NiftyVT Posted February 14, 2018 Share Posted February 14, 2018 I am a long time reader and decided to finally jump in with a BA thread. I might also start a Dark Mechanicum thread in the future if I feel like showing off some of my crazy. I have been playing my BA since the sunsetting times of 2nd edition. Recently, as in over the past 2-3 years, I started painting up some new stuff for 30k. But with the release of 8th my 30k group has converted to 40k and now so has all my new additions. I will start off with some pictures and then a battle report from this past weekends team tournament at my FLGS. First pic is of my very first miniatures vs some of my new BA. My how things change! 20170121_152650 by nifty, on Flickr Now just some cool shots. 20170303_173247 by nifty, on Flickr 20170615_181536 by nifty, on Flickr 20170303_173314 by nifty, on Flickr 20170303_173334 by nifty, on Flickr DSC02964 by nifty, on Flickr DSC02967 by nifty, on Flickr DSC02961 by nifty, on Flickr DSC02960 by nifty, on Flickr 20160728_182053 by nifty, on Flickr Calistarius, Jolemai, Panzer and 8 others 11 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brother_b Posted February 14, 2018 Share Posted February 14, 2018 Bad ass and welcome. I love those guys and the real gritty look. That screen? What? That's amazing! Brother Aether 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NiftyVT Posted February 14, 2018 Author Share Posted February 14, 2018 (edited) Now battle report time. Long and no pictures sorry. In short death company with bolters and 1 powerfist/hammer per 5 is amazing. Pair it with lemartes and its insane. I played a duo tournament this past weekend at my FLGS and my teammate and I won it all! I played my BA and he played guard. Overall plan was he would lay down the firepower and hold the backfield and I would punch things really hard and then use the BA stratagem to move my jump pack units where needed late game. Basic run down: 1000 points each, playera limited to a patrol detachment only No proxies No sharing CP's and army effects could not effect allies no matter what so no farming CP's off each other (we were only told this right before the event started so it ruined our CP shenanigans plan) We were not told missions ahead of time (I would have excluded captain smash in this particular case because warlord kill was a thing in every mission so I could have saved points because I ended up using him mostly as a buff bubble to keep him safe) Could score some objectives 2 times, 1 for each player. Things like line breaker and warlord kill. Deployment determined as written in the missions from the rule book. Winner decided by most overall victory points scored. Opponent team determined on the fly each round based on ranking so higher points played each other but no repeats. My list BA list: Captain - thunder hammer, storm shield, +1 damage warlord trait. Lemartes 15 Death company - jump packs, 2 power fist, 1 thunder hammer, bolters 6 sang guard - sword, bolter 5 close combat scouts 3 inceptors – bolters In every game I held the death company, lemartes and the sang guard in reserve. Initial thought was to hold everything back but, according to the last minute rules ‘clarifications’, we couldn’t count partner units so I had to deploy at least half on the table. Friends Guard list (as best as I can remember) Plasma Russ commander Primaris Psyker Platoon Commander with all the CP farming stuff Squad of 3 Leman Russ tanks 1 Hydra rest filled out with a bunch of basic guard squads with no upgrades Game 1 vs 2 Guard team: mission – secure and control, Deployment (we chose) was front line assault.- Ended in 13 point to zero victory. Enemy lists (best as I can remember): 2 out flanking hellhounds and a plasma squad and infantry squad, 5 basilisk, 2 leman russ’s, 1 leman russ demolisher, 1 plasma russ, commissar, master of ordnance, company commander, rest infantry Hidden Content In short we won by end of turn 3 due to tabling them. Opponents lined up all vehicles on the back edge and then screened with infantry but due to deployment zone shape didn’t have much buffer between the tanks and the infantry. My scouts were deployed 9” from their line which happened to also be about 12” from their tanks and objective with only a single line of guardsmen in between. Friendly guard surrounds our objective and hunkers down. We got first turn and my death company + lemartes dropped spread out over 2/3 of their line. Sang guard dropped on far side of their line near their objective and HQ units. Inceptors + death company (amazing with bolters by the way)+sang guard kill all of the infantry screen. Friendly tanks kill 1 russ and badly damage the demolisher. Death company 3D6 charge (rolled high) and touch every tank within 12” which is all but 2. Sang guard make their charge and so do the scouts so all but 2 of their tanks get touched. I move in such a way that I can touch another tank so now all but 1 are locked in combat. Since the tanks are on the board edge they cannot get away. Death company do their thing and blow through all the tanks, sang guard easily chew through a basilisk and the HQ characters, scouts stand proudly on the objective with their objective secured. . . then tanks blow up and all but 1 scout dies but he still does his job and stands on the button. Their outflanking units come in turn 1 and pressure us a little. 