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=][= B&Z 2018 - Blood Angels Elites Stratagem =][=


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I, toaae, rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build an Aggressors unit for a combined total of 6PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option...



Any tweaks planned? All the best with the build [:)]

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I BluejayJunior rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build one 5-man Vanguard Veteran squad with jumppacks, a furioso dreadnought, and a dreadnough for a combined total of 24 power level on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels Faction, whilst failure is not an option...

Now that is monstrous. How are you getting on with it so far? VAS loadout?

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I, Ekfud, rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build a Company Ancient, Company Champion and Sanguinary Novitiate on or before 2359 UTC March 12 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels. 




*Power level from Codex will be Ancient (4), Champion (3), Novitiate (3) = 10 PL

However, will be adding magnetised jump packs, which under index will be...

Ancient (+1), Champion (+1), Novitiate (+1) = 13PL


**Company banner had an attempt at priming earlier - this will be sitting in simple green while the bodies get assembled.

Have to say, that's quite an interesting find - three models for 13 PL :huh.:


From the bits is that the Command Squad box with SG jump packs and Sternguard legs?

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I Majkhel rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build one 5-man Assault Terminator squad and a Contemptor Dreadnought for a combined total of 19 power level on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels Faction, whilst failure is not an option...


Nice vow, all the best with it. Are you magnetising the Contemptor and what are the plans for the TDA Ancient bits?

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I Mcrat rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build 10 Death Company with Jump Packs for a combined total of 18 PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option...




Vow logged :tu:


Let me know how you get one with attaching your jump packs. Was doing some the other day and struggled - the only way they would stick is with the nub at the bottom of the oblong meaning the jump pack looks like it's riding up the Marines back... :blush:

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I paladin777, first of his name rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build one sanguinary ancient and a squad of 4 sanguinary guard for a combined total of 14 PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels Faction, whilst failure is not an option...

Vow logged :thumbsup:

Again, what set up did you chose? Any magnets?

Probably no magnets. The axe is overpriced in my opinion. I’m going to have 3 swords and 2 fists, I’m just trying to figure out Whether I want the ancient to have a sword or fist. Having run the math, the fist looses out slightly against T4 on the charge, and breaks even vs t5. In further rounds of combat and higher than t6 the fist pulls ahead and further away. If you are charging T3 with sanguinary guard then something is wrong and it’s time to unleash the death company!

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I Thoridon rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build 2x units of 3 Company Veterans for a combined total of 16 PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018.


I think I'm right here with the PL total. The base unit is 3 PL for a sergeant and veteran, then +5 for up to 3 more with no distinguishing between 1 and 3. I was going to just build a unit of 5 but as I'll be using them to act as bodyguards for our foot characters I'm thinking 2 separate squads of 3 will work well for that.


I've got these kits ready to put bits together:




Probably going to use mostly Tac Squad bodies and then plunder the other kits for weapons and extra bits. Right now I'm thinking they'll all be on foot (no jump packs, for future proofing) and a storm bolter each for efficiency - that'll be the tough bit, might have to look around other old sprues and boxes to find some! Then I figure the Sergeant of each can have a melee upgrade while the normal veterans stay with a chainsword to act as wound interceptors.

The PL on that is absolutely ridiculous and correct (well I just checked on Battlescribe...) Stormbolters and chainswords has a nice ring to it :) All the best.

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Last week was super busy. I didn't have any troops to build so I decided to paint a squad of sniper scouts that finished last night. This week I should have more free time, so it should be enough for a big vow.

I Kaese rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build Furioso dreadnought, 10x Death company marines & 5x Death company marines with jump packs for a combined total of 34PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option...



Another monster vow! So many are really going for it in this event :happy.:

All the best!

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Nice vow, all the best with it. Are you magnetising the Contemptor and what are the plans for the TDA Ancient bits?

Thanks Jolemai! Yes, the Contemptor is magnetized now (both arms and torso).

As for the termies, I have already magnetized the sergeant to be able to switch between the stormshield and the banner. I have Brother Gideon from Space Hulk to lead the squad in case I need A TDA Ancient as well.

I will magnetize also at least one brother tO switch between TH/SS and dual LC. The only problem is the lack of spare shoulder pads with Crux Terminatus. So I need to glue the pads to torsos and this requires additional tinkering with arms positioning.

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Just remembered I still have a Primaris Ancient to build which wouldn't disrupt my schedule too much. So here goes nothing!


I sfPanzer rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build 1 Primaris Ancient for a combined total of 5PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels and the Knights of Baal, whilst failure is not an option...



Knew you couldn't resist :wink: Is that a SG banner you're switching in? Does it fit easily?

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Vow (slightly rushed to free up a table...) but done.


Command elites


I went a little bit off script with parts - turns out the sternguard legs don't fit the apothecary body very well, nor do the sternguard pauldrons with rims let you get a jump pack on. Since the champion/ancient in particular should get some extra love, they include free reign from my bits box... 


Champion - BA tac legs, company champion body/shoulders, SG sword arm, BA upgrade head, BA term shield, delassio JP

Ancient - BA tac legs, upgrade body, DC head & chainsword, command banner, vanguard JP, SG banner top

Novitiate - DC legs, command body/arm/pack, DC JP, upgrade chalice

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I Arkaniss rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build one Vanguard Veteran Squad of 5 with Jump Packs for 8 PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option.


Plan is to assemble them Saturday :biggrin.: Good luck to everyone participating!

Vow logged :tu:

Are these a kitbash? Just wondering what sprues I'm seeing :blush:

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I Spyros rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build a Contemptor Dreadnought for a combined total of 8 PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option...



