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Will Grey Knights be fixed by the March FAQ?

Holier Than Thou

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As I've said before, and will continue to say, 40K is not now, and has never been, and will NEVER be, a competitive game. It can be played competitively if you wish but it is a system manifestly unsuited to that task, and your experience will be wholly negative. If wilfully subjecting yourself to negative experiences is your thing, then fill your boots, but don't come in here whining because 40K plays like 40K.



As I've said before, and will continue to say, 40K is not now, and has never been, and will NEVER be, a narrative game. It can be played narratively if you wish but it is a system manifestly unsuited to that task, and your experience will be wholly negative. If wilfully subjecting yourself to negative experiences is your thing, then fill your boots, but don't come in here whining because 40K plays like 40K.


To be honest, 40K only makes sense in beer and pretzels games where you've forgotten whose turn it is because your both typsy* and it's taken the Tyranid over an hour to move all his minis.




*Drink responsibley

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I've kinda given up caring tbh. My expectation is another pass next year with the General's Handbo...I mean Chapter Approved.


Hopefully by that point, the 'GK are OP' meme will be truly dead and they might actually address all the weird imbalances in our book. 


What will be more interesting is whether or not the Beta Smite rules come into effect, and if they change how 'Rites' works accordingly. My expectation is they wont', we will just suffer blanket nerfs. But would be cool if they come back to our baby Smite and tweak it.

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So the Heavy Burst Cannon for the Riptide is now (with the upcoming Codex) 36" Heavy 12 S6 AP-1 Dmg 2.


I don't think upping all our psycannons to a flat dmg 2 would be OP in the coming CA. Might justify the 50 point twin Psycannon.


This has been covered before. Psycannons at 24" Heavy 6 S7 AP -1 Dmg 2 would be perfectly balanced at its point cost - however, doing so causes psilencers to lose all purpose in the game. Psilencers becoming cheaper won't fix this, as they already have a low cost. It would require an entire statline rebalance. I feel that the best method would be adjusting both statlines to give them a distinct purpose, which has also been covered before.


I'd rather the Dmg 2 change than no change at all, and hope that further changes down the line would bring back psilencers purpose.

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Change psycannon damage to 2 at least gives us a way to do something against armour. I don't care about poor psylencer. Now we are playing only psylencers (when people play them), after the change we will play only psycannon. I don't think they will change dramatically the codex.

But after the commander spam stop they can stop for GMDK "spam".

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Change psycannon damage to 2 at least gives us a way to do something against armour. I don't care about poor psylencer. Now we are playing only psylencers (when people play them), after the change we will play only psycannon. I don't think they will change dramatically the codex.

But after the commander spam stop they can stop for GMDK "spam".

I hope they do. When people spam things, it means it was bad design. Spam is never fun. It's the whole basis of the word. I hope they add more options to consider and make for more varied lists than GMNDK and strikes.


It does feel the limitation is more in the way detachments are used now though.

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Change psycannon damage to 2 at least gives us a way to do something against armour. I don't care about poor psylencer. Now we are playing only psylencers (when people play them), after the change we will play only psycannon. I don't think they will change dramatically the codex.

But after the commander spam stop they can stop for GMDK "spam".

I hope they do. When people spam things, it means it was bad design. Spam is never fun. It's the whole basis of the word. I hope they add more options to consider and make for more varied lists than GMNDK and strikes.


It does feel the limitation is more in the way detachments are used now though.


I don't think spam indicates bad design, I think it's just a symptom of a hardcore tournament player that worships at the alter of Mathhammer. They will build the most efficient list by any means necessary, and certain units will always be considered more efficient then others. Even if it's by .01 wounds per point they'll still spam that model instead of another

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I’m pretty sure that we’ll have no good news.



So what good news are you expecting us to get?
I expect some small buffs to underutilized weapons and units. Small increments to not overdo it, but buffs nonetheless.


I'm hoping for some range increase on heavy weapons and some AP and damage buffs, either or.


Purifiers get some range increase hopefully, and maybe an additional attack to make them that more dangerous.


Some decreases on CP on stratagems, since they're more difficult to get.

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Personally, this is my last hope. If we won't get anything important, like d2 or AP-2 Psycannon, I'm putting GK on a shelf. The models are still one of the best in the game and 100% best space marine models (almost every local SM player asked me for bits). But no one likes to be in the bottom of power tier. Not that I want to win every game with wipe out, but with every new codex I feel more and more helpless. Simply not having the tools to deal with certain threats is frustrating. And Daemonic Incursion was just humiliating. 


OK, let's see what it brings.

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