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How are your Custodes doing?

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Just had a look through the leaked Custodes page of CA2019. Was only the FW entries shown, GW entries on another page is likely. No changes except for the Galatus which looks like a drop to 130 points, unless they've made the shield cost something now..



Gosh I hope they fixed his sword and gave him a 3++.


Just had a look through the leaked Custodes page of CA2019. Was only the FW entries shown, GW entries on another page is likely. No changes except for the Galatus which looks like a drop to 130 points, unless they've made the shield cost something now..



Gosh I hope they fixed his sword and gave him a 3++.



As said previously in this thread a 3++ on a Dread is a bit too strong. As is the Galatus shield is ok;


Galatus Shield: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save.
When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon
against this model, subtract 1 from the hit roll


They tweaked its sword on the confirmation of the FW rules a while back;


StrUser AP-3 D3 'When resolving an attack made with this weapon, an

unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit.'
Still not great but has a bit more utility.




Just had a look through the leaked Custodes page of CA2019. Was only the FW entries shown, GW entries on another page is likely. No changes except for the Galatus which looks like a drop to 130 points, unless they've made the shield cost something now..



Gosh I hope they fixed his sword and gave him a 3++.

As said previously in this thread a 3++ on a Dread is a bit too strong. As is the Galatus shield is ok;


Galatus Shield: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save.

When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon

against this model, subtract 1 from the hit roll


They tweaked its sword on the confirmation of the FW rules a while back;


StrUser AP-3 D3 'When resolving an attack made with this weapon, an

unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit.'


Still not great but has a bit more utility.

And I am free to disagrees since I guess 3++ Shields on the wolves dread is op?



Also the sword is terrible...it's the weakest cc dread in the game.

Just had a look through the leaked Custodes page of CA2019. Was only the FW entries shown, GW entries on another page is likely. No changes except for the Galatus which looks like a drop to 130 points, unless they've made the shield cost something now..



Ares got a point increase for god knows what reasons and the telemon got a point decrease.


In short, we're getting overlooked again and will remain below-average-tier. My Telemon remains an overpriced paperweight.

From what we’ve seen so far, a lot of factions have so many drops that we have , comparatively been nerfed.


(At least pure Custodes have. My “Prospero” lists of Custodes and Wolves are pretty happy. But it’s sad that being competitive as a mono faction looks further away now)

As per the CA2019 rumours thread, looks like the Telemon has dropped 15-20 points.


Yeah dunno what's happened with the Ares, has anyone even used one let alone felt they were worth a points increase?

A single guy successfully used a single Ares in a Custodes list and came in the top 5. The rest of his lis was (post nerf) caladius and pallas tanks.


Why they felt the need to nerf the Ares I've not idea, because mathematically the Orion is better at shooting general ground units.

Diverting away from the doom and gloom, played 2 x 1k point games this eve, started a small fun league, lists can change, factions cannot. First game was vs necrons, imotek, cryptek, 20 warriors, 2 x 10 tesla immortals, scarabs and a DDA. My army was Shield captain, 4 sag, 4 terms (2 pikes), 4 wardens (spears), inquisitor greyfax.


My opponent misplaced a little and my terms ended up killing 33 of his 48 models, was utterly brutal.


Second game was a slaughter fest vs drukhari, 4 talos, some venoms and kabalites. Aquilon were the MVPs again, just 3 of them left standing from my whole army and they took care of the talos and scored a lot of objective points.


Was a lot of fun playing at 1k, each turn seems to be a lot less lopsided.

I managed to just barely eeke out a win vs Tau by the skin of my teeth today.
Bikes failed to hit home and do lasting damage due to a seize, losing half of them before they could do anything.

But i played cagey the next few turns, rendering 1/3 his army out of range, or out of LOS of anything, and won on objectives (Open play/The Comet).

It was a tough, but fun game having to re-evaluate strategy on the fly.

So it seems like some decent points drops for Custodes in CA.


Mainly weapons but it shaves them off most of our infantry!

Yeah pretty much only infantry went down barring the Caladius base cost.


1750 infantry list you can get 1 extra body, in a 2k you can probs push that to an extra aquilon (maybe).


In isolation I like the drops, but for the army as a whole its not making much difference I don't believe.


Best drop is on Allarus going down 8pts, 5 base and 3 on the axe. 71ppm looks fairly good for them now I think.


So it seems like some decent points drops for Custodes in CA.


Mainly weapons but it shaves them off most of our infantry!

Yeah pretty much only infantry went down barring the Caladius base cost.


1750 infantry list you can get 1 extra body, in a 2k you can probs push that to an extra aquilon (maybe).


In isolation I like the drops, but for the army as a whole its not making much difference I don't believe.


Best drop is on Allarus going down 8pts, 5 base and 3 on the axe. 71ppm looks fairly good for them now I think.


I agree.  Allarus finally look moderately useful for the cost now.  I look forward to getting back to my Character hunting squads.  

Well, with the recent cost reduction, axes.  They are meant to hunt characters, and you want those hits to do damage.  The spears will still wound on 2/3s with the strat, but you want to save those CPs and the axes do it for free.  

Did you guys magnetize the missile launcher on top of your Telemons? Is there a top weapon option I’m not seeing?

I'm not aware of any currently doesn't mean that won't change in future


Since it's all pre drilled I did anyways

Did you guys magnetize the missile launcher on top of your Telemons? Is there a top weapon option I’m not seeing?


At the moment the Spiculus Bolt Launcher is the only option for the top of the Telemon, so I guess unless GW release a new weapon option there is no need to magnetise. 

I’ll magnetize it anyway when I can get to building. My Telemon is still incredibly slick and shiny after days soaking in degreasers and strubbing with a brush. I’ve got an email in to FW seeing what to do next, I can’t get the surface down to bare resin and the primer is just beading when I test it.

Magnetizing isn't just about weapon options.  The Telemon is a stupidly hard to transport model without all it's bits magnetized, and even then is more fragile than a new born baby.  I magnetize anything and everything that comes from FW.


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