Nice to see you vowing again Spyros :) Opting for a straight build or magnetising it?

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I paladin777, first of his name rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build one sanguinary ancient and a squad of 4 sanguinary guard for a combined total of 14 PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels Faction, whilst failure is not an option...

Vow logged :thumbsup:

Again, what set up did you chose? Any magnets?

Probably no magnets. The axe is overpriced in my opinion. I’m going to have 3 swords and 2 fists, I’m just trying to figure out Whether I want the ancient to have a sword or fist. Having run the math, the fist looses out slightly against T4 on the charge, and breaks even vs t5. In further rounds of combat and higher than t6 the fist pulls ahead and further away. If you are charging T3 with sanguinary guard then something is wrong and it’s time to unleash the death company!

Not that it matters having built mine for the previous edition(s), my Ancient is magnetised to be a regular dude with axe or fist. I've then got six more, five of which have swords. Not given them a run out yet...

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Hey, thinking of vowing a company ancient - what loadout do people recommend? Powersword (for competitive play)


I've got one with a magnetised ranged weapon and another with a magnetised melee weapon. Would that work for you?

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Vow (slightly rushed to free up a table...) but done.




I went a little bit off script with parts - turns out the sternguard legs don't fit the apothecary body very well, nor do the sternguard pauldrons with rims let you get a jump pack on. Since the champion/ancient in particular should get some extra love, they include free reign from my bits box... 


Champion - BA tac legs, company champion body/shoulders, SG sword arm, BA upgrade head, BA term shield, delassio JP

Ancient - BA tac legs, upgrade body, DC head & chainsword, command banner, vanguard JP, SG banner top

Novitiate - DC legs, command body/arm/pack, DC JP, upgrade chalice


... and they are better than mine :sweat:


Congrats on getting that first completion for us and bonus points! Short break now the airbrush has been put away?


Updated to here


Five days to go. Meanwhile, I've got a snapped Sicaran sponson to fix :dry.:

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I, toaae, rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build an Aggressors unit for a combined total of 6PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option...



Any tweaks planned? All the best with the build [:)]




First time with the kit, so I just wanna build it out stock. I built the first one, and while I love the aesthetics, man would I hate to convert these models. They are completely set in their design, it would take a lot of work to make even small changes.

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Congrats on getting that first completion for us and bonus points! Short break now the airbrush has been put away?


Updated to here


Five days to go. Meanwhile, I've got a snapped Sicaran sponson to fix :dry.:



Thanks - I think there was at least a contemptor that has already been finished too?

Yeah - Sydney is pretty humid and I generally prime only with airbrush so will sit out couple of rounds. TBH I don't have a heap of grey plastic for the next couple of rounds anyway. I do have a drop pod, but from what everyone says they are *not* a quick build. 


I will have some brushwork on the HQ and troops sections though - hoping to get the captain and scouts done over the next week or two. 

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That's the first time I've seen those sprues too. That's a lot of LCs... what set up are you planning?

Huh... they are just the BA VV squad box. Not sure when it was updated.


2 of them will have a pair of Lightning Claws. I was asking about loadout in the BA Today thread, and I think that’s my decision now.


Need to make some good headway before the weekend, so that I can get a sternguard box done as well. That’s the grand plan ;)

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I Spyros rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build a Contemptor Dreadnought for a combined total of 8 PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option...



Nice to see you vowing again Spyros :smile.: Opting for a straight build or magnetising it?



I was considering magnets, but  i currently don't have the size i 'd like, and in addition, with a BS 3+ I don't think I 'll ever use a single shot weapon. So it's Kheres pattern assault cannon, fixed.

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Vow logged :thumbsup:

Are these a kitbash? Just wondering what sprues I'm seeing :blush.:


They're the Death Company box sprues. All my DC are the old metal models so I use these as Vanguard Veterans. I'll be kitbashing a bit though yes, as you can see I've already pinched quite a few bits for other projects!

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Let me know how you get one with attaching your jump packs. Was doing some the other day and struggled - the only way they would stick is with the nub at the bottom of the oblong meaning the jump pack looks like it's riding up the Marines back... :blush.:



I ended up cutting off the nub and sticking a 2mm x 1mm in it's place (didn't drill it, just glued it as if it was the nub).


Then on the jump pack I just glued a magnet into the bottom of the oblong bit, and on a normal back pack I found the hole for the nub wasn't quite as deep so just had to drill it out ever so slightly so it would sit flush.


It works well enough but is a little flimsy - however the shoulder pads end up helping keep it in relative place. The strength of the magnet is strong enough for me to hold the model by the back pack without it coming off, it's just that it spins on the magnet a little.

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Just remembered I still have a Primaris Ancient to build which wouldn't disrupt my schedule too much. So here goes nothing!


I sfPanzer rise to the Elites challenge of Blood & Zeal and vow to build 1 Primaris Ancient for a combined total of 5PL on or before 2359 UTC March 12th, 2018. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels and the Knights of Baal, whilst failure is not an option...



Knew you couldn't resist :wink: Is that a SG banner you're switching in? Does it fit easily?



Guilty. :P

Yeah it's the SG banner. Unfortunately it doesn't fit as easily as I thought and I don't have the time to make it fit currently so I'm just using the regular Primaris banner this time. Maybe for my next Ancient if I ever make one. ^^


So ... Vow completed!



Pretty basic with just a headswap. Blue-tac (well actually pattex :P ) on the feet because I really don't want to paint those bases after gluing a model on them and he didn't want to stand properly for the picture without it. :D

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