2nd turn is basically just the death company killing more tanks and their out flankers killing all our guard infantry. 3 rd turn death company reposition with the stratagem to help finish off the out flankers but my guard ally kills everything before they get a chance to help. End game 2nd game vs Khorne and Nurgle : Mission- Big guns never tire, Deployment is hammer and anvil (we chose)- Ended in 8 point to 8 point tie and was the best game of the 3 played. Enemy lists (best as I can remember) Khorne –3 large units of berserkers + Khârn, 5 man squad of bikers with flamer and power fist, 3 man squad of mutilators. Nurgle – typhus + pox walker blob, 1 other large pox walker unit, deamon prince with wings, 4 blight haulers Hidden Content Objectives are 2 deep in our deployment zone, 1 deep in their zone and 1 dead center. They set up as far forward as possible but leave behind a pox walker blob to guard the home objective. We deploy as deep as possible. They get first turn and roll really well for their advance moves. I hold back, guard kills some haulers and puts a couple wounds on the deamon prince bec they pulled him ahead relying on psychic powers and general toughness to protect him. Some kills are made to the berserker squads but not nearly enough. Turn 2 they advance again leaving behind the smallest unit of berserkers (10 man I think) to hold the center objective. Now they are right on top of us, bikers are in the middle. Things that could charge (bikes and 1 zerker squad) fail their long bomb charges. Not much shooting on their side so very little damage is done to us except they get lucky and the haulers kill all the inceptors in 1 round of shooting! Our turn 2 the sang guard drop down in front of the bikers (basically touching the guard tanks to fit), death company and lemartes drop down in the middle to go to work on the middle objective. In hind sight I should of went for their rear objective because the center was in range of typhus and friends and Khârn long bombed a charge into them too. All of which easily killed all the death company. Guard ally killed the deamon prince, guardsmen and tanks did a good job thinning down the remaining to berserker squads, scouts died charging the bikes (lucky over watch), sang guard then made their 9” charge and killed all the bikes. Typhus+pox walker blob, Khârn, haulers all get distracted by the death company sitting on the center objective. 3 rd turn we were now playing for the tie and they were playing for a total win. Enemy got first blood and we both had our own 2 objectives so we had to clear our deployment zone and get line breaker to tie. Zerkers made it into the guardsmen screen, Typhus+gang kill all the death company. 15 min warning is called so we just get this last turn. There are 18 berserkers (3 man squad and a 15 man squad I think) and 3 mutilators in our deployment zone that we need to kill in order to make the tie. All enemy units are in cover. Sang guard stratagem redeploy near the berserkers, lemartes makes a run to get us line breaker (he was a sneaky fellow all game =) ). It takes way to much firepower to kill the mutilators but my guard ally does it. Lasguns do amazing at thinning berserkers down and then 11 shots out of 1 russ main gun thins them down even more. At the end of the shooting there are 5 berserkers left and a 10 inch charge is needed for the sang guard to get in. I let the dice fall and they show an 11! The sang guard make it and just barely kill the 5 berserkers and that gives us the 8 to 8 tie! 3rd Game vs Custodes and Admech: Mission – pure kill points, Deployment (they chose) spearhead assault - Ended in 10 to 3 victory. Custodes: land raider with valoris in it, 6 or 7 man custode squad in reserve Admech – dunecrawler with laser, 2 shooty kastelans, dominous, 25ish staff electro priests set up in the teleporter using a CP, 5 man skitarii squad, 3 dragoons. Hidden Content We deployed back as far as we can and they deployed mid with the landraider front and center. We get first turn. Our turn the dunecrawler goes down to 2-3 wounds, some wounds put on the kastelans and a couple on the land raider. Enemy 1 st turn Landraider and Dragoons advance. Some shots go into the guard tanks and do mid damage, some guardsmen get killed by the robot fire. No one deep strikes anything first turn. Our 2 nd round of shooting sees 1 dragoon down and puts the land raider in its last wound bracket (still hits on 4s by the way!). It didn’t die because of some awesome 6+++ shrugs made by the custode player. On the enemy 2 nd turn they kill the plasma russ and wounds a couple other russ’s. The landraider stays put center field, Valoris gets out of the raider and secures their deployment zone with the dominus, skitarii and robots ready for the death company drop (they were trying to deny line breaker) and the dragoons move up and charge the guardsmen screen killing a few. Our 3 rd turn has some horrible shooting on our part that does little. Combined assault from captain smash and the inceptors kills the last 2 dragoons. Death company, lemartes and the sang guard drop