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Death Guard vs the Tournament


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Absolutely don’t want to derail the thread at all but I thought you and the others could speak to this: why do people like the drone over the hauler? I must be missing something but the hauler doesn’t degrade, has nice weaponry, and provides buffs to our ground pounders. Seems like everyone loves the plague drones though for sure.

The hauler doesn't kill jack crap. I unloaded a unit of 3 on a waveserpent and it didn't even make a dent. Send in the drones!

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Because to make the haulers effective you need to take 3, and they can still only really deal with elite units. Once one is gone and your bs drops they're only good for disruption and support.


The drone clears chaf, ignores the plethora of -1, is faster, has fly and is way worse of a target to charge. And you don't need 3.

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Seems like some very good rolling to hit lol. Actual average with 4s rerolling 1s is 58%; 75% is the average of full rerolls

This is why I’d only run the flamers, to me the combat attack is more a token gesture than anything else



This is why I ask about the mower variant. It's never appealed to me personally, but he's used it a lot, and has enough confidence in it to play it in a competitive environment so perhaps it kicks butt in the right situation?



Double spitter drones run with my DP. 4xD6 auto hits is awesome and makes people not want to charge you.


Personally I am not keen on too many Nurgle Daemons in my army but this does sound good, and I've thought a lot about it. It does make sense to use this unit for the cost imo.



Absolutely don’t want to derail the thread at all but I thought you and the others could speak to this: why do people like the drone over the hauler? I must be missing something but the hauler doesn’t degrade, has nice weaponry, and provides buffs to our ground pounders. Seems like everyone loves the plague drones though for sure.


To me its a matter of application.


The footslogger list is often built around this unit. That's maximizing the benefit of the unit. Using 3 brings up the BS to 3, and if you have a lord, or DP near this unit, it suddenly starts to hit very decently. It moves very fast, and is not bad in CC, and is -1 to hit in CC. It blends very well with the right list.


The Foetid Bloat Drone is an autonomous killing unit that fits in any list. No need to babysit, it's very fast, and makes sense to advance, with Fly retreating from CC to do it all over again. People can't ignore it..


People will often ignore my Blighthaulers too long. The truth is they can be painful to use as shooty units, but when you get to within 24" and start hitting... it's very nice. But the Bloatdrones obviously never have this concern.





Absolutely don’t want to derail the thread at all but I thought you and the others could speak to this: why do people like the drone over the hauler? I must be missing something but the hauler doesn’t degrade, has nice weaponry, and provides buffs to our ground pounders. Seems like everyone loves the plague drones though for sure.

The hauler doesn't kill jack crap. I unloaded a unit of 3 on a waveserpent and it didn't even make a dent. Send in the drones!



I'll have you know my Haulers have killed plenty of Jack's crap! (but it's really about the multi use aspect for the infantry.)

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I like both the haulers and the drones, they each have a different role to play in my army.

The haulers are more defensive for me, I use them to protect my troops as I move about. They do have good fire power and the closer things get to them, the better they become. The drones I use offensively to attack and cause havoc. I just wish they could be run as one unit, but that would make them broken.

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I dont think I woukd enjoy playing someone who used That sort of a list (10 plague burst). I know you make lists to win tournaments but that just feels wrong some how....


@mcninja- how do you arm your PBC? Entropy cannon or flamers? Im curious as to peoples favour use (then perhaps i'll finish the sponson on mine lol)

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Cannons, I don't move them (unless I have too) and I keep a DP near them. I usually run two if I use them. I recommend magnets if you can, just in case.

The framers have a 9" range, which if someone deep strikes in, they will be out of range to over watch. So the DP is there for that plus the re-roll.

Edited by McElMcNinja
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The 10 pbc list is an extreme even by tournament standard.

But in more resonable list, they are all flammer, with deamon synergy.

Auto hit, buffable ST, can fallback and shoot with a gnawmarl close. Fill in the rest of the point with multiple DP and some cheap infantry for objective holding.

Its a great nurgle list, not really a deathguard list though.


I like the antropy cannon, but maybe not on the PBC.

It would be great on the blight hauler, if it had options.

Edited by BlackTriton
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I use the Entropy cannon on PBC's because I typically struggle with armour.  But I don't use Nurgle Daemons really, and keep it down to 2-3 PBC's and I'm continually amazed how often I flat out miss. Holding a DP back is a double edged sword... he's such a good CC unit, but he's great back field support. It does force you to split your list in a way.


