the codex. Using bits I have already rather then buying them in, so not an exact reproduction. 


Wanted to show it at this point as will be doing the cloth and hanging cable parts which will end up hiding some of the upper leg/ hip joints.










@Bjornfirewalker, nah. Just made it for the hell of it. I liked the art in the book so wanted to make it. Plan on doing the other odds and sods like the custode helmet servo skull things. 


@CardinalVirtue, thanks, the wings are a bit small it became very obvious when I stuck the legs in place. They are what I had available to use, looking around sites can't find bigger ones matching or coming close to the art. The BA jumppack Chaplain wings come close but are £3-5 on bits sites plus postage, but I think they'll be a tad big.


Just sized up the the custodes Vexilus wings, look like a good fit. Now that the legs are on and picturing the cloth and tubes below might be the way to go. Unless there is a 3rd party bit that would work. I've yet to have a in depth look as wanted to keep to bits I've got to hand. After what I have spent recently on Custodes and 40k in general think the missus might just blow her top.  

@Eberious: Great looking Custodes! I will be adding a small contingent to my crusade and watching your progress very closely. It sort of cracks me up that I saw that same image and my first thought was "I bet I could build that." :)


Have you thought about what kind of gold you are going to run with?


Onwards good sir!


Now I feel silly for building them all in the static poses...



Actually, you've done the hard part. It would only take a few (maybe another box of guard) customized figures to give you the variation in appearance you might be looking for.

@Studio Silvernale, what Honda said, or you could sell and re-buy. Did you use plastic glue or super. I always use super, as if a mistake is made or I want to strip down and start again its not as difficult, with the right amount of pressure on it bits ping off. 


@Honda, many thanks good sir,   I guess its great minds think alike :smile.:  


I'll be running both pure and mixed with my Crusade, should look epic mowing down xenos scum and heretics like weak grass before the blade. I'm mostly running with the Custodes gold tutorial by GW when the BOP was released. Just a slightly different way on the high lights to what GW did. I painted the Ixion Hale guy that way in my opening post. 


Haven't done much painting, been busy doing what always seems to take over, building. Now with Grotsmasher's Warlords challenge hasn't made it any better. Will post some progress on that soon. As it doesn't need to be strictly codex legal, gives me free range...... :smile.:  I've made a thing. 

Edited by Eberious

Finished the base for the model due for Grot's Warlords challenge. I've got most of the main model built in sections but run out of time this evening to assemble and attach to base. 






Edited by Eberious

Thanks both,


@Honda, hahaha, that's two for two on the minds. Yup, white marble, but dirty. Will be same for the other bases as well. I'm hoping anyways. I'll need to find a good white marble tut when the time comes. 


@Ovidius Incertus, the shells are a good eye catcher. It would need to be the ultimate hero to manage it as its a bit high to correctly model it. The top of the base is just above the top pointy bit of the leg greaves.


I have something else in mind. :)

Ok, been wanting to make this one for weeks now, mostly delayed when I saw the reveal video showing the Vertus Praetors. As those torso sections are just awesome and fits in very well with the overall appearance I wanted. Been working on it on and off for 10 days(mostly due to curing times for greenstuff) now since vowing in Grotsmashers Warlords. Update before putting it all together to show area that are likely going to be hidden once assembled. 


So, Shied Captain one of two. Lots of pinning with this one giving the amount of mods, feet, knee, elbows etc,  have it pinned to the base as well.   


Not 100% sure if the Black Templar cross is staying yet, might swap it for a mini eagle head. It's only blutacked on just now so easy enough to make up my mind later. 





















Simply the best set of lightning claws I've ever made. 






C&C welcome. 









Nope, but from this day forth this guy will be known by Areus-Maxx  I have no idea about the comic, but why the hell not. 


The idea for the appearance is loosely based on the feet/talons of an actual Eagle. Custodes like their ornamental Eagles and icons, so with a jumppack wearing lightning claw wielding Custode the theme fit. For me anyways. 

Thanks Honda, really appreciate the comment.


Sooon, its 99% finished I think. Deciding if I should use the top knot from the Vertus Praetors kit or none at all. Part of me is like, yes it fits as Custodes, but the other part of me is like, its just going to get in the way in a functional way and distract from other parts in a modelling point of view. 


The claws are the Chaos Hel Drakes, heresy :P    Took two cataphractii lightning claws, trimmed them down a fair bit leaving just the gauntlet and thumb to be used and reposed, trimmed the Heldrake claws, greenstuff tubing, custodes hip plates cut to fit, and upper arm/shoulder of custodes guard. 

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