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The 2 is the squad designation.


Salamanders denote Company by the color combination of the left pad and chapter symbol.


1st and 2nd are white on black. And the 1st pretty much all wear Terminator armor. Thus lending even more evidence to that being a depiction of Captain Mir'San. The guys in the pic are clearly 2nd Company.

For salamanders, if you are ordering forgeworld DCCW with fists, the hands come with storm bolter and heavy flamer. The Claw hands come with plasma blastgun and graviton blaster, so keep that mind when buying the forgeworld DCCW arms.


As for ranged weapons, Multimelta/plasma cannon/kheres assault cannon are more your speed if you are being fluffy, if not the lascannon, c-beam cannon (you cant move at all if you plan on shooting this weapon) or autocannon. You can take a cyclone missile launcher for 50 points (an its cheap and gets you a head option for your contemptor), and honestly its not bad. Gives you either frag or krak missiles to do some more wounds. and if you arent sure you want the missile launcher on it, just magnetize it and you can adjust your list accordingly.


I already listed my 2 relic contemptors loadouts already. But if you are itching to burn money, you might want to consider getting a Deredeo if you want something with more shooting. going with either the plasma or autocannons are decent (the lascannons are way overcosted), and you get 2 heavy bolters (or 2 heavy flamers, but if you have to use the flamers you either didnt bubblewrap or misplayed) and can take an aiolos missile launcher.


For general purpose though Contemptors are the best costed dreads.


Leviathans arent bad, but too much points IMHO and unless you are going full dakka with it, its probably not going to make it long enough to get across the board and into close combat.

Edited by Saxxon the Dragoon

Much appreciated advice, frater.


I think I may put the leviathan on the “buy it later” list and stick to the contemptors to begin with. I’m using BattleScribe to give me a general idea of lists, and much like pure CSM, the points fill up much faster than I’d like them to. :P

I've settled on a 2000 point list to start with, and I'm super excited about it. Spoiler alert: I love contemptor dreadnoughts.


Brigade: Salamanders




Vulkan He'stan

Captain: Relic Blade, Salamander's Mantle

Chaplain: Jump pack




5x Tactical Marines: Lascannon

5x Tactical Marines: Lascannon

5x Tactical Marines: Lascannon

5x Scouts: 5x Boltguns

5x Scouts: 5x Boltguns




5x Vanguard Veterans: Jump Packs, 5x Thunder Hammer, 5x Storm Shield

Contemptor Dreadnought: Kheres Assault Cannon, Dreadnought Combat Weapon, Storm Bolter

Relic Contemptor Dreadnought: 2x Dreadnought Chainfist, 2x Storm Bolter

Redemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon,  Redemptor Fist, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm Bolter




Mortis Contemptor: 2x Lascannon

Relic Leviathan Dreadnought: 2x Grav-flux Bombard, 2x Heavy Flamer

For any other Chapter I'd say avoid multimeltas like the plague on Contemptors. Since you are doing Salamanders with He'stan in the list you might get some mileage out of them.


It also means you can save some money and get the regular GW Contemptor, but it doesn't look as good.

Be warned, if your enemy ties up that double grav leviathan in combat it becomes a paperweight.

It has such brutal damage output in shooting but it’s sad to see so many points get stuck in combat.

I think you could save some points on your vanguard vets. Do you really need to pay for a hammer on every man? Axes are pretty cheap.

  On 3/11/2018 at 10:01 PM, Kaiser Rude said:

Be warned, if your enemy ties up that double grav leviathan in combat it becomes a paperweight.

It has such brutal damage output in shooting but it’s sad to see so many points get stuck in combat.

I think you could save some points on your vanguard vets. Do you really need to pay for a hammer on every man? Axes are pretty cheap.


I'll be magnetizing stuff as much as possible (or just doing counts-as), but I wanted to get a 2000 point list together and it all added up perfectly. It's more of a cool/fun list than a "good" one, I'm sure. Still, I think it has a decent balance of shooting and melee. Or does it?

  On 3/21/2018 at 10:08 PM, Juggernut said:

How do you play those without a transport? Guarding the back field? Advancing behind tanks?

depends on the situation and how you equipped the aggressors. without transport you are going to want to go bolter bro's. screen them if you can either with a vehicle or another squad if you can so they can survive getting into firing range.


If you are going flame bro's without transport, then they are going to be expensive rear-guard, have them screen your tanks and backfield fire support and be charge bait. you dont want to try and march flame bro's across the field unless you are going up against an army that doesnt have any shooting (so daemons and tyranids and possibly orks) and at those occasions they are going to be excellent in culling horde numbers

Excellent, thank you!


So far, I've purchased Vulkan, a chaplain, 2 boxes of scouts, and 1 box of vanguard vets. Getting there! Maybe one day I'll even put 'em together and slap some paint on. :P

Goodness! I hear ya though. I'm still working on getting my things in order for my Salamanders. I have my Captain in Gravis Armour done but I need to greenstuff the cloak up to be scales and add a few other things to him before I start priming. I have a long ways to go still.

  On 3/23/2018 at 6:43 PM, Aothaine said:

Goodness! I hear ya though. I'm still working on getting my things in order for my Salamanders. I have my Captain in Gravis Armour done but I need to greenstuff the cloak up to be scales and add a few other things to him before I start priming. I have a long ways to go still.

as far as scale cloaks go, these are great.





Well, a revision of sorts:


My friend made me an offer I couldn't refuse, and he went in on half on a Salamanders army to use in 30k. The only way I'd play was with a Fury of the Ancients (the almost all-dreadnought rite of war) list, so it is going to be :cuss amazing.


That, and... I went ahead and bought the Stormraven. eBay's 15% anything coupon was just too great to resist on an already low-priced new-in-box stormraven.

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