The list in this thread is very aggressive which I like. My suspicion (and just a pure guess on my part) is that GW will intentionally perhaps swing the pendulum away from mass hordes/elite damage dealing with some of the new entries. Custodes do this surprisingly well, and my suspicion is Tau will as well. (They have been literally game changers upon their update in almost every edition I can remember). This would be very soon.. March 10 pre orders.


Also the PBC would be turned down as a result because in order to fight stronger units (think Primarchs again, the new Armiger Super Heavies, Custodes too) you need the type of weapons in mass we just don't see a ton of right now... it's all about flamers and and spam. With PBC lists, Primarchs, Armigers (and assuming the Knight codex around the corner), and it could potentially swing.

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I remember when I messed this up with my dark imperium box. There was an extra 32 mm base inside, and after gluing a malignant plaguecaster on his, I immediately glued the blightbringer on the extra 32 mm. It barely fits and looks just like a plaguemarine, but I was kinda annoyed later. Oh well another 40 mm base to glue some nurglings on.

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I played a game against nids, lost, but it was close. I messed up and teleported in too far away from any backup. I was banking on a charge and failed. Lost them turn 1. I did take 6 out in shooting, took a wound in his shooting phase and he died thanks to smite, and another wound. I got 1 on over watch. He attacked with the brood lord first and took out 2, well 1.5. I interrupted and 6 more, the flail killed 4 and the champion 2. He killed off my flail and my champion had 1 wound. I rolled a 6 for my morale phase and I couldn't justify spending a CP to save him.


I got my Poxwalkers from 16 to 28 thanks to some dead walk again, which the Tallyman refunded me so I didn't mind playing it again the next turn. Think ended the game with 10, but they took out a unit of hormagaunts, genestealers, and a brood lord. After the game he said I wasted CPs on both cloud of flies (for 1 PM squad) and Dead Walk Again, because it made him shoot at my Poxwalkers. Uhm, right? This was pretty much the only unit I passed DR roles for, so that worked out.


Marines did well, whittled the gaunts and killed a unit of warriors?, but they got smited to death. The 2+ armour save was nice, most of the time they were getting 4+ saves. Which helped a lot, no thanks to horrible DR rolls.


Haulers, lost one turn 2, but they took out 2 carnifex and got the hive tyrant down to 2 wounds. Ol'one eye survived but my DP and fleshmower had him down to 1 wound. My shooty drone got smited/shot up and blew up wounding my DP. The mower and DP charged his zoanthropes, took out 4, 2 a peice. The next turn they got charged by 2 carnifex, ol'one eye, and hive tyrant. My armour reflected back 2 and both survived. The next round not so good. I lost my mower and spent a CP, wounding all his and my DP (stupid DR). Lost DP to smite.


Foul Blightspawn killed a carnifex in one shooting phase, it was most glorious. I gave him Arch-contaminator, 5 S11 shots (and re-rolled 2 failed wounds), he saved 2 and took 9. He also helped my Poxwalkers the turn I got triple charged.


My casting was horrid, smite I roll double 1, spend a CP, another 1, thankfully only roll 1 wound, DR 1. But he had something that made me roll tests on 1d6 and if I failed I took mortal wounds. Stupid freaking DR!


My down fall was his hive guard (well something that didn't need LoS to shoot me) and the fact I failed 95% of my DR saves. If I had past the avg. 33%, I know I would have won. Well that and a better placement with the Blightlords.


Another good learning moment for me. I think I will do ok, but not expecting big wins.

Edited by McElMcNinja
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Those Hive Guard are nasty. Dakka Fexes are pretty horrid for me too... Dakka Flyrants, etc. But the mega Zoanthrope squads are brutal too and can cause some havok for your own tests.... I love the Blightspawn against Nids too.


I gotta try a Fleshmower. :)

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Sounds like you put in a solid effort and your list performed admirably in terms of it's goals.


Unlucky with the Terminators but what can you do?


Tyranids seems to be a survival game - you just need to hope the dice go your way while whittling them down until they realise they don't have the bodies or numbers to do anything and their buffs are gone.

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As an after thought I was thinking of my last game of DG vs. Nids and I did the same thing in a way...I kind of threw away my Termies by deep striking into hell... I paid the price. The Blightlords are a great, survivable unit but need quick support.

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Is the enemy prioritising blightlords for a turn not beneficial to the rest of the force?

I dont know that they are such an imediate threat that they warrant to be obliterated immediatly.

Or do you mean that you did not have your forces into place to take advantage of the time bought by the blightLords?

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