ready to assault the dominus, robots, skitarii and Valoris. Death company kill skitarii screen with bolters, everything else is at 11-12 inches away. They 3D6 into everything with a 16” charge roll! Sang guard make it into Valoris but only 2 can make the fight due to terrain and death company mob. Death company kill 1 kastelan which explodes and hurts the dominus and Valoris, they also kill the dominus and take Valoris down to 2 wounds. Valoris then interrupts and kills all but 2 sang guard. Sang guard then swing and finish him off! Kastelan doesn’t do anything in return. Their 3 rd turn they don’t have much left. The custode squad counter deep strikes on the death company and so do the electro priests. Custodes snipe lemartes and both the priests and the custodes fail their charges. Death company finish off the last kastelan in their assault phase. Our 4 th turn the death company decided they want NOTHING to do with the custode squad and head right for the electro priests. Death company have only lost 2-3 guys so they are ready to go! Guard shooting is once again horrible and does little. Sang guard stratagem all the way across the board into our deployment zone and hide, thus preserving their kill point. I make a decent charge roll for the death company and use it to get even further away from the custode squad =) and annihilate the electro priest squad. Their 4 th turn is uneventful and the game is called due to time limit. We get 10 points and our opponent gets 2 or 3. Bad ass and welcome. I love those guys and the real gritty look. That screen? What? That's amazing! I just have a super steady hand! Kidding . . .Screen is right off the GW Blood Angel transfer sheet! Edited February 14, 2018 by NiftyVT brother_b and Pearson73 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted February 14, 2018 Share Posted February 14, 2018 Welcome to the B&C and the BA board :) That first picture would be a good addition for the Then & Now thread: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NiftyVT Posted February 16, 2018 Author Share Posted February 16, 2018 Copied over from another forum I am on. If you want the base tutorial just let me know and I can post that up too. For the armor Airbrush the following: Vallejo black primer Vallejo model air ‘burnt umber’ – keep black in the deepest recesses Vallejo model air ‘fire red’ (2-3 light coats) – at an angle keeping the burnt umber in the recesses Vallejo game air ‘bloody red’ (2-3 lights coats) – at a higher angle than the fire red Vallejo model air ‘light red’ – almost directly from the top Vallejo model color ‘orange red’ – directly from the top Vallejo model color ‘transparent red’ over all the armor Pin to fully painted base - see previous base painted marathon posts and base painting tutorial. :D Out comes the brush: Paint all black, silver, gold (used the Vallejo metal line for the silver and gold and its amazing) Highlight all black, silver, gold to taste Wash the silver and gold to taste - I did a black wash on the silver (Army Painter Dark Tone) and a brown wash on the gold (Army Painter Strong Tone) The chest cables I edged all the ridges via dry brushing with silver and then went over it with a heavy coat of the Army Painter Dark Tone that served to clean up any silver that got in the valleys of the cables. Paint eyes – I used Games Workshop ‘kabalite green’ with ‘sybarite green’ highlights - I might go back and hit the eyes with gloss but the marines are completely matte coated in the picture. Do a little edge highlighting on the black shoulder pad parts and on some of the red. I focused on the helmet, torso and the upper edges of the knee pads and used Vallejo model color ‘orange red’ on the armor. Hard to see in the picture unless you download the full size picture and zoom in. Airbrush gloss coat over everything (Pledge with Future Shine, see pictures in the base tutorial I posted previously for a shot of the Pledge I use) Apply decals (micro set + micro sol) – It took, I think, 6+ coats of micro sol (most annoying part lol) Hand brush 2 thin gloss coats over the decal once the decal is completely dry Pin wash the armor with AK Interactive ‘Streaking Grime’ in panel lines, armor studs, knee pad joints etc (basically places where the airbrushing didn’t shade) – I think I am going to get a darker brown in the future but I have the streaking grim on hand so went with it. In some spots, like the shoulder pads, I hit it twice with the 'streaking grime' because I didnt think it was dark enough after the first coat. Let the pin wash dry for 10-15 minutes and wipe off excess to taste - I used cotton swabs and my old trusty T-Shirt that I have used to wipe wash off the knight and bases. Airbrush Vallejo ‘matte varnish’ over everything once the wash was allowed to set overnight. Pendent and Ekfud 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted February 18, 2018 Share Posted February 18, 2018 Really nice paintwork and modelling; the tournament sounds like a great set of games too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firepower Posted February 18, 2018 Share Posted February 18, 2018 So pretty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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