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Here he is..  


Heads blutacked in place for now to allow access to the inside rear when painting. 










Time to knock together some home brew rules on top of a Shield captains own. Can't wait to rip stuff up with this guy. 

Thanks, and yeah. There is a 1.5cm wire acting as a pin. Its about a 3rd up inside the foot. Underneath the plasticard there is a cork block in the same shape, so its dug into that as well.  

Edited by Eberious

Thanks all, 


So, started to practise painting Tartan for the first time today. First attempt at black watch Tartan(I believe), and second on the right, not sure which Tartan it is but works well with the gold finish I end up with. 








While I like both designs I'm likely to go with the lighter green tartan that I'll carry through the army, as its a little easier to paint. Few more times and should be a lot tidier. Thinking about re-painting the cloak on Ixion Hale/shield captain at the start of the thread with the second design.


C&C welcome


Almost finished the Vexilus Praetor, weekend probably as I also have to find a guide, learn and practise painting marble.  

Thanks very much all, 


@Inquisitor Engel, the helmet is from the Vertus praetors kits. I shaved and filed the top knot mount off.


@Honda, I'll be giving the black watch another go over the next day or so. Need to scale it down and take my time to see what it turns out like, might be overly complex to carry over the whole army.





Thanks Kizzdougs, gave the Black Watch one another go. Getting there.




and some marble  brown/cream.




This side needs some sharper details as it has become apparent in this photo.




C&C welcome